Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
249, 228, 157
0, 3, 43, 0
46°, 37%, 98%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Lemon Cream
in RAL Classic:
RAL 1014
in RAL Design:
RAL 085 90 30
in RAL Effect:
RAL 140-2
What color is PANTONE 1205? The Pantone Predicament
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:16

What color is PANTONE 1205?

Plate with two glasses of drinks and lemon slices on it with a strawberries and raspberry garnish. Example of RGB 249,228,157 color.
PANTONE 1205 color. Large room with a chandelier and a window in it's center area with a blue ceiling
Painting of a man and a woman standing in a field of wheat at sunset. Color #F9E49D.
Man standing in front of a building with lanterns hanging above it and a body of water in front of him. Example of PANTONE 1205 color.
Woman with blonde hair and sunglasses standing in front of a street at night with cars parked on the side of the road
PANTONE 1205 has different variations depending on the type of material or printing process, such as coated, uncoated, or plastic.

In the hexadecimal color code system, PANTONE 1205 has the value #F9E49D.

This value corresponds to different percentages of red, green, and blue in the RGB color model, #F9E49D is composed of 97.65% red, 89.41% green, and 61.57% blue.

PANTONE 1205 has a hue of 46° (degrees), 37% saturation, and 98% lightness.

It is a light shade of yellow that can be described as pastel, warm, or creamy.

This color can be used for various purposes, such as branding, packaging, or interior design.

PANTONE 1205 can also be paired with other colors to create different effects or moods.

For example, PANTONE 1205 can complement #8DA5F8, which is a light shade of blue.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 1205 color

Picture with primary colors of MSU Green, Flavescent, Bazaar, Sky blue and Flame
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 1205'

The Pantone Predicament

Far-far away, in the bustling metropolis of Coloropolis, where everything was painted in hues of the most imaginative shades, there existed a quirky little shop called "Chroma Charmers." This shop specialized in the most outlandish designs, catering to those who believed their lives should be as vivid as their wardrobes. The heart of this shop was Adam Jet, a shop assistant with an uncanny talent for matching colors to customers' whims.

One sunny Tuesday, Adam was rearranging a display of neon green socks when the bell above the door jingled. In walked Mario Abloh, a delivery worker known for his flamboyant mustache and penchant for oversized sunglasses. Mario was carrying a package wrapped in garish polka-dot paper that could only be described as a visual assault.
PANTONE 1205 color. Young man with a tie and vest on a gray background

"Morning, Adam!" Mario greeted with a flourish, tipping his hat and doing a little twirl.

"Morning, Mario!" Adam replied, adjusting his neon pink apron. "What's the package today? More of that psychedelic paint you love?"

Mario grinned. "Even better! It's a new trademark design request. The client wants a logo that’s the most unforgettable. They specified using Pantone 1205."

Adam’s eyes widened. "Pantone 1205? You mean the most electrifying shade of yellow ever created? That one’s practically a beacon!"

"Yep, that’s the one. I’m on my way to the design firm to drop it off. But first, I wanted to show you the concept sketches we got."

Adam glanced at the package and noticed the logo sketches inside. They were a riot of zany ideas: a superhero banana, a jet-skiing cat, and even a disco-dancing avocado. Each design was outlined in the vibrant Pantone 1205.

"Wow, these are absolutely… dazzling," Adam said, trying to contain his laughter. "They really went all out with this one."
PANTONE 1205 color. Vase with some plants in it on a table near a window with a plate and a vase on it

"You bet they did," Mario chuckled. "The client wanted something that would turn heads - maybe even make people forget their own names!"

The two of them giggled over the outlandish designs, their laughter echoing through the shop. Adam then had a lightbulb moment. "Hey, Mario, what if we help them out? I mean, they clearly need some advice from someone who knows how to use Pantone 1205 creatively."

Mario’s eyes lit up. "That’s a brilliant idea! What do you have in mind?"

Adam thought for a moment, then his face broke into a grin. "Let’s have a design contest! We’ll invite customers to create their own wild designs using Pantone 1205. The winner gets their design featured on our new product line!"

Mario clapped his hands excitedly. "That’s genius! And I can deliver the entries personally. Let’s make this an event to remember!"

In no time, Chroma Charmers was buzzing with activity. The announcement of the design contest drew a crowd of eager artists, all thrilled to use Pantone 1205. There were some truly outrageous submissions: a zebra in disco attire, a breakdancing pineapple, and even a T-Rex wearing a tutu.

The winner, however, was a local artist named Cindy, whose design featured a fantastical creature she called a "Pantone Puddle Monster." It was a whimsical blend of bright yellow with googly eyes and a smile that seemed to radiate happiness.

When the design was unveiled, it was met with uproarious applause. The Pantone Puddle Monster became the talk of Coloropolis, and Chroma Charmers’ new product line flew off the shelves.

As for Adam and Mario, they became local legends. Their impromptu contest not only showcased the brilliance of Pantone 1205 but also proved that sometimes, a little ridiculousness was exactly what was needed to brighten up the world.

And so, in the vivid world of Coloropolis, the Pantone Predicament was remembered as the day when a little bit of absurdity turned into a rainbow of success.

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