NCS S 6030-Y40R
What color is NCS S 6030-Y40R?
Hue: The hue of NCS S 6030-Y40R is Y40R, which means it is a yellowish-red color.
The hue code consists of two letters and two digits.
The first letter indicates the basic hue (Y for yellow, R for red, B for blue, and G for green), and the second letter indicates the complementary hue.
The digits indicate the percentage of the basic hue and the complementary hue in the color.
For example, Y40R means 40% yellow and 60% red.Blackness: The blackness of NCS S 6030-Y40R is 60, which means it is a dark color.
The blackness code consists of one letter (S for saturation) and two digits.
The digits indicate the percentage of blackness in the color.
For example, S 60 means 60% black.Chromaticness: The chromaticness of NCS S 6030-Y40R is 30, which means it is a moderately saturated color.
The chromaticness code consists of one letter (S for saturation) and two digits.
The digits indicate the percentage of chromaticness in the color.
For example, S 30 means 30% chroma.Nuance: The nuance of NCS S 6030-Y40R is Y40R, which means it is a yellowish-red color.
It can be visualized as a brownish-orange color.
This color can be used for painting walls, furniture, or textiles.
NCS S 6030-Y40R can also be combined with other colors to create different color schemes.
For example, it can be paired with light gray, white, or beige for a warm and cozy atmosphere.
Example of the palette with the NCS S 6030-Y40R color
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
The Rise of NCS S 6030-Y40R: A Tale of Color and Charisma
One day, while mixing pigments, Adam stumbled upon a vibrant, fiery red. It was bold, it was daring, it was... NCS S 6030-Y40R. Adam knew he had found something extraordinary. He decided to showcase this color in his next masterpiece, a portrait of the city's most famous top model, Igor Sweetheart.
Igor Sweetheart was not just any model; he was a sensation. With his chiseled features and impeccable style, Igor had graced the covers of every major fashion magazine. But Igor was tired of the same old looks. He craved something new, something revolutionary.
When Adam approached Igor with his idea, Igor was intrigued. "NCS S 6030-Y40R, you say? Sounds like a code for a secret agent," Igor joked, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Adam laughed. "It's a secret agent of change, my friend. This color will redefine fashion and art."
The two set to work. Adam painted with fervor, his brushstrokes capturing Igor's essence in the vibrant red. Igor, in turn, brought his charisma and flair to the project, posing with a confidence that made the color come alive.
As the portrait neared completion, word spread about the collaboration. The art and fashion communities buzzed with anticipation. On the day of the unveiling, the gallery was packed with critics, designers, and fans.
The curtain dropped, revealing Igor's portrait in all its NCS S 6030-Y40R glory. The room fell silent, then erupted in applause. The color was mesmerizing, a perfect blend of passion and elegance. It was unlike anything anyone had seen before.
Fashion designers immediately began incorporating NCS S 6030-Y40R into their collections. It appeared on runways, in advertisements, and even on the walls of trendy cafes. The color became a symbol of boldness and innovation.
Adam and Igor's collaboration was hailed as a masterpiece. They were invited to speak at conferences, featured in documentaries, and even received a key to the city. But for them, the true victory was seeing their vision come to life and inspire others.
One evening, as they sat in a café, basking in their success, Igor raised his glass. "To NCS S 6030-Y40R, the color that changed everything."
Adam clinked his glass with a smile. "And to the power of creativity and friendship."
And so, the legend of NCS S 6030-Y40R was born, a testament to the magic that happens when art and fashion collide, and when two visionaries dare to dream big.