Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
160, 58, 99
18, 85, 17, 21
336°, 64%, 63%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Rich maroon
in RAL Classic:
RAL 4002
in RAL Design:
RAL 360 40 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 510-6
What color is PANTONE 2047? The Pantone Conundrum
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:12

What color is PANTONE 2047?

Man with a backpack on a city street at night with a street light in the background. Color #A03A63.
Room with a desk, chairs and a window in it with a view of the city outside. Color RGB 160,58,99.
Woman with a short purple haircut and a pink dress is posing for a picture in a green plant. Example of RGB 160,58,99 color.
PANTONE 2047 is a shade of pink that has a hexadecimal color code of #A03A63.

In the RGB color model, it is composed of 62.75% red, 22.75% green, and 38.82% blue.

In the CMYK color model, this color is composed of 18% cyan, 85% magenta, 17% yellow, and 21% black.

PANTONE 2047 has a hue angle of 336 degrees, a saturation of 64%, and a lightness of 63%.

You can find this color in the following Pantone products: Formula Guide, Solid Guide Set, Solid Chips, Solid Color Set, CAPSURE, and Plastic Chip.

It is used for various purposes, such as graphic design, fashion, home, and interiors.

PANTONE 2047 is a vibrant and warm color that can evoke feelings of passion, romance, and creativity.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 2047 color

Picture with primary colors of Dark jungle green, Pink pearl, Dark raspberry, Teal blue and Mulberry
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 2047'

The Pantone Conundrum

In a glittering metropolis where fashion and technology entwined like vines on a trellis, a mysterious new color had made its debut: Pantone 2047. Its arrival had been heralded with fanfare, though no one quite knew what to make of it. Rumors swirled that it was not just a color but a revolutionary concept. To demystify this hue, two of the city’s brightest stars were called upon: Sonja Nova, the eccentric inventor, and Stella Korr, the top model whose presence could set trends on fire.

Sonja Nova was known for her unconventional approaches. Her lab was a wonderland of curious contraptions, each one more baffling than the last. She wore lab goggles perpetually perched on her head and had a penchant for talking to her machines as if they were old friends. Pantone 2047 had piqued her interest because, according to the cryptic data, it had properties that defied conventional understanding.
Snowy mountain landscape with a stream of water and rocks in the foreground and the sun in the background. Color RGB 160,58,99.

Stella Korr, on the other hand, had an aura that transcended the physical. With her unparalleled sense of style and magnetic charm, she could make anything look fabulous. When the design industry buzzed about the new color, Stella was chosen to showcase it, but she had no idea what awaited her.

One brisk autumn morning, Sonja and Stella met in a nondescript warehouse converted into Sonja's lab. The walls were plastered with swatches of Pantone 2047, each glimmering with an enigmatic allure.

"Welcome, Stella!" Sonja greeted with wild enthusiasm. "Are you ready to explore the mysteries of this color?"

Stella, impeccably dressed as always, raised an eyebrow. "Mysteries? You mean it’s not just another shade?"

Sonja chuckled. "Oh, far from it! Pantone 2047 is said to have unique properties. It can transform depending on the emotions of the wearer."

Stella’s eyes widened. "Transform? How does that work?"

Sonja led her to a giant, velvet-covered contraption. With a flourish, she unveiled it: a seemingly ordinary dress in Pantone 2047.

"This dress," Sonja explained, "is equipped with mood sensors. As you wear it, it will change color based on how you feel."

Skeptical but intrigued, Stella donned the dress. At first, the color remained a vibrant, electric magenta. Sonja started playing classical music, and the dress shifted to a soft lavender. A comedy routine began playing on a nearby screen, and the dress flashed bright yellow, making Stella laugh.
Living room with a couch, chair, table and chandelier in it and a pink rug. Color PANTONE 2047.

"This is amazing!" Stella exclaimed as the dress cycled through a rainbow of hues.

Sonja’s eyes sparkled. "But that’s not all. I’ve programmed it to respond to hidden emotions, too. Let’s test it further."

Sonja activated a series of hidden sensors, and the dress suddenly turned a deep, velvety green. Stella’s curiosity was piqued.

"What’s this color?" she asked.

Sonja tapped her chin thoughtfully. "That’s supposed to be a secret! It signifies that the wearer is about to uncover something unexpected."

As Stella twirled in the dress, it gradually shifted to a brilliant shade of shimmering gold. A small compartment in the dress opened, revealing a note that read: "Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the true potential of Pantone 2047."

Stella’s eyes sparkled with excitement. "So, what’s the real secret behind this color?"

Sonja grinned mischievously. "The real secret is that Pantone 2047 is not just a color - it’s a mood enhancer. It brings out the best in people, revealing their inner brilliance."

The dress glowed even brighter as Stella’s excitement and joy became palpable. She strutted around, her confidence sky-high, as the color danced and shifted with every step she took.

As they concluded their experiment, Sonja and Stella exchanged a satisfied glance. The enigmatic Pantone 2047 had proven to be a playful and transformative force. With its secret now unveiled, they knew it would leave a lasting impression on the world of design.

And so, the tale of Pantone 2047 became a legend in its own right, known not just for its captivating hues, but for its ability to reveal the true colors of those who embraced it.

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