Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
0, 159, 213
92, 0, 6, 0
195°, 100%, 84%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5012
in RAL Design:
RAL 210 60 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 660-1
in NCS:
NCS S 1060-B
What color is PANTONE 2202? The Shade of Innovation: Pier Arrow and the Enigma of PANTONE 2202
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:20

What color is PANTONE 2202?

Group of snails are on the ground in the sun set, with buildings in the background. Color PANTONE 2202.
PANTONE 2202 color. Blue and gold vase with a clock on it's side and a black background
Paper cut out of a blue and yellow object with a circular hole in the middle of it
Cat with blue and pink fur and a blue background. Color RGB 0,159,213.
Woman with long hair standing in a narrow alleyway with a purse in her hand and wearing a blue shirt. Color PANTONE 2202.
Living room with blue couches and a painting on the wall above the couches and a coffee table. Example of #009FD5 color.
Woman in a futuristic suit with a red helmet and blue breast is standing in a hallway with a red light. Example of CMYK 92,0,6,0 color.
PANTONE 2202 is a color code that belongs to the Pantone Matching System™ (PMS), which is a standardized color system used by designers, printers, and manufacturers to ensure color accuracy and consistency.
It has different variations depending on the type of material and printing process, such as PANTONE 2202 C for coated paper, PANTONE 2202 U for uncoated paper, and PANTONE 2202 CP for process printing.
The color of PANTONE 2202 is a shade of cyan, which is a bluish-green color that resembles the color of water.
The hexadecimal color code for PANTONE 2202 C is #009FD5, which means it has 0% red, 62.35% green, and 83.53% blue in the RGB color model.
The hue, saturation, and lightness (HSL) values for this colour are 195°, 100%, and 84%, respectively.

PANTONE 2202 is a neon azure color, which means it is a very bright and vivid shade of blue.
It is a cool color that can evoke feelings of calmness, freshness, and creativity.
This colour can also be associated with water, sky, technology, and communication.
PANTONE 2202 can be used to create contrast and attention in design, as well as to convey a sense of energy and innovation.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2202 color

Picture with primary colors of Isabelline, Pang, Gray, Lapis lazuli and Pastel blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 9010
RAL 7015
RAL 9023
RAL 5025
RAL 7035
RAL Design
RAL 010 92 05
RAL 290 30 20
RAL 000 55 00
RAL 260 40 40
RAL 190 80 10
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2202'

The Shade of Innovation: Pier Arrow and the Enigma of PANTONE 2202

Pier Arrow, a meticulous car service worker with a passion for perfection, had never thought much about color until the day Professor Donna Lantern stepped into his garage. It was a day like any other; the air was thick with the scent of motor oil and rubber, and the faint hum of engines created a rhythm that Pier had grown to love. But this day would be different - this day would change everything.

Professor Donna Lantern was an eccentric figure, known in the academic world for her groundbreaking work in visual design and color theory. Her reputation preceded her as a visionary who could see the world in ways others couldn’t. When she walked into Pier’s garage, her sharp eyes scanning the surroundings, Pier was immediately intrigued. Her presence was as commanding as it was mysterious.
Young girl in a blue dress with a flower in her hair and a flower in her hair. Example of CMYK 92,0,6,0 color.

"I’m looking for something unique," she said, her voice carrying the authority of someone who had spent years chasing the extraordinary. "Something that will change the way people see and experience design. I hear you’re the best when it comes to precision."

Pier, though flattered, was puzzled. "I’m just a mechanic, Professor. I fix cars, not create art."

Professor Lantern smiled knowingly. "Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong. Every movement, every stroke of the wrench, every alignment - what you do is art, Pier. You just don’t realize it yet."

She pulled out a small, unassuming swatch of color from her bag. "PANTONE 2202," she announced, handing the swatch to Pier. The color was unlike anything Pier had seen - a deep, enigmatic shade of purple with an undercurrent of electric blue. It was almost hypnotic, as if it held secrets within its depths.

"This color," she continued, "is the future. I want to incorporate it into a design that will become a new trademark, something that will stand out in a world overwhelmed by mediocrity."
Futuristic vehicle is driving through a mountainous area with a mountain in the background. Color CMYK 92,0,6,0.

Pier examined the swatch closely. He could see why the Professor was so captivated by it. PANTONE 2202 was not just a color; it was an experience. It evoked a sense of mystery and innovation, a feeling that something extraordinary was just beyond the horizon.

"I’ve been working on a new concept," Professor Lantern explained, "a design for a brand that’s all about cutting-edge technology and sleek, futuristic aesthetics. But the key to its success lies in this color. I need someone who understands precision, who can bring this vision to life."

Pier was skeptical at first. After all, how could a color make such a difference? But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that the Professor was onto something. Colors had the power to evoke emotions, to create connections. And PANTONE 2202 was not just any color - it was a symbol of innovation, a hue that could redefine a brand.

Together, Pier and Professor Lantern began working on the design. They spent hours in the garage, experimenting with different applications of PANTONE 2202. They tested it on various surfaces, in different lighting conditions, and even integrated it into the design of a custom-built car.

The results were astounding. PANTONE 2202 seemed to come alive, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. The car they created became a masterpiece, a perfect blend of technology and art. It was sleek, futuristic, and undeniably captivating. The color added an element of intrigue, making the car look as if it had been pulled from the future.

Word of their creation spread quickly. The car became the face of a new trademark design, symbolizing innovation and forward-thinking. People were captivated by its unique aesthetic, and the brand quickly gained a reputation for being at the forefront of design and technology.

Pier Arrow, once just a humble mechanic, found himself thrust into the limelight. But he didn’t mind; he had discovered a new passion, a new way to express his meticulous nature. Professor Lantern had opened his eyes to the world of design, and together, they had created something truly extraordinary.

In the end, PANTONE 2202 wasn’t just a color - it was a revolution. And it all began in a small garage, with a mechanic named Pier Arrow and a visionary professor named Donna Lantern.

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