PANTONE 214 is also known as
PANTONE 214 C, where C stands for
coated paper, indicating the type of material on which the color is printed.
It has the following color values in different color models:
RGB: 207, 35, 102
CMYK: 0, 100, 24, 4
HEX: #CF2366
HSL: 337, 83, 81
PANTONE 214 is often used in
fashion, graphic design, and branding to create eye-catching and memorable visuals.
Some examples of brands that use PANTONE 214 or similar colors are
Barbie, Victoria's Secret, and T-Mobile.
PANTONE 214 is also a color that can evoke various
emotions and associations, depending on the context and the viewer's perception.
This color expresses your personality and style, whether you use it in your clothing, accessories, or home decor.
PANTONE 214 can inspire you to be creative and adventurous.