Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
37, 115, 45
84, 0, 100, 39
126°, 68%, 45%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6001
in RAL Design:
RAL 140 40 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 230-5
What color is PANTONE 2273? The Curious Case of PANTONE 2273
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:16

What color is PANTONE 2273?

#25732D color example: Green marble with gold glitters on it's surface and a black background
Painting of a demon with a green helmet and a sword in his hand. Color RGB 37,115,45.
PANTONE 2273 color. Green and black background with a circular design on it's side and a green center in the middle
Woman in a green suit walking through a forest with ferns and trees on the ground and a path. Example of RGB 37,115,45 color.
Green robo
PANTONE 2273 is a medium dark shade of green with the following color values:
  • RGB: 37, 115, 45

  • CMYK: 84, 0, 100, 39

  • HEX: #25732D

It is a color that can be used for various purposes, such as graphic design, fashion, home, and plastics.

This color reflects nature, vitality, and harmony.

It can be paired with other colors to create different color schemes and moods.

PANTONE 2273 is a color that inspires creativity and innovation.

This color can be found and appreciated in many aspects of life, from nature to art, from fashion to technology, from culture to communication.

It is a color that expresses and evokes different emotions, meanings, and messages, depending on the context and the perspective of the viewer.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2273 color

Picture with primary colors of Army Green, Smoky black, Pale yellow, Light brown and Eton blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 8028
RAL 9005
RAL 1013
RAL 2001
RAL 7040
RAL Design
RAL 100 30 20
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 070 90 20
RAL 060 50 60
RAL 140 80 30
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2273'

The Curious Case of PANTONE 2273

Far-far away, in the bustling world of polygraphy, where inks and colors ruled supreme, there existed a small, unremarkable print shop on the edge of a sleepy town. This print shop was manned by Karl Angelos, a shop assistant known for his meticulous attention to detail and his overzealous love for alphabet soup. Karl spent his days organizing swatches and balancing the books, dreaming of color combinations that could put Van Gogh to shame.

One bright Monday morning, a peculiar package arrived at the shop. It was marked with a grandiose seal that read, "To Whom It May Concern, A New Color Awaits." Inside was a single tube of mysterious ink, its label boldly stating "PANTONE 2273 – The Color of Unseen Dreams." Karl was intrigued. He had never heard of such a color, and his curiosity was piqued.
Large office with a green wall and a ceiling painted with a painting of a flower pattern and a chandelier. Color #25732D.

The ink was from the prestigious Polygraphy Factory, home to the enigmatic and brilliant Donatella Chanel. Donatella was a factory worker known for her experimental approaches to color creation. Rumor had it she once mixed pigments until she accidentally created a hue that could only be described as "cosmic tangerine."

Karl, being the diligent assistant he was, decided to call Donatella for some insight into this enigmatic color. On the other end of the line, Donatella’s voice was a symphony of excitement and mischief.

"Ah, PANTONE 2273!" she exclaimed. "It’s our latest creation. A color so unique, it’s like finding a unicorn in your backyard!"

Karl was taken aback. "A unicorn color?"

"Yes," Donatella said, barely containing her laughter. "We mixed all sorts of pigments, including a pinch of twilight and a dash of stardust. It was supposed to be a private joke among us at the factory, but it seems someone decided to share it with the world!"
CMYK 84,0,100,39. Room with a green wall and a green carpet and a chair and desk with a large window

As Karl prepared to test the ink, he couldn’t help but notice its odd behavior. When applied, it shimmered in hues that seemed to change with every glance - sometimes a deep magenta, sometimes a playful teal. It was as if the ink had a personality of its own, flitting between colors with whimsical abandon.

Eager to see the magic in action, Karl printed a sample and posted it on the shop’s bulletin board. The next morning, the townsfolk were abuzz with excitement. No one could quite describe the color, and it became the talk of the town. The local artist, a painter named Lydia, even suggested it might be the color of dreams themselves.

Donatella, upon hearing the commotion, decided to visit the print shop. She was curious to see how her creation was being received. When she arrived, she found Karl and the townsfolk gathered around the bulletin board, all marveling at the ink’s elusive charm.

Donatella approached Karl and grinned. "Well, it seems PANTONE 2273 has become a bit of a legend."

Karl chuckled. "It appears the color has a knack for making people see things they didn’t expect. I think it’s quite fitting - after all, isn’t that what makes art so fascinating?"

As the day drew to a close, Donatella and Karl enjoyed a cup of coffee together, reflecting on the curious case of PANTONE 2273. They agreed that while the color itself might have been a happy accident, its impact was far from accidental. It had managed to bring a touch of magic to their otherwise ordinary lives.

And so, PANTONE 2273 became more than just a color - it became a symbol of the unexpected joy that can arise from a little creativity and a lot of imagination. Karl and Donatella continued their work, each day discovering new ways to add a splash of wonder to the world, one quirky color at a time.

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