Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
5, 160, 217
82, 11, 0, 0
196°, 98%, 85%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5012
in RAL Design:
RAL 210 60 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 660-1
in NCS:
NCS S 1060-B
What color is PANTONE 2191? The Pantone Paradox
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:14

What color is PANTONE 2191?

Godzilla statue is on fire in a city setting with skyscrapers in the background and a sunset in the foreground
Blue building with a giant blue wave on top of it's roof and a yellow circle around it. Color RGB 5,160,217.
Blue robot standing in front of a building with a clock tower in the background
#05A0D9 color example: Woman in a blue dress is walking in the sand
PANTONE 2191 is a shade of cyan, which is a color that combines blue and green.

The hexadecimal color code for PANTONE 2191 is #05A0D9, which means it has 1.96% red, 62.75% green and 85.1% blue in the RGB color model.

In the HSL color space, it has a hue of 196° (degrees), 98% saturation and 85% lightness.

The approximate wavelength of this color is 481.27 nm, which is in the visible spectrum.

PANTONE 2191 is available in various Pantone products, such as guides, chips and books.

It is also part of the Extended Gamut Coated Guide, which is a collection of colors that can be achieved with a seven-color printing process.

PANTONE 2191 is a vibrant and cool color that can be used for various purposes, such as logos, posters, websites and packaging.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2191 color

Picture with primary colors of Dark jungle green, Almond, Pastel orange, Verdigris and Light sky blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 8022
RAL 1013
RAL 1017
RAL 6034
RAL 6027
RAL Design
RAL 160 20 20
RAL 080 90 10
RAL 070 80 60
RAL 210 60 30
RAL 220 80 25
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2191'

The Pantone Paradox

Far away, in the bustling metropolis of Technopolis, where neon lights flickered and skyscrapers scraped the heavens, two unlikely figures were about to revolutionize industrial design - or at least make a very colorful mess.

Nexia Ervin, an eccentric inventor known for her peculiar gadgets, had just stumbled upon the latest sensation in the world of color: Pantone 2191, a shade so vibrant it seemed to emit its own light. It was pink, but not just any pink. This pink was practically radioactive. Nexia, in her lab filled with whirring contraptions and half-baked ideas, saw it as the future of industrial design.
Blue face sculpture on top of a table next to a window with a black curtain behind it. Example of CMYK 82,11,0,0 color.

Meanwhile, Mario Gonzalez, the facility’s perpetually unflappable cleaner, had the patience of a saint and the cleaning supplies of an overprepared janitor. His mop was his sword, and he wielded it with the precision of a seasoned warrior.

One fateful day, Nexia decided to paint an entire prototype with Pantone 2191. Her latest invention, the "Quantum Quadcopter Quasar" (or QQQ for short), was a sleek, futuristic drone meant to revolutionize aerial surveillance. She was convinced that the dazzling pink would make it not just functional but unforgettable.

The paint job began in earnest. Nexia, with a grin like a mad scientist, slapped on layer after layer of Pantone 2191. The lab was soon awash in a glowing pink haze. As she applied the final coat, a triumphant gleam in her eye, Mario entered with his trusty mop and bucket, ready to clean up the mess.

"Oh, Mario! Just in time! I’m almost finished with the paint job," Nexia called out, oblivious to the pink smears that now decorated the lab floor.

Mario, who had seen many a mess in his time, raised an eyebrow. "This looks like it’s going to be a full-body cleaning job."

Undeterred, Nexia handed Mario a pair of safety goggles. "Don’t worry! Pantone 2191 is so advanced it practically cleans itself!"
Painting of a deer standing on a hill with trees in the background and a body of water in the foreground. Color RGB 5,160,217.

Mario wasn’t convinced but donned the goggles and got to work. As he mopped, the pink hue began to react with the lab’s fluorescent lighting, creating a swirling, psychedelic effect. Mario, now with his mop trailing pink streaks, felt like he was in an otherworldly dance party.

Meanwhile, Nexia, engrossed in fine-tuning her invention, was unaware of the spectacle unfolding around her. The QQQ hovered, spinning and emitting a pulsating pink glow. Nexia programmed it for its first test flight.

The QQQ took off with a burst of pink light that dazzled the entire building. Employees in neighboring offices peered out, squinting at the vibrant display. A few even tried to recreate the scene with their office supplies, resulting in a chaotic splash of colors everywhere.

As the QQQ performed loops and swirls, it inadvertently released a cloud of Pantone 2191 particles. The particles settled on everything - computers, papers, even the building’s exterior, which now resembled a giant pink marshmallow.

Mario, having finished his mopping, was about to leave when he noticed the building’s facade. With a resigned sigh, he muttered, "Looks like I’m in for another round of cleaning."

Nexia, finally noticing the mess, turned to Mario and said, "I didn’t anticipate the QQQ would cause such a colorful disruption. But at least it’s memorable!"

Mario, with a knowing smile, replied, "Memorable, indeed. I’ll be scrubbing pink out of every nook and cranny for weeks."

And so, Technopolis became known for its accidental technicolor explosion, all thanks to the vibrant Pantone 2191. Nexia’s QQQ became a citywide sensation, not just for its advanced technology, but for its dazzling display of color. As for Mario, he became a local hero, revered for his tireless efforts to bring order back to a world awash in pink.

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