Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
67, 132, 191
77, 34, 0, 0
209°, 65%, 75%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Tufts Blue
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5012
in RAL Design:
RAL 260 50 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 640-2
What color is PANTONE 2143? The Great Pantone Palooza
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:24

What color is PANTONE 2143?

Man with a chain around his neck and a mountain in the background. Example of #4384BF color.
Painting of a woman with blue eyes and flowers in her hair and a blue dress with yellow and red hair. Example of #4384BF color.
Tunnel with a train going through it and a person walking on the other side of it in the distance. Color CMYK 77,34,0,0.
Woman in a blue bikini and a blue scarf is standing in a jungle with a waterfall in the background. Color RGB 67,132,191.
Man with a futuristic suit and a futuristic city in the background. Example of RGB 67,132,191 color.
Woman in a futuristic suit with blue hair and blue eyes standing in front of a cityscape. Example of PANTONE 2143 color.
Woman in a blue suit standing on a street corner with a city in the background. Example of PANTONE 2143 color.
Glass bowl on top of a table in a forest filled with trees and a light shining on it. Example of #4384BF color.
PANTONE 2143 color. Street with a light house and a full moon in the sky above it and snow on the ground
PANTONE 2143 is a shade of cyan-blue that has a hexadecimal color code of #4384BF.

In the RGB color model, it is composed of 26.27% red, 51.76% green, and 74.9% blue.

In the HSL color space, it has a hue of 209 degrees, 65% saturation, and 75% lightness.

This color has an approximate wavelength of 477.97 nm, which means it is visible to the human eye.

PANTONE 2143 is a very bright and vibrant color that can evoke feelings of energy, excitement, and creativity.

It can also be associated with water, sky, and technology.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2143 color

Picture with primary colors of Oxford Blue, Medium electric blue, Tufts Blue, Dark lavender and Lavender blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2143'

The Great Pantone Palooza

Far away, in the bustling metropolis of Colorville, a place renowned for its vibrant and imaginative design, there existed a quirky little shop named "Hue Haven." This was no ordinary store; it was the epicenter of every color imaginable, and the shop assistant, Karl Yamamoto, was the true maestro of hues. His job was to assist customers in finding the perfect color for their projects, and he had a particular fondness for the rare and eccentric shades.

One bright morning, a peculiar challenge presented itself to Karl. The shop had just received a shipment of a brand-new color from Pantone, a shade so exclusive it was simply known as Pantone 2143. It was a color that defied easy description - part cerulean, part fuchsia, and a touch of lavender. Karl was ecstatic and eager to show off this marvel, but he had no idea it would lead to such an uproarious adventure.
PANTONE 2143 color example: Blue tiger standing on a white surface with a gray background

Enter Raphael Chanel, the shop's ever-enthusiastic cleaner. Raphael took pride in keeping Hue Haven spotless, and he had an uncanny knack for turning mundane cleaning tasks into performances worthy of Broadway. His cleaning cart was a mobile stage, complete with a disco ball and a sound system that played his favorite hits as he mopped, swept, and dusted. He had one simple rule: never mix cleaning and color experimentation. But that day, Pantone 2143 was about to break that rule.

Karl, armed with a swatch of Pantone 2143, was setting up a display for a potential client. He was lost in a reverie about how this color would revolutionize interior design when Raphael, whizzing by with his mop, accidentally knocked over a can of Pantone 2143 paint. The vibrant color splashed across the floor, creating a wild abstract pattern that caught Karl's eye.

"Huh, that looks intriguing!" Karl mused, eyes widening with excitement. He immediately began envisioning rooms bathed in this eccentric hue, completely forgetting the mess on the floor. Raphael, however, was not so distracted. He dove into action, attempting to clean up the paint disaster with his usual flair.

"Oh no, Raphael! Let me help!" Karl exclaimed, rushing over with a few more rags. But Raphael, already lost in his own rhythm, was treating the paint spill like a dance battle. He twirled, dipped, and even executed a daring moonwalk, all while scrubbing the vibrant color from the tiles.
City with a lot of buildings and a lot of snow on the ground and a bright sun in the sky. Color CMYK 77,34,0,0.

"What are you doing?" Karl asked, trying to stifle his laughter.

"I’m cleaning with style!" Raphael declared, his mop moving in sync with an imaginary beat. "We’re creating a masterpiece!"

Karl watched in disbelief as Raphael, in his unique cleaning style, managed to blend Pantone 2143 into the store’s décor. The splatters formed a wild, eclectic pattern that somehow looked like a modern art installation. Karl had a sudden flash of genius: Pantone 2143 wasn’t just a color; it was a statement.

In the coming days, the store was transformed. Pantone 2143 was everywhere - in accent walls, floor tiles, and even in the cleaning cart designs. Customers flocked in, drawn by the store’s new, vibrant personality. They marveled at the quirky displays and Raphael’s lively cleaning performances, which had become a local sensation.

In the end, Pantone 2143 was not only a color but a symbol of creativity and fun. Karl and Raphael had inadvertently created a trend, showing the world that sometimes, the most unexpected messes could lead to the greatest masterpieces.

And so, in the colorful world of Colorville, the legend of the Great Pantone Palooza lived on, reminding everyone that when life spills color, it’s best to embrace the mess and dance through it.

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