Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
193, 209, 231
26, 9, 0, 0
215°, 16%, 91%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Pale aqua
in RAL Classic:
RAL 7035
in RAL Design:
RAL 270 80 15
in RAL Effect:
RAL 180-2
What color is PANTONE 2120? The Great PANTONE Prank
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:08

What color is PANTONE 2120?

Blue sports car parked in a room with potted plants and a glass door to the outside of the room. Example of PANTONE 2120 color.
PANTONE 2120 color example: Lamp on a table next to a vase with a plant in it and a painting on the wall
The PANTONE color 2120 can be described as a light and serene shade that falls within the blue spectrum.

It has a hexadecimal color code of #C1D1E7, which in a RGB color space translates to a composition of 75.69% red, 81.96% green, and 90.59% blue.

This creates a soft and airy hue that can evoke feelings of tranquility and calmness.

In terms of CMYK values, which are used in color printing, PANTONE 2120 is made up of 26% cyan, 9% magenta, 0% yellow, and 0% black.

These values indicate that the color is predominantly composed of cyan and magenta, with no yellow and a small amount of black, contributing to its cool tone.

PANTONE 2120 has a hue angle of 215 degrees, which places it within the blue-cyan range on the color wheel.

The saturation is 16% and the lightness is 83%, it is closer to white than black, which gives it a pastel color.

This color can be associated with maritime themes, often reminiscent of the sea and sky.

It's a versatile shade that can be used in design to create a sense of openness and freshness.

Whether for graphic design, fashion, or interior decorating, PANTONE 2120 offers a soothing presence that can complement a wide range of palettes and themes.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2120 color

Picture with primary colors of Burlywood, Carolina blue, Lapis lazuli, Mountbatten pink and Charcoal
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 1001
RAL 6027
RAL 5025
RAL 9007
RAL 7026
RAL Design
RAL 050 70 30
RAL 270 70 25
RAL 260 40 40
RAL 330 50 20
RAL 200 30 05
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2120'

The Great PANTONE Prank

Long time ago, far away, in the glittering realm of high fashion, where trends change faster than a catwalk model’s strut, one color was about to stir up quite the commotion. That color was PANTONE 2120, a shade so vividly outrageous it was dubbed "Electric Raspberry."

Christian Storm, a car service worker with a penchant for mischief, was a known figure in the posh city of Glamourville. His regular customers included celebrities, designers, and occasionally, very distracted professors. Enter Professor Igor Rodriguez, a renowned fashion historian with a penchant for serious scholarly pursuits and a wardrobe that hadn’t seen the light of a new trend since 1982.
Girl with blue hair and a blue dress is posing for a picture with her hand on her chin. Color #C1D1E7.

One fateful day, Christian’s usual routine was disrupted when he received an old, dusty car belonging to Professor Rodriguez. It wasn’t just any old car - it was the professor’s prized vehicle, a relic from the 1970s, complete with faux wood paneling and a foggy disco ball hanging from the rearview mirror. Christian, ever the prankster, saw this as an opportunity for some fun.

Christian had recently acquired a box of custom-made PANTONE 2120 fabric swatches from a friend who worked in fashion. Inspired by a recent trend of using bold colors for everything from furniture to dog coats, Christian concocted a plan. With a mischievous grin, he decided to replace the professor’s classic interior with vibrant Electric Raspberry fabric.

It was a work of art in itself: the seats, the dashboard, and even the tiny floormats were now bathed in the shocking shade. When Christian was done, he couldn’t wait to see the professor’s reaction.

The following morning, Professor Rodriguez arrived to pick up his car, completely unaware of the transformation. As he opened the door, his eyes widened in shock. "What in the name of haute couture?" he exclaimed, stumbling backward as if he had just been hit by a wave of neon pink.

Christian, barely containing his laughter, popped out from behind a nearby shrub. "What do you think, Professor? Ready to embrace the future of fashion?"

The professor was initially speechless, his usual academic composure lost amidst the electric chaos. "This is… unprecedented. I’m not sure whether to be appalled or impressed. It’s as if a raspberry explosion has invaded my vehicle."

But Christian had done his homework. He knew Professor Rodriguez had a lecture that day about the influence of color in fashion. In a twist of fate, he had arranged for the professor to drive the car to his lecture. As Rodriguez pulled up, the entire fashion faculty gasped. The shocking PANTONE 2120 had created a sensation, overshadowing the professor’s planned lecture.

Word spread like wildfire. The vibrant color caused such a stir that it was declared "the most audacious fashion statement of the year." Celebrities began requesting the Electric Raspberry shade for their new collections, and the professor’s car became an accidental icon of modern fashion.

Christian’s prank had done the impossible: it turned a simple car service job into a cultural phenomenon. Professor Rodriguez, although initially disgruntled, eventually embraced the unexpected publicity. He even made a point to mention the prank in his subsequent lectures, now highlighting the unpredictable nature of fashion and the power of a little mischief.

As for Christian, he continued his car service with a newfound reputation as the "Colorful Car Guru" of Glamourville. And every time he saw a flash of Electric Raspberry, he couldn’t help but chuckle, knowing he’d turned a simple prank into a splash of fashion history.

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