Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
132, 173, 116
54, 9, 62, 2
103°, 33%, 68%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6021
in RAL Design:
RAL 130 70 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 760-4
What color is PANTONE 2262? The Fuchsia Fiasco: How Cassandra and Betsey Changed the World with PANTONE 2262
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:12

What color is PANTONE 2262?

Green cat with a green dress and a green collar and headpiece with spikes on it's ears. Color PANTONE 2262.
Living room with a green couch and a coffee table in front of a window with a plant on it. Example of CMYK 54,9,62,2 color.
Set of stairs leading to a green room with a chandelier and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Example of RGB 132,173,116 color.
PANTONE 2262 is a bright grayish green color that has the following color values:
  • RGB 132, 173, 116

  • CMYK 54, 9, 62, 2

  • HEX #84AD74

It is a cold color with a hue value of 103°.
PANTONE 2262 can be found in the PANTONE Formula Guide, Solid Guide Set, Solid Chips, CAPSURE, and Plastic Standard Chips Collection.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2262 color

Picture with primary colors of Chocolate, MSU Green, Dollar bill, Pastel gray and Blue green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2262'

The Fuchsia Fiasco: How Cassandra and Betsey Changed the World with PANTONE 2262

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Chromapolis, there lived two very different women who were about to embark on a hilarious adventure that would change the world - or at least the world of color. Cassandra Nova, a renowned artist known for her avant-garde style and love for the bizarre, was always on the lookout for the next big thing in art. Her studio was filled with paintings that looked like they were done by a cat on a sugar rush, sculptures that seemed to defy gravity, and an alarming number of glitter-covered objects.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Betsey Clank worked at the local factory that produced all sorts of things - mostly mundane, boring things like screws, nuts, and bolts. Betsey was as practical as they came. She liked things neat, tidy, and predictable. She had never been one for color, preferring the reassuring shades of gray that dominated her factory floor. But little did she know, her life was about to be turned upside down by a color she had never imagined.
PANTONE 2262 color. Green alien standing in front of a car on a cemetery with a lightning in the background

One fateful day, a shipment arrived at the factory labeled "PANTONE 2262." No one had any idea what it was, and the label didn’t help either. "Revolutionary Color for a Brighter Tomorrow!" it proclaimed in bold letters. Betsey, ever the curious one, opened the package and was immediately blinded by a flash of what could only be described as the loudest, most obnoxious shade of fuchsia anyone had ever seen.

"Good grief!" she exclaimed, shielding her eyes. "What kind of color is this? It looks like a flamingo exploded!"

But there was no time to ponder. The factory manager had decided that PANTONE 2262 was going to be their new signature color, and they needed to start using it immediately. The problem was, none of the workers knew how to use it. After all, this was a factory of nuts and bolts, not avant-garde art.

Enter Cassandra Nova. Word had reached her about this mysterious new color, and she was intrigued. Armed with a paintbrush in one hand and a sketchbook in the other, she marched into the factory with the confidence of someone who had just discovered the secret to eternal youth.

"Who’s in charge here?" she called out.

Betsey, who was still trying to figure out how to incorporate the fuchsia paint into her daily routine, looked up in horror. "Oh no, not another artist," she muttered. But before she could run, Cassandra spotted her.

"You there! You look like someone who appreciates the finer things in life!" Cassandra exclaimed.

Betsey blinked. "Are you talking to me?"
Green robot with a yellow eyes and a helmet on it's head is surrounded by a circular metal object. Color #84AD74.

"Of course! Who else here has the aura of a color connoisseur?" Cassandra replied, twirling her paintbrush.

Betsey glanced around, half expecting to see someone else, but no, it was just her. "Look, lady, I’m just trying to figure out how to use this stuff without causing a riot."

Cassandra gasped dramatically. "A riot, you say? That’s exactly what we need! A riot of color, a revolution of fuchsia! Don’t you see? This is our chance to change the world!"

Betsey stared at Cassandra, then at the can of PANTONE 2262, and then back at Cassandra. "You’re serious, aren’t you?"

"Absolutely!" Cassandra grinned. "Now, show me where you keep the biggest, most boring machines. We’re going to make them fabulous!"

And so, the unlikely duo of Cassandra Nova, the eccentric artist, and Betsey Clank, the practical factory worker, began their mission to transform the factory into a wonderland of fuchsia. Under Cassandra’s enthusiastic direction, they painted everything - machines, walls, floors, and even the lunchroom fridge - in the blindingly bright PANTONE 2262.

At first, the factory workers were skeptical. Some complained that they needed sunglasses just to find their tools. But slowly, the color started to grow on them. They began to notice that the factory didn’t feel so dreary anymore. The workers were smiling more, laughing more, and even humming tunes while they worked.

The real turning point came when the factory’s products, now adorned in a vibrant fuchsia finish, started flying off the shelves. Customers couldn’t get enough of the color. Suddenly, fuchsia nuts and bolts were all the rage. Architects were using them in their designs, fashionistas were turning them into jewelry, and even the city’s mayor got in on the trend, declaring PANTONE 2262 the official color of Chromapolis.

As for Cassandra and Betsey, they became local legends. The artist and the factory worker who had turned the mundane into the magnificent. Cassandra went on to create an entire series of fuchsia-inspired artworks, while Betsey was promoted to head of design at the factory, where she continued to find new, quirky ways to use the color.

And so, Chromapolis was never the same again. Thanks to the accidental genius of Cassandra Nova and the reluctant enthusiasm of Betsey Clank, PANTONE 2262 had become more than just a color - it was a symbol of creativity, collaboration, and the power of a little fuchsia to brighten even the dullest of days.

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