Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
140, 168, 191
51, 23, 11, 0
207°, 27%, 75%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Cadet grey
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6034
in RAL Design:
RAL 230 70 15
in RAL Effect:
RAL 610-M
What color is PANTONE 2156? The Pantone Revolution
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:12

What color is PANTONE 2156?

Group of icebergs floating in the ocean with a moon in the sky above them and a few stars in the sky. Example of PANTONE 2156 color.
Two women standing next to each other in a field of flowers with one of them wearing a blue dress. Color RGB 140,168,191.
Painting of a man with pink hair and glasses on his face and a castle in the background. Color PANTONE 2156.
PANTONE 2156 is a color code that belongs to the PANTONE Color Matching System (PMS), which is a standard for identifying colors used in printing and design.

It has different variations depending on the type of material and coating it is applied to, such as C (coated), U (uncoated), XGC (extended gamut coated), and PQ (plastic chip).

The hexadecimal representation of PANTONE 2156 C is #8CA8BF, which is a light shade of blue with a hint of gray.

The RGB values of this color are 140, 168, 191, and the CMYK values are 51, 23, 11, 0.

PANTONE 2156 C is similar to the colors of the sky, the ocean, and some types of denim.

It can evoke feelings of calmness, trust, and professionalism.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2156 color

Picture with primary colors of Dark jungle green, Medium turquoise, Dark cerulean, Cool grey and AuroMetalSaurus
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2156'

The Pantone Revolution

Once upon a time in the bustling fashion capital of New York City, there lived a student named Connor Ervin. Connor was not your average fashion design student. Instead of following the latest trends, he preferred to immerse himself in obscure color theories and forgotten fabrics. His room was a colorful mess of swatches, sketches, and empty coffee cups. But there was one color that Connor was utterly obsessed with: Pantone 2156.

Pantone 2156 was a shade of crimson so vivid it practically demanded attention. It was bold, daring, and definitely not for the faint of heart. Connor had discovered it in an old color guide and immediately knew it had to be the center of his thesis collection. He envisioned a line of clothing that would set the fashion world ablaze, but the challenge was getting noticed.
Woman with blue hair and a futuristic outfit is looking at the camera with a serious look on her face. Color #8CA8BF.

Enter Betsey Stewart, the top model whose name was synonymous with high fashion. Betsey was known for her impeccable taste, fierce runway presence, and an almost mystical ability to make even the most mundane outfit look like a work of art. One day, while perusing the latest fashion blogs, Betsey stumbled upon an article about Connor's unusual choice of color. Intrigued by the audacious Pantone 2156, she decided to investigate further.

On the day of Connor’s big presentation, his nerves were as frayed as an old sweater. The room was filled with skeptical fashion critics, indifferent students, and a handful of disinterested mannequins. Connor’s collection was draped over each mannequin, the vivid Pantone 2156 making them look like they were on fire. Just as he was about to begin, Betsey Stewart waltzed in, capturing everyone's attention with her trademark elegance.

Betsey’s presence was like a splash of color in a monochrome world. As she approached Connor, she admired the collection with a mix of curiosity and genuine interest. "So, you’re the mastermind behind this Pantone revolution?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of amusement.

Connor, barely able to contain his excitement, nodded vigorously. "Yes! Pantone 2156 is the future of fashion. It’s vibrant, it’s daring, and it’s going to change everything!"

Betsey raised an eyebrow. "Change everything, huh? Let’s see if it lives up to the hype."
Painting of a city with a tall building in the background. Example of RGB 140,168,191 color.

With that, Betsey agreed to model one of Connor’s pieces for the presentation. The crowd buzzed with anticipation as Betsey emerged, wearing a striking gown in Pantone 2156. The color seemed to dance with each step she took. The effect was electrifying - suddenly, everyone in the room was captivated, their skepticism melting away like frost in the sun.

The gown shimmered under the lights, and as Betsey posed, the room erupted in applause. The critics were visibly impressed, their notes shifting from dismissive scribbles to enthusiastic praise. Connor, who was convinced he had just witnessed a miracle, could hardly believe his eyes.

Betsey approached Connor with a grin. "You were right. Pantone 2156 is like a jolt of electricity for fashion. It’s bold and unapologetic. I think you might just be onto something big."

Connor beamed with pride. "Thank you! I knew it would make an impact. I just needed someone like you to bring it to life."

The show was a resounding success. Pantone 2156 became the talk of the town, and Connor’s collection was celebrated as a groundbreaking moment in fashion history. Betsey’s endorsement turned Connor from a mere student into a rising star.

As for Betsey and Connor, they developed a close friendship over their shared love of daring fashion choices. And every time they saw Pantone 2156, they were reminded of the day a bold color and an adventurous spirit transformed a student’s dream into a fashion revolution.

And so, in the world of fashion, Pantone 2156 was forever known as the color that sparked a revolution - and the story of Connor and Betsey became a legendary tale of creativity, friendship, and the power of a single, spectacular hue.

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