Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
1, 83, 121
97, 49, 11, 38
199°, 99%, 47%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5017
in RAL Design:
RAL 240 30 35
in RAL Effect:
RAL 650-4
in NCS:
NCS S 4050-B
What color is PANTONE 2153? The PANTONE Predicament
2024-09-21 Snargl 02:14

What color is PANTONE 2153?

Long hallway with a sky view and a sky background. Color RGB 1,83,121.
Mountain with a bright light coming from it's top and a lake below it in the middle of the picture. Color CMYK 97,49,11,38.
PANTONE 2153 color example: Painting of a street at night with a building lit up with lights and a potted plant in front of it
PANTONE 2153 color. Woman in a futuristic suit on a ledge with trees in the background
PANTONE 2153 is a color code that belongs to the Pantone Matching System™ (PMS), which is a standardized color system used by designers, printers, and manufacturers to ensure color accuracy and consistency.

This colour has different variants depending on the type of material and printing process, such as PANTONE 2153 C for coated paper, PANTONE 2153 XGC for extended gamut coated paper, and PANTONE PQ-2153C for plastic chips.

PANTONE 2153 C is a dark azure color with an approximate luminance of 47 % and a hue value of 199°, indicating that it is a cold color.

It can be converted to other color models, such as RGB, CMYK, Hex, and L*a*b*.

The colour of PANTONE 2153 C can be used to create harmonious and appealing color palettes with other Pantone colors or shades.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2153 color

Picture with primary colors of Onyx, Raw Sienna, Bole, Medium electric blue and Pale blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2153'

The PANTONE Predicament

Ralph Ford, a seasoned inventor with a penchant for the peculiar, was known in the design world as the man who could create anything. His lab was a wonderland of gadgets, contraptions, and a few things that probably shouldn't exist. One day, while fiddling with a device that turned ordinary objects into colorful holograms, Ralph had an epiphany. He would create a new color - one that would revolutionize the world of fashion. And not just any color; it had to be unique, memorable, and utterly irresistible. It had to be PANTONE 2153.

The problem was, Ralph had no idea what PANTONE 2153 actually looked like. It was a theoretical color he'd concocted in his mind, a hue that defied conventional understanding. So, he did what any logical inventor would do: he sought out Mario Black, a writer known for his vivid imagination and flair for the absurd.
Woman with blue hair and a black jacket on a city street at night with neon lights in the background. Color #015379.

Mario was lounging in his cluttered apartment, surrounded by stacks of half-written manuscripts and empty coffee cups, when Ralph burst through the door.

"Mario! I need your help!" Ralph declared, waving a piece of fabric dyed with what could only be described as a questionable shade of mauve.

Mario squinted at the fabric. "Ralph, that looks like the color of old chewing gum."

"Exactly!" Ralph exclaimed, as if Mario had just uncovered the secret to eternal life. "It's awful, but it's the base! We need to create the ultimate color from this - PANTONE 2153!"

Mario was intrigued. "Alright, I'll bite. But how do you expect to find this mythical color?"

Ralph grinned and pulled out a pair of goggles that looked like they belonged in a 1960s sci-fi movie. "With these! They're Cognition Enhancers - CEs for short. They'll let us see colors beyond the visible spectrum, even colors that don't exist yet!"

Mario hesitated but then figured, why not? He had nothing better to do, and the idea of discovering a new color was too bizarre to pass up.
Woman in a blue suit with a bat on her chest and a black background. Example of #015379 color.

With the CEs strapped on, Ralph and Mario embarked on their quest. The goggles revealed a kaleidoscope of colors, each more outrageous than the last. There were colors that tasted like mint, colors that smelled like fresh rain, and even a color that played smooth jazz whenever you looked at it. But PANTONE 2153 eluded them.

Days turned into weeks as the two friends experimented. Mario suggested they try imagining scenarios that could evoke new shades - like the color of a cat's curiosity or the hue of a laugh shared between old friends. But nothing quite fit the elusive PANTONE 2153.

Then one evening, after too much coffee and not enough sleep, Ralph had a eureka moment. "Mario, we've been thinking too small! What if PANTONE 2153 isn't just a color, but a state of mind?"

Mario, who was half-asleep and completely delirious, mumbled, "A color you can wear, but also feel?"

"Exactly!" Ralph exclaimed. "We need to design an outfit that doesn't just show the color but evokes it. A garment that makes you feel like PANTONE 2153!"

The next morning, with renewed energy, Ralph and Mario set to work. They created a suit with layers of iridescent fabric that shimmered in different lights, incorporating textures that were both soft and firm, warm and cool. It was a masterpiece of contradictions, just like PANTONE 2153.

When Ralph finally unveiled the suit to the world, the fashion industry was stunned. People couldn't quite describe what they were seeing, but they all agreed it was something new, something… right. It wasn't just a color - it was an experience. And in that moment, Ralph and Mario realized that they had done the impossible: they had captured the essence of PANTONE 2153.

As the suit became a global sensation, Mario penned a novel about their adventure, titled "The PANTONE Predicament," which became a bestseller. Ralph, on the other hand, retired his goggles and started working on a machine that could design smells - because, as he reasoned, "If you can wear a color, why not a scent?"

And so, the legend of PANTONE 2153 lived on, not just as a color, but as a reminder that sometimes, the most absurd ideas can lead to the most incredible creations.

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