Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
105, 180, 141
59, 0, 53, 0
149°, 42%, 71%
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RAL 6021
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What color is PANTONE 2248? The Chromatic Revolution
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:34

What color is PANTONE 2248?

Painting of a green city with a lot of green buildings and a bright sun in the background. Color CMYK 59,0,53,0.
Group of four green vehicles driving through a desert landscape with lava and volcanos in the background. Example of PANTONE 2248 color.
Man in a green costume on a couch with a glass of wine in front of him and a lamp on the side. Color CMYK 59,0,53,0.
Painting of a forest with trees and grass on the ground and a stream running through the woods on the right. Color PANTONE 2248.
PANTONE 2248 color. Green demon with horns and glowing eyes standing in a desert area with a city in the background
Digital painting of a woman with a clock on her face and a futuristic headpiece on her face. Example of RGB 105,180,141 color.
Cartoon of a woman with green hair and a green suit in a jungle setting with plants and leaves. Color #69B48D.
Robot with green eyes and a green light on his face is standing in front of a green background. Color RGB 105,180,141.
Wolf standing on a rock in front of a full moon and a lake with trees in the background. Color RGB 105,180,141.
Painting of a tropical landscape with palm trees and water in the foreground and a green sky in the background
Book with a castle on top of it and a green flame coming out of it's pages. Color RGB 105,180,141.
Painting of a snowy landscape with a river running through it and mountains in the background. Color RGB 105,180,141.
Tunnel with a light coming from it and a walkway leading to it with a light beam coming from it. Example of #69B48D color.
Couple of women standing next to each other in front of a sunset and palm trees with a sky background. Color CMYK 59,0,53,0.
PANTONE 2248 is a color code that belongs to the Pantone Matching System™ (PMS), which is a standardized color system used by designers, printers, and manufacturers to ensure color accuracy and consistency.
PANTONE 2248 has different variations depending on the material and printing process, such as C for coated paper, U for uncoated paper, CP for process simulation on coated paper, and UP for process simulation on uncoated paper.
The color of PANTONE 2248 is a medium light shade of green with a hint of cyan.
It has a hexadecimal value of #69B48D for the C version.
In the RGB color model, it has red, green, and blue values of 41%, 70%, and 55% respectively.
In the HSL color space, it has a hue of 149°, a saturation of 42%, and a lightness of 71%.
It is a fresh and soothing color that can evoke nature, harmony, and balance.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2248 color

Picture with primary colors of Dark slate gray, Silver, Beaver, Persian plum and Ghost white
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2248'

The Chromatic Revolution

Far-far away, in the heart of the bustling metropolis of Neo-Elysium, where towering skyscrapers kissed the clouds and neon lights painted the streets, a revolution was brewing - not in the realms of technology or politics, but in the world of fashion. The unlikely heroes of this story were Doctor Alexander Takemura, a visionary scientist with a penchant for the abstract, and Engineer Eva White, whose ingenuity turned the impossible into reality.

Their collaboration began on an autumn afternoon in Alexander’s laboratory, a space filled with holographic displays and the soft hum of advanced machinery. Eva, known for her expertise in materials engineering, arrived with a glint of excitement in her eyes. She had recently encountered an intriguing new color in the PANTONE palette: 2248, a mesmerizing shade that hovered between a delicate lavender and an iridescent pink. It was described as "Celestial Blush," and its unique hue was captivating the world of high fashion.
Man with green hair and horns on his face. Example of CMYK 59,0,53,0 color.

"Alexander, this color is unlike anything we’ve ever seen," Eva began, holding up a swatch. "It shifts subtly with the light and seems to evoke different emotions depending on the angle. I believe it has the potential to redefine high fashion."

Alexander, whose mind thrived on exploring the boundaries of the imaginable, immediately saw the possibilities. "Indeed, it’s as if the color itself has a personality. We could create textiles that interact with the environment in real time. Imagine garments that change their appearance based on the mood or setting of the wearer."

As the days turned into weeks, their project took shape. Eva designed a series of smart fabrics embedded with micro-sensors and responsive dyes, while Alexander developed algorithms to control the color’s shifts based on external stimuli. The result was a collection of garments that didn’t just change color - they seemed to breathe, shimmer, and adapt.
Woman standing on a street with a green shirt and green pants with flowers on them and a green background. Color #69B48D.

Their prototype debut came during Neo-Elysium’s Fashion Week. The event was abuzz with anticipation as models walked the runway draped in the revolutionary "Celestial Blush" collection. The audience watched in awe as each garment transformed subtly from a tranquil lavender to a vibrant pink, mirroring the ambiance of the venue and the emotions of the wearer.

The climax of the show featured a breathtaking finale: a gown that, under the spotlight, appeared to be woven from liquid stardust. As the model twirled, the color shifted fluidly, creating an enchanting spectacle that left the crowd mesmerized.

Critics hailed it as a triumph of innovation, and fashionistas everywhere marveled at the magical interplay of science and art. The Celestial Blush collection became a symbol of the future of high fashion, a testament to the harmonious convergence of technology and creativity.

As the curtains fell on the fashion show, Eva and Alexander stood backstage, their hearts brimming with satisfaction. They had not only revolutionized fashion but had also demonstrated how the union of seemingly disparate disciplines could lead to something extraordinary.

In Neo-Elysium, where every corner was a canvas for innovation, the story of Doctor Alexander Takemura and Engineer Eva White became a cherished legend - a reminder that sometimes, the most incredible transformations come from the collaboration of minds daring enough to dream in color.

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