Home Colors PANTONE


HEX Triplet:
248, 219, 70
0, 6, 87, 0
50°, 72%, 97%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 1018
in RAL Design:
RAL 080 80 70
in RAL Effect:
RAL 270-2
in NCS:
NCS S 1050-G90Y
What color is PANTONE 115? The Great Pantone Capers: Amir and Stella’s Colorful Crusade
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:16

What color is PANTONE 115?

Yellow liquid in a bowl with a black background
Man in a robe is standing in a circle of light in a dark room with a clock on the wall
Woman with a yellow dress and a flower in her hair is standing in a field of yellow flowers
Bowl and a teapot on a table in front of a window with a shadow of a wall
Living room with a couch and a painting on the wall and a chair in the corner of the room
PANTONE 115 is a bright yellow color that belongs to the PANTONE Solid Coated and Uncoated collections.

It has a HEX code of #F8DB46 and an RGB value of 248, 21, 70.

PANTONE 115 is often used to create a cheerful and sunny mood in design.

It is a universal language of color for designers, brands, and manufacturers.

PANTONE 115 can be expressed in different color models, such as CMYK and HSL, which describe the color in terms of its components or attributes.

For example, in the CMYK color model, PANTONE 115 has a cyan value of 0%, a magenta value of 6%, a yellow value of 87%, and a black value of 0%.

In the HSL color model, PANTONE 115 has a hue value of 50 degrees, a saturation value of 72%, and a lightness value of 97%.

PANTONE 115 is a warm and vibrant color that can evoke positive emotions and associations, such as happiness, optimism, energy, and creativity.

It can also attract attention and stimulate the senses.

PANTONE 115 is a versatile and expressive color that can be used in various fields and contexts, such as graphic design, fashion, home, and lifestyle.

This color can be applied to logos, packaging, posters, websites, and other visual elements to create a strong and memorable identity.

It can also be used to decorate clothing, accessories, furniture, and other products to add a touch of brightness and joy.

PANTONE 115 is a color that can inspire and delight people with its radiant and lively quality.

Example of the palette with the PANTONE 115 color

Picture with primary colors of Coffee, Dark lava, Indian yellow, Onyx and Drab
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'PANTONE 115'

The Great Pantone Capers: Amir and Stella’s Colorful Crusade

Long time ago, far away, in the quaint town of Hueville, where every home looked like a bland box of crayons, a revolution was brewing. The catalyst? A single shade of yellow: PANTONE 115. Little did anyone know, this cheerful color would become the epicenter of an unforgettable saga involving Amir Ford, a car service worker with a knack for offbeat ideas, and Stella Buffalo, a writer with an insatiable thirst for the unusual.

It all began on a rainy Tuesday when Amir was knee-deep in oil stains and carburetors. He had just finished repairing a car, and while he wiped his hands with a rag, he glanced at the car’s interior. The upholstery, a dreary shade of gray, had seen better days. Amir, who had an unusual obsession with colors, sighed wistfully. "If only this car could sport PANTONE 115," he muttered. It wasn’t just any yellow. It was a vibrant, sunny yellow that seemed to have the magical ability to lift spirits.
Close up of a bunch of oranges on a table with a black background and a green stem

Amir’s dreams of a yellow overhaul were dashed when his phone buzzed with a message from Stella Buffalo. Stella was in search of a "refreshingly zany story" for her next article. Her last few pieces had been about the typical - boring - stuff. Amir, ever the opportunist, saw an opening.

"Hey Stella! I’ve got a crazy idea for you. Ever heard of PANTONE 115?" Amir texted back.

Stella’s curiosity was piqued. She’d never heard of PANTONE 115 but was willing to bite. "Meet me at The Colorful Cafe. We’ll talk details."

At the cafe, Amir and Stella sat in a booth that was painted an uninspired beige. "So, what’s the big deal about this color?" Stella asked, sipping her coffee.

Amir’s eyes twinkled. "Imagine this: What if we painted the whole town in PANTONE 115? I bet it’d make headlines. Everyone’s houses, the streets, even the town hall! We’d bring some zest to this drab place."

Stella’s eyes widened. "You’re talking about a full-on color revolution!"
Woman with a yellow head piece and a yellow necklace on her neck

"Exactly!" Amir grinned. "And think about the impact - everyone would feel like they’re living in a perpetual summer."

Intrigued and amused, Stella agreed to document Amir’s ambitious plan. They started with a local landmark: the town square. The residents watched in bewildered amazement as a brigade of volunteers armed with cans of PANTONE 115 splashed the once-gray square with vibrant yellow.

The transformation was nothing short of miraculous. The town square, once dreary and drab, now sparkled like a golden sunbeam. People began to take notice. The town’s mood lifted, and conversations shifted from mundane small talk to enthusiastic discussions about color psychology.

Amir and Stella’s color revolution didn’t stop there. They painted everything in sight - bus stops, benches, and even mailboxes. Soon, the entire town was drenched in PANTONE 115, and the once-muted streets became a riot of cheerful yellow.

The local newspaper, which Stella had been working with, published a front-page story titled "The Yellow Utopia: How PANTONE 115 Turned Hueville into a Sunshine Paradise." The article detailed the transformation and its surprisingly positive effects on the townspeople’s mood and productivity.

Amir and Stella became local celebrities, hailed as visionaries who had managed to turn a town’s dreary existence into a living, breathing work of art. Even the mayor, initially skeptical, admitted that the town had never been so lively.

In the end, the experiment proved that even the smallest splash of color could make a world of difference. As for Amir and Stella, they continued their colorful escapades, proving that sometimes, the most revolutionary ideas come from the most unexpected places.

And so, in the annals of Hueville, Amir Ford and Stella Buffalo were forever remembered as the pioneers of the great Pantone capers - a tale of yellow triumph and the joy of a color that brightened more than just walls.

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