Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
140, 78, 32
10, 72, 100, 46
26°, 77%, 55%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Saddle brown
in RAL Classic:
RAL 8004
in RAL Design:
RAL 050 40 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 330-2
What color is PANTONE 1615? The Marvelous Mystery of PANTONE 1615
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:16

What color is PANTONE 1615?

Car is shown in a large room with windows and a floor that has a shiny surface. Color PANTONE 1615.
Demonic demon on a rock with a full moon in the background. Color CMYK 10,72,100,46.
PANTONE 1615 color example: Toy truck with big wheels on a desert surface with mountains in the background
Bird is standing on a ledge outside a window with a pink frame and a brown and white stripe. Example of PANTONE 1615 color.
PANTONE 1615 color example: Statue of a demon with horns and a bowl of food in front of a body of water with rocks and cliffs
PANTONE 1615 has a hexadecimal color code of #8C4E20, which means it is composed of 54.9% red, 30.59% green, and 12.55% blue in the RGB color model.
It can be described as a medium dark shade of orange.
It is a warm and earthy color that can evoke feelings of comfort, coziness, and autumn.

Some possible uses of PANTONE 1615 are:
  • In fashion, it can be used as an accent color to create contrast with lighter or darker shades, or as a main color to create a bold and stylish look.

  • In interior design, it can be used as a wall color to create a warm and inviting atmosphere, or as a furniture or accessory color to add some spice and personality to a room.

  • In graphic design, it can be used as a background color to create a rich and elegant impression, or as a text or logo color to attract attention and convey a strong and confident message.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 1615 color

Picture with primary colors of Smoky black, Saddle brown, Light pastel purple, Beaver and Blond
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 1615'

The Marvelous Mystery of PANTONE 1615

Long time ago, far away, in the heart of a lively town named Colorville, where hues danced in the sunlight and shades whispered secrets to the wind, lived a farmer named Nexia Westwood. Nexia was known for her vibrant garden, which bloomed in every shade imaginable - except for one. You see, Nexia had always been curious about a peculiar color called PANTONE 1615, a vivid and enthusiastic shade of orange that seemed to have magical properties.

One sunny morning, as Nexia was watering her sunflowers, she received a letter. It was from Jacob Stewart, a whimsical writer who had just moved into town. Jacob was famous for his colorful stories and imaginative tales. The letter was an invitation to collaborate on a new project that Jacob believed would change Colorville forever.
Piece of cake with red icing on a plate with a bowl of candy on the side of it. Example of CMYK 10,72,100,46 color.

Nexia, intrigued by the prospect of combining her love for gardening with Jacob's storytelling, accepted the invitation and went to meet him at his cozy, book-filled cottage. Jacob greeted her with a grin as wide as a crescent moon. "Welcome, Nexia! I’m thrilled you’re here. I have a grand plan involving PANTONE 1615!"

Jacob explained that he had discovered that PANTONE 1615 was not just any orange but a color with the ability to brighten moods and inspire creativity. "Imagine," Jacob said, his eyes twinkling, "if we use this color to create a new world in our stories and gardens!"

Nexia’s eyes sparkled with excitement. "How about we turn this color into something tangible and fun? Maybe a festival or a garden where every flower, fruit, and vegetable is in PANTONE 1615?"

Jacob thought for a moment and then clapped his hands. "Brilliant! We’ll create a Festival of PANTONE 1615! We’ll invite everyone in Colorville to dress in this amazing shade, and we’ll decorate the entire town!"
PANTONE 1615 color example: Robot standing in a room with a window and a table in front of it with a plate of food on it

The very next day, Colorville buzzed with excitement. The townsfolk painted their houses, their pets, and even their shoes in PANTONE 1615. Nexia transformed her garden into a sea of orange, with marigolds, pumpkins, and even carrots all glowing in the bright hue.

Jacob, meanwhile, wrote enchanting stories about the magical effects of the color. He crafted tales of PANTONE 1615 turning mundane objects into fantastical creations. For example, in one story, a dull, gray rock became a shimmering treasure chest once touched by the color. The tales spread joy throughout Colorville, as people began to believe in the magic of PANTONE 1615.

The day of the festival arrived, and Colorville was a sight to behold. The town square was filled with laughter, dancing, and an array of orange delights. There were orange cupcakes with sprinkles, orange lemonade, and even an orange balloon parade that floated high into the sky.

As the sun set, painting the horizon with hues of orange, Nexia and Jacob stood together, admiring the vibrant town. "We did it!" Jacob said, beaming. "PANTONE 1615 has brought Colorville to life!"

Nexia nodded, her eyes twinkling with contentment. "And it’s shown us that a splash of color can indeed change the world. Who knew an orange could be so magical?"

And so, the Festival of PANTONE 1615 became an annual tradition in Colorville, celebrating the joy and creativity that a single, splendid shade of orange could inspire. Nexia and Jacob continued their playful partnership, always on the lookout for the next magical color to bring to life. And as the years went by, Colorville remained a testament to the power of imagination and the sheer fun of PANTONE 1615.

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