Home Colors NCS
NCS S 6010-R90B

NCS S 6010-R90B

HEX Triplet:
71, 85, 93
30, 5, 0, 70
202°, 24%, 36%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Davy grey
in RAL Classic:
RAL 7015
in RAL Design:
RAL 280 30 10
in RAL Effect:
RAL 790-1
What color is NCS S 6010-R90B? The Blue Revolution: Gianni and Igor's Colorful Adventure
2024-08-30 Snargl 01:12

What color is NCS S 6010-R90B?

Rock with gold foiling on it and some rocks around it on a black surface. Example of NCS S 6010-R90B color.
NCS S 6010-R90B color. Painting of a fountain in a gothic setting with lanterns on either side of it
Woman with a futuristic look and a futuristic helmet on her head. Example of NCS S 6010-R90B color.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 6010-R90B color

Picture with primary colors of Seal brown, Wenge, Ash grey, French lilac and Dark tan
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 6010-R90B'

The Blue Revolution: Gianni and Igor's Colorful Adventure

Far-far away, in the bustling city of Technopolis, where innovation was the heartbeat of daily life, lived an eccentric inventor named Gianni Ervin. Gianni was known for his wild ideas and even wilder hair, which seemed to defy gravity just as much as his inventions defied logic. His latest obsession was a color - NCS S 6010-R90B, a deep, mesmerizing blue that he believed could revolutionize industrial design.

One sunny morning, Gianni received a crucial delivery. Igor Goowanni, the ever-cheerful delivery worker, arrived at Gianni's lab with a large, mysterious package. Igor was a man of few words but many smiles, and he always enjoyed delivering to Gianni because it meant he might witness something extraordinary.
River running through a town with a lot of houses on it at night time. Color RGB 71,85,93.

"Morning, Gianni! Got something special for you today," Igor said, handing over the package.

Gianni's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Ah, Igor! Just the man I needed. This, my friend, is the key to my latest invention - the Blue Revolution!"

Igor raised an eyebrow. "Blue Revolution? Sounds intriguing. What's in the box?"

Gianni tore open the package to reveal several cans of paint, all in the same deep blue hue - NCS S 6010-R90B. "This color, Igor, is going to change everything. Imagine factories, machines, and even vehicles painted in this shade. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about functionality and psychology."

Igor chuckled. "You always have the craziest ideas, Gianni. But I have to admit, that blue is quite captivating."

Gianni wasted no time. He began applying the paint to various prototypes around his lab. There were robotic arms, conveyor belts, and even a small drone. As the paint dried, something magical seemed to happen. The machines looked not only more modern but also more efficient.

"See, Igor? This color has a calming effect, reducing stress and increasing productivity. Workers will be happier, and machines will run smoother," Gianni explained, his hands covered in blue paint.

Igor nodded, impressed. "I can see that. But how do you plan to convince the big industries to adopt this color?"
Cup with a grey and orange rim on a table with a gray background. Example of #47555D color.

Gianni grinned. "That's where you come in, my friend. We're going to take a little trip to the Technopolis Industrial Expo. With your help, we'll showcase the power of NCS S 6010-R90B to the world."

The next day, Gianni and Igor loaded up a truck with their newly painted prototypes and headed to the expo. The event was a grand affair, with inventors and industry leaders from all over the world showcasing their latest innovations. Gianni's booth, however, stood out like a beacon of blue amidst a sea of gray and metallic hues.

As visitors approached, they were immediately drawn to the vibrant blue machines. Gianni passionately explained the benefits of the color, while Igor demonstrated the prototypes in action. The response was overwhelmingly positive. People marveled at the sleek design and the apparent efficiency of the machines.

One particularly influential industry leader, Ms. Elena Voss, took a keen interest. "This color is fascinating, Gianni. I've never seen anything like it. How did you come up with this idea?"

Gianni beamed. "It's all about thinking outside the box, Ms. Voss. Colors can influence our emotions and behaviors. By using NCS S 6010-R90B, we can create a more harmonious and productive industrial environment."

Ms. Voss nodded thoughtfully. "I believe you might be onto something. Let's discuss a potential collaboration."

As the expo came to a close, Gianni and Igor were exhausted but elated. They had not only showcased their invention but also secured several promising partnerships. The Blue Revolution was officially underway.

Back at the lab, Gianni and Igor celebrated their success with a toast. "To the power of color and the start of a new era in industrial design!" Gianni declared.

Igor raised his glass. "And to the crazy ideas that make the world a more colorful place!"

And so, the deep blue hue of NCS S 6010-R90B began to spread across Technopolis, transforming factories, machines, and even the lives of the people who worked with them. Thanks to the inventive mind of Gianni Ervin and the unwavering support of Igor Goowanni, the Blue Revolution had truly begun.

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