Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
201, 221, 195
21, 0, 22, 0
106°, 12%, 87%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Pastel gray
in RAL Classic:
RAL 7035
in RAL Design:
RAL 120 80 05
in RAL Effect:
RAL 110-3
in NCS:
NCS S 1510-G
What color is PANTONE 2253? The Great PANTONE 2253 Adventure
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:10

What color is PANTONE 2253?

Kitchen with a window and a sink in front of a window with a city view in the background. Example of CMYK 21,0,22,0 color.
Room with a large window and a painting on the wall of it and a plant in the corner. Color #C9DDC3.
PANTONE 2253 is a bright pastel spring green color.
It has a hue value of 106°, which means it is a cold color on the color wheel.
The hexadecimal representation of PANTONE 2253 is #C9DDC3, which is composed of 78.82% red, 86.67% green, and 76.47% blue in the RGB color model.
The CMYK values of PANTONE 2253 are 21% cyan, 0% magenta, 22% yellow, and 0% black.
PANTONE 2253 is a fresh and lively color that can evoke feelings of nature, growth, and harmony.
It can be used for various purposes such as graphic design, fashion, home decor, and more.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2253 color

Picture with primary colors of Cadet grey, Dark tea green, Gainsboro, Outer Space and Gray-Tea Green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2253'

The Great PANTONE 2253 Adventure

In a quaint little town nestled between rolling hills, there lived two unlikely friends: Nexia Gold, a quirky farmer with a penchant for innovation, and Billy Frost, a daydreaming writer who saw stories in everything from a crack in the pavement to a cloud shaped like a teapot. Their bond was as strong as the bolts that held Nexia's old tractor together, and as colorful as the wildflowers that dotted Billy's imagination.

One crisp morning, Nexia was out in the fields, her mind wandering as she inspected the crops. Her farm was the pride of the town, not because of its size or yield, but because of its charm. She had a knack for making things that were both practical and playful. Her scarecrows, for instance, wore bow ties and top hats, and her chicken coops were painted in bright, cheerful colors. But lately, Nexia had been feeling like something was missing. Her farm needed a fresh twist, something that would make it stand out even more.
Painting of a living room with a view of a valley outside the window and a desk with a chair. Example of RGB 201,221,195 color.

Meanwhile, Billy was sipping on his third cup of coffee in his cozy little study. He had been wrestling with writer's block for weeks, and the blank page in front of him seemed to mock him with its emptiness. Desperate for inspiration, he decided to pay Nexia a visit, hoping that a walk around her whimsical farm might spark an idea.

As Billy strolled up to the farm, he found Nexia leaning against her tractor, deep in thought. "Morning, Nexia!" he called out, waving.

Nexia snapped out of her reverie and grinned. "Billy! Just the person I needed to see. I'm in a bit of a creative rut. I want to do something different with the farm, but I can't figure out what."

Billy's eyes lit up. "Funny you should say that. I've been stuck too, and I was hoping your farm might help me shake loose an idea."

The two friends stood there, pondering together, when suddenly Nexia's eyes widened. "I got it!" she exclaimed, rushing towards her barn. She emerged moments later, holding a small, dusty can of paint. "Billy, have you ever heard of PANTONE 2253?"

Billy shook his head, intrigued. "What's that?"

Nexia held up the can with a gleam in her eye. "It's a color! I found this old can in my grandfather's attic years ago. It's a deep, mysterious shade of green, almost like the moss that grows in the forest after it rains. I've never used it because, well, it seemed too bold. But maybe it's exactly what the farm needs!"
Digital painting of a woman with green hair and green eyes and a green jacket on a city street. Color #C9DDC3.

Billy was fascinated. "That sounds amazing! But what would you use it for?"

Nexia tapped her chin, thinking. "How about... everything?"

And so, the Great PANTONE 2253 Adventure began.

They started with the barn. Nexia and Billy painted the entire structure in the rich, earthy green. The barn transformed from a simple red building into a majestic centerpiece, glowing with an almost magical aura. Next, they moved on to the fences, the tractor, and even the scarecrows' hats. Everything got a coat of PANTONE 2253, and soon the entire farm was bathed in the vibrant, lush color.

But Nexia didn’t stop there. Inspired by their success, she began using the color in her industrial designs as well. She painted her plow, her grain silo, and even the windmill. The town had never seen anything like it. Nexia's farm became a local legend, attracting visitors from far and wide. People marveled at the sight of the green wonderland, and even Billy's writer's block melted away as he filled pages with stories inspired by the farm's transformation.

One day, as they were admiring their handiwork, Billy turned to Nexia with a grin. "You know, Nexia, I think this might just be the start of something bigger. What if we took PANTONE 2253 beyond the farm? What if we used it to create something that would make the whole world smile?"

Nexia's eyes sparkled. "Billy, I think you’re onto something. Let's do it!"

And so, the dynamic duo set out on a new mission: to spread the joy of PANTONE 2253 far and wide. From park benches to playgrounds, and even city buses, they left a trail of the enchanting green wherever they went. Soon, PANTONE 2253 became known as the "Color of Cheer," a symbol of creativity, friendship, and the belief that even the smallest splash of color could brighten the world.

As for Nexia and Billy, their adventure continued, with each new project bringing more laughter, more stories, and more PANTONE 2253 into the world. And as the sun set over the now-famous green farm, the two friends sat back, sipping lemonade and dreaming up their next big idea, knowing that with a little paint and a lot of imagination, anything was possible.

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