Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
235, 179, 188
0, 39, 10, 0
350°, 24%, 92%
Closest colors:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 3015
in RAL Design:
RAL 030 80 20
in RAL Effect:
RAL 470-1
What color is PANTONE 189? The Chromatic Revelation
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:24

What color is PANTONE 189?

Futuristic landscape with a pink tower and a river in the middle of it
Pink bedroom with a picture of a woman on the wall and a pink bed with pink sheets and pillows
Cup of soup on a pink tablecloth with a blue background
Pirate ship with a skull on its head and a skull on its back in the water near a city
Doll with a black hair and blue eyes wearing a pink dress and black stockings and black shoes
Man with a pink suit and tie in a city at night time with lights in the background
Man with dreadlocks standing in front of a pink wall with a plant behind him
Pink diamond in a circular display case on a table top with a purple background and a blue light
Two cartoon girls standing next to each other on a beach with a blue sky in the background and a beach with waves
PANTONE 189 has the following color specifications:
  • Hexadecimal: #EBB3BC

  • RGB: 235, 179, 188

  • CMYK: 0, 39, 10, 0

  • HSL: 350, 24, 92

PANTONE 189 is a warm and cheerful color that can evoke feelings of love, romance, and femininity.

It can also be associated with sweetness, softness, and delicacy.

PANTONE 189 can be used to create a flattering and playful look for clothing, accessories, makeup, and nail polish.

It can also be paired with other colors such as white, gray, black, or navy for contrast and balance.

PANTONE 189 can be used to create a friendly and inviting impression for logos, flyers, posters, websites, and packaging.

It can also be combined with other colors such as green, blue, purple, or yellow for variety and harmony.

In interior design and decor, PANTONE 189 can be used to add a touch of warmth and coziness to any room.

PANTONE 189 is a versatile and attractive color that can suit many different purposes and preferences.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 189 color

Picture with primary colors of Mauvelous, Mauve taupe, Rifle green, Teal blue and Beau blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 1040-R10B
NCS S 4020-R10B
NCS S 7005-G50Y
NCS S 4030-B10G
NCS S 1020-B
RAL Classic
RAL 3015
RAL 4001
RAL 6014
RAL 5007
RAL 9018
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 189'

The Chromatic Revelation

Long time ago, far away, in the heart of New York’s fashion district, there was a boutique named "Palette of Dreams." It was renowned not only for its exclusive designs but also for its expert color consultancy. Adam Jet, the shop assistant with an almost mystical understanding of colors, was the boutique’s secret weapon.

One crisp autumn morning, as golden leaves rustled outside, Stella Frost, the top model celebrated for her impeccable taste, stepped into the boutique. She was preparing for a high-profile fashion show and had heard whispers about a new color that was causing waves in the fashion world. This color was Pantone 189, a delicate, ethereal shade of pink.
Girl with pink hair and a black jacket on a city street at night with neon lights

Stella’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Adam, I’ve heard this color is revolutionary. What’s so special about Pantone 189?"

Adam, with his impeccable sense of style and color, smiled. "Pantone 189 is more than just a hue. It embodies a unique blend of warmth and calmness. It’s like a whisper of dawn that evokes both nostalgia and serenity."

Intrigued, Stella followed Adam to a display showcasing various garments in Pantone 189. The color ranged from soft pastel pinks to more vibrant, almost neon variations. Adam pulled out a garment and began explaining the cognitive impact of the color.

"Pantone 189," he began, "was chosen because it stimulates feelings of tranquility and optimism. In the world of fashion, where every color tells a story, this one tells of subtle elegance and quiet confidence."

As he spoke, Adam showcased a dress in the color, its fabric shimmering under the boutique’s lights. Stella was captivated by how the color seemed to change in different lights, reflecting a spectrum of emotions from gentle serenity to passionate exuberance.
Woman with pink hair and a pink coat smiling at the camera with a carousel in the background

"The magic of Pantone 189," Adam continued, "lies in its ability to blend effortlessly into various fashion contexts. It complements a wide range of other colors, making it incredibly versatile. It’s like a chameleon - always adapting, always stunning."

Stella nodded, understanding the depth of Adam’s explanation. She tried on the dress, and as she looked in the mirror, the color seemed to transform her presence. It wasn’t just a dress; it was a reflection of her own spirit - a delicate balance between strength and grace.

"The essence of Pantone 189," Adam concluded, "is its ability to evoke a response that’s both emotional and intellectual. It’s a color that communicates not just through its appearance, but through the feelings it inspires."

Stella felt a new sense of confidence. She realized that the true power of Pantone 189 wasn’t just in its visual appeal but in its capacity to evoke and influence emotions. The color had indeed achieved a profound cognitive impact, transcending mere aesthetics.

As Stella prepared for her show, she wore the dress in Pantone 189 with a newfound understanding of its significance. The color became her ally, enhancing her presence on the runway and resonating with the audience on an emotional level.

In the end, Adam Jet’s insightful guidance had unlocked the deeper meaning of Pantone 189, revealing that in fashion, as in life, it’s not just about what we see, but about how we feel and connect with the world around us.

And so, the color Pantone 189 was more than just a trend - it was a revelation, a testament to the transformative power of color in the realm of fashion.

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