Home Colors NCS
NCS S 5020-B

NCS S 5020-B

HEX Triplet:
70, 103, 116
45, 0, 0, 60
197°, 40%, 45%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 7031
in RAL Design:
RAL 230 40 15
in RAL Effect:
RAL 620-4
What color is NCS S 5020-B? The Color Revolution: Zahir Ford and the Ascension of NCS S 5020-B
2024-08-30 Snargl 02:14

What color is NCS S 5020-B?

Woman in a futuristic suit standing in front of a wall of tires with a light shining on her. Color #466774.
Cartoon character with blue hair and blue eyes in a forest with trees and grass. Color NCS S 5020-B.
House with a full moon in the background. Example of NCS S 5020-B color.
Painting of a skeleton with a skeleton face and a skeleton body in front of a gothic church window. Example of RGB 70,103,116 color.
NCS S 5020-B belongs to the S 5000 - S 5540 category, which means it is a dark and saturated color with a blackness of 50%.

The letter B indicates that the hue of the color is blue, and the number 20 means that the color has a chromaticness of 20%, which is the degree of departure from the nearest achromatic color.

NCS S 5020-B is a dark grayish blue color with a slight hint of green.

In RGB code, it is equivalent to #466774, and in CMYK code, it is equivalent to 45, 0, 0, 60.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 5020-B color

Picture with primary colors of Russet, Onyx, Feldgrau, Glitter and Verdigris
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 5020-B'

The Color Revolution: Zahir Ford and the Ascension of NCS S 5020-B

Far-far away, in the bustling metropolis of Chromaville, where color trends dictated the fate of interior design, a revolution was brewing. Little did anyone know, the unlikely heroes of this colorful tale would be a car service worker named Zahir Ford and a quirky professor named Stella Goowanni.

Zahir Ford was not your average car service worker. His talent lay not in changing oil or fixing engines but in the uncanny ability to blend car colors that would make a rainbow weep with envy. He had a secret knack for predicting color trends that could turn even the dullest vehicle into a masterpiece.
Spiral design in a circular window in a building with a sky blue ceiling and a circular window with a white. Example of #466774 color.

One day, as Zahir was polishing the latest sports car, Professor Stella Goowanni stumbled into his garage. Stella was renowned for her eccentricity and her obsession with color theory. Her latest research had been focused on a mysterious color code known as NCS S 5020-B. To the untrained eye, it was just a shade of green, but to Stella, it held the key to the future of interior design.

"Zahir!" Stella exclaimed, bursting into the garage with a flurry of papers and a look of wild excitement. "I’ve found it! The color that will change everything!"

Zahir raised an eyebrow. "Is it something I can paint on a car?"

Stella nodded vigorously. "Absolutely! It’s NCS S 5020-B - an elusive shade of green that’s been hiding in plain sight. It’s the future of interior design, and I need your help to prove it."

Zahir squinted at the color sample Stella handed him. "It looks like the color of my aunt’s old curtains."

"Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong!" Stella replied, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "NCS S 5020-B is more than just a color; it’s a phenomenon. It’s perfect for calming spaces, enhancing creativity, and - get this - making people feel like they’re in a lush forest without the risk of encountering a bear!"
Man in a purple suit holding a gun in a swampy area with buildings. Example of #466774 color.

Intrigued by the challenge and the chance to elevate his color expertise beyond car detailing, Zahir agreed to help Stella. They set up a makeshift laboratory in Zahir’s garage, where they began experimenting with how NCS S 5020-B could transform spaces.

Their first test was Stella’s cluttered study, which was in desperate need of rejuvenation. As Zahir meticulously painted the walls with NCS S 5020-B, Stella marveled at the color’s subtlety and depth. The transformation was immediate. The room went from a chaotic mess to a serene sanctuary, and Stella felt an inexplicable calm wash over her.

Encouraged by their success, Zahir and Stella decided to take their findings public. They organized an open house event, inviting Chromaville’s most prominent interior designers and skeptics alike. When the doors opened, everyone was greeted by the soothing embrace of NCS S 5020-B.

At first, whispers of skepticism filled the room. But as guests walked through the space, their attitudes shifted. One by one, they experienced the tranquil effects of the color. Some even confessed to feeling inspired, productive, and strangely optimistic about their upcoming projects.

The turning point came when a famous interior designer named Gwendolyn Hartwell entered the room. Known for her flamboyant and often overpowering color choices, Gwendolyn was initially dismissive. However, as she spent more time in the NCS S 5020-B environment, her skepticism melted away.

"This color," Gwendolyn finally said, "it’s... it’s revolutionary. It’s like a breath of fresh air! I can’t believe I was so blind to its potential."

With Gwendolyn’s endorsement, NCS S 5020-B began to gain traction in the design community. Zahir and Stella’s color revolution was officially underway. Designers around Chromaville started incorporating the serene green into their projects, from chic urban lofts to cozy country cottages.

Zahir Ford became a local celebrity, not for his car detailing skills, but for his role in championing a color that had transformed the world of interior design. Meanwhile, Professor Stella Goowanni continued her research, eager to uncover more hidden gems in the world of colors.

And so, the unlikely duo of Zahir and Stella showed the world that sometimes, the greatest innovations come from the most unexpected places - and that even a car service worker and a quirky professor could spark a color revolution that would leave a lasting impact on design for years to come.

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