Home Colors NCS
NCS S 6005-Y80R

NCS S 6005-Y80R

HEX Triplet:
100, 89, 82
0, 17, 20, 68
23°, 18%, 39%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 7010
in RAL Design:
RAL 070 40 10
in RAL Effect:
RAL 840-M
What color is NCS S 6005-Y80R? The Rise of NCS S 6005-Y80R: A Tale of Colorful Destiny
2024-08-30 Snargl 02:10

What color is NCS S 6005-Y80R?

Blue car parked under a bridge in the desert with a sky background. Example of RGB 100,89,82 color.
NCS S 6005-Y80R color. Robot standing in a body of water in front of a city with smoke pouring out of it's stacks
NCS S 6005-Y80R means that this color has a blackness of 60%, a chromaticness of 5%, and a hue of yellow-red with an 80% red component.
In other words, this color is a dark, muted, and slightly reddish brown.
It has a CMYK code of C 0 M 17 Y 20 K 68, which means it is composed of 0% cyan, 17% magenta, 20% yellow, and 68% black.
It has a RGB code of R 100 G 89 B 82, which means it has 100 units of red, 89 units of green, and 82 units of blue out of 255 possible units.
NCS S 6005-Y80R has a HEX code of #645952.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 6005-Y80R color

Picture with primary colors of Fern green, Pistachio, Bistre, Moss green and Android Green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 5020-G10Y
NCS S 2030-G30Y
NCS S 8005-Y20R
NCS S 0540-G10Y
NCS S 0575-G40Y
RAL Classic
RAL 6025
RAL 7034
RAL 3007
RAL 6019
RAL 1012
RAL Design
RAL 130 50 40
RAL 120 70 40
RAL 080 20 10
RAL 140 80 20
RAL 100 70 60
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 6005-Y80R'

The Rise of NCS S 6005-Y80R: A Tale of Colorful Destiny

Far-far away, in the bustling city of Chromaville, where every building was a canvas and every street a palette, lived a young and ambitious student named Gianni Ford. Gianni was a polygraphy enthusiast, always on the lookout for the next big thing in the world of colors. His room was a chaotic symphony of swatches, samples, and sketches, but one color had always eluded him: the elusive NCS S 6005-Y80R.

One day, while rummaging through the dusty archives of the Chromaville Library, Gianni stumbled upon an old, tattered book titled "The Chronicles of Color." Intrigued, he opened it to find a chapter dedicated to the legendary NCS S 6005-Y80R. The book claimed that this color had the power to transform any printed material into a masterpiece, but it had mysteriously vanished from the world of polygraphy.
NCS S 6005-Y80R color. Room with a desk and a chair in it with a large window and a view of the ocean

Determined to uncover the secrets of NCS S 6005-Y80R, Gianni sought out the only person who could help him: the reclusive writer Leonardo Lantern. Leonardo was known for his eccentricity and his deep knowledge of all things chromatic. His house, perched on the edge of Chromaville, was a kaleidoscope of colors, each room painted in a different hue.

Gianni knocked on Leonardo's door, and after a few moments, the door creaked open. Leonardo, with his wild hair and paint-splattered clothes, peered out. "What brings you to my colorful abode, young one?" he asked.

"I need your help to find NCS S 6005-Y80R," Gianni replied, holding up the old book.

Leonardo's eyes widened. "Ah, the legendary color! Many have sought it, but none have succeeded. Why do you seek it?"

Gianni explained his passion for polygraphy and his dream of revolutionizing the field with the perfect color. Leonardo listened intently, then nodded. "Very well. I will help you, but be warned, the journey will be filled with challenges."
Room with a lot of windows and a table with a lamp on it and a chair in the middle. Example of CMYK 0,17,20,68 color.

And so, the unlikely duo set off on their quest. Their first stop was the Enchanted Forest of Hues, where the trees shimmered in every shade imaginable. They met the Colorful Chameleon, a creature that could blend into any background. "To find NCS S 6005-Y80R, you must first understand the essence of color," the chameleon advised. "Close your eyes and feel the colors around you."

Gianni and Leonardo closed their eyes, and suddenly, they were enveloped in a whirlwind of colors. They felt the warmth of reds, the calm of blues, and the energy of yellows. When they opened their eyes, they found themselves in front of a hidden cave, its entrance glowing with a soft, reddish hue.

Inside the cave, they encountered the Guardian of the Palette, an ancient artist who had dedicated his life to preserving the world's most precious colors. "To prove your worth, you must create a masterpiece using only the colors you find here," the Guardian declared.

Gianni and Leonardo set to work, combining their skills and creativity. They painted a mural that depicted the vibrant life of Chromaville, each stroke filled with passion and precision. When they finished, the Guardian smiled. "You have proven yourselves worthy. The secret of NCS S 6005-Y80R lies within you."

With a wave of his hand, the Guardian revealed a hidden chamber filled with vials of the legendary color. Gianni and Leonardo each took a vial, their hearts pounding with excitement. They returned to Chromaville, where Gianni used the color to create stunning prints that captivated the entire city.

NCS S 6005-Y80R became the new standard in polygraphy, and Gianni's work was celebrated far and wide. As for Leonardo, he continued to write, his stories now infused with the magic of the legendary color. Together, they had unlocked the true power of NCS S 6005-Y80R, proving that with passion, creativity, and a little bit of humor, anything was possible.

And so, the legend of NCS S 6005-Y80R lived on, a testament to the colorful journey of Gianni Ford and Leonardo Lantern.

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