Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
114, 179, 112
57, 0, 62, 0
118°, 37%, 70%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6021
in RAL Design:
RAL 130 70 50
in RAL Effect:
RAL 230-M
What color is PANTONE 2256? The PANTONE 2256 Odyssey: A Tale of Brushes, Pixels, and Catwalks
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:10

What color is PANTONE 2256?

Green dragon with a large mouth and a body of water in front of a mountain landscape with a full moon. Color RGB 114,179,112.
CMYK 57,0,62,0 example: Green toy dinosaur with large
The color of PANTONE 2256 is a shade of green with a slight blue tint.
It has a HEX code of #72B370, which means it is composed of 44.71% red, 70.2% green, and 43.92% blue in the RGB color model.
This color has a hue of 118°, a saturation of 37%, and a lightness of 70% in the HSL color space.
It has an approximate wavelength of 549.88 nm, which is in the visible spectrum.
PANTONE 2256 is a vibrant and fresh color that can evoke feelings of nature, growth, and harmony.
It can also be associated with health, wellness, and environmental awareness.
PANTONE 2256 can be used to create contrast or balance with other colors, such as its complement, which is #C256A6, a shade of pink.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2256 color

Picture with primary colors of Army Green, Fern, Saffron, Tropical rain forest and Pale robin egg blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2256'

The PANTONE 2256 Odyssey: A Tale of Brushes, Pixels, and Catwalks

Once upon a time in the dazzling city of Chromopolis, where every street was a rainbow and every building shimmered in gradients, there lived two extraordinary individuals. The first was Anna Rocket, a painter whose talent was so vast that some whispered her brushes were enchanted. Her works were known to leap off the canvas, each stroke imbued with life. Her artistic sanctuary was an eclectic studio filled with colors so vibrant they seemed to pulse with energy.

The second was Mustafa Phoenix, a top model whose beauty was so transcendent it defied description. Mustafa wasn’t just a face for fashion; he was the embodiment of movement, grace, and sheer charisma. His catwalk was a spellbinding journey, each step echoing with the whispers of ancient gods and modern icons alike.
Green bird with yellow wings and a potted plant in the background with a window behind it

One fateful day, Anna Rocket stumbled upon a color that would change everything - PANTONE 2256. This hue wasn’t like the others. It was a green so deep and enigmatic it felt like it held secrets of the universe within its pigments. A green that wasn’t just seen, but felt, vibrating with a curious energy that made the hairs on her arms stand on end.

Anna knew this color was destined for something spectacular, but she couldn’t quite pin down what. She spent days in her studio, experimenting with PANTONE 2256, trying to uncover its mysteries. No matter how she used it, the color seemed to have a mind of its own, refusing to conform to the ordinary strokes of her brush.

Frustrated but intrigued, Anna decided to take a break. That’s when she heard the news - Mustafa Phoenix was headlining a major fashion show, the biggest event Chromopolis had ever seen. The theme was "Eternal Motion," and the city buzzed with anticipation.

Suddenly, inspiration struck like a bolt of lightning. PANTONE 2256 wasn’t meant to be confined to canvas; it was meant to move. Anna realized she had to merge her art with motion design, something she had never attempted before. But she needed a partner, someone who could bring this vision to life on the grandest stage of all.

And so, Anna reached out to Mustafa. When she explained her idea, his eyes sparkled with curiosity. He had never heard of a painter collaborating with a model in this way, but he was game for anything that pushed the boundaries of art and fashion.
CMYK 57,0,62,0 example: Green dragon statue with its mouth open and its tongue out

The two met in Anna's studio, surrounded by canvases and digital screens. They brainstormed, sketched, and experimented with PANTONE 2256 in ways that defied logic. Mustafa’s movements were captured in real-time, translated into flowing lines and forms that seemed to dance on the screen. Anna’s brushstrokes were transformed into waves of color that followed Mustafa like a living aura.

Their creation was a new kind of art - a symphony of movement and color, where each of Mustafa’s gestures painted the air with PANTONE 2256, leaving trails of mesmerizing green that shimmered and shifted like liquid light. It was as if the color had been waiting for this moment, this union of artistry and motion.

The night of the fashion show arrived, and the atmosphere was electric. The audience was eager, not knowing what to expect but sensing that they were about to witness something extraordinary. The lights dimmed, the music began, and Mustafa Phoenix stepped onto the runway, a living canvas for Anna Rocket’s masterpiece.

As he moved, the entire catwalk became a dynamic painting, with PANTONE 2256 swirling around him in hypnotic patterns. The audience gasped as the color seemed to leap off the runway, engulfing the space in a living, breathing artwork. The lines between fashion, art, and technology blurred, creating an experience that was nothing short of magical.

By the end of the show, Chromopolis was forever changed. People spoke of the performance in hushed tones, as if they had witnessed a dream. PANTONE 2256 became the color of legends, a symbol of creativity that transcended mediums. Anna Rocket and Mustafa Phoenix were hailed as pioneers, their collaboration a testament to the power of imagination.

In the days that followed, Anna continued to explore the possibilities of motion design, while Mustafa took his performances to new, uncharted territories. But they always remembered the moment when they unlocked the true potential of PANTONE 2256 - a color that was never just a color, but a force of nature, waiting to be unleashed in the right hands.

And so, in the vibrant city of Chromopolis, the legend of PANTONE 2256 lived on, a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary creations are born from the most unlikely of partnerships.

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