Home Colors NCS
NCS S 5005-G20Y

NCS S 5005-G20Y

HEX Triplet:
104, 113, 95
17, 0, 30, 60
90°, 16%, 44%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Dim gray
in RAL Classic:
RAL 7039
in RAL Design:
RAL 060 40 05
in RAL Effect:
RAL 850-5
What color is NCS S 5005-G20Y? The Great NCS S 5005-G20Y Escapade
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:08

What color is NCS S 5005-G20Y?

Woman with long hair and green shirt and jacket posing for a picture with her arms crossed and her hands folded
NCS S 5005-G20Y color example: Group of trees that are standing in the grass with snow on them and a sky background
NCS S 5005-G20Y is a shade of green with a slight yellowish tint.

It has a low saturation and a medium lightness.

The code S 5005-G20Y means that the color has 50% blackness, 5% cromaticness, 80% greenness and 20% yellowness.

In other color models, NCS S 5005-G20Y can be represented as:
  • RGB: 104, 113, 95

  • HEX:#68715F

  • CMYK: 17, 0, 30, 60

  • HSL: 90, 16, 44

NCS S 5005-G20Y is a subtle and natural color that can be used for interior design, painting or graphic design.

It can create a calm and harmonious atmosphere when combined with other colors from the same hue range or with neutral colors.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 5005-G20Y color

Picture with primary colors of MSU Green, Onyx, Dark jungle green, Bistre and Medium jungle green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 5005-G20Y'

The Great NCS S 5005-G20Y Escapade

Long time ago, in the bustling city of Chromaville, Alexander Ford was a name that rang with the clang of innovation. Known for his daring business ventures, Alexander had recently become obsessed with a new color code, the NCS S 5005-G20Y, which was a shade so unique it promised to revolutionize the world of coloring.

The vibrant, peculiar hue was a mesmerizing mix of green and yellow - often described as "Sunshine on a Leaf." With this new color, Alexander envisioned transforming mundane office spaces into vibrant environments that would boost productivity and morale. But there was one tiny problem: he had no idea how to use it effectively. Enter Stella Lantern, a factory worker with a reputation for her extraordinary color mixing skills.
Woman with a snake wrapped around her body in a forest with trees in the background. Example of NCS S 5005-G20Y color.

Stella worked at the Chromaville Paint Factory, where her talent was as legendary as her no-nonsense attitude. Her secret? She had a knack for making colors sing in ways that even the most sophisticated algorithms couldn’t predict. When Alexander approached her with the challenge, he was met with a skeptical glance and an arched eyebrow.

"Mr. Ford, do you have any idea how hard it is to work with a color like this? It’s like trying to make a soufflé out of marshmallows," Stella said, her tone a mix of amusement and irritation.

Alexander, ever the optimist, was undeterred. "Stella, my dear, I have faith in your skills. This color is going to change the world. Just imagine: offices filled with the brilliance of NCS S 5005-G20Y! We’ll have people working with smiles so bright they’ll need shades indoors!"

Stella sighed but agreed to help, if only to see if this color could live up to Alexander’s lofty promises. The two set to work in the factory’s lab, where Stella took charge of the color mixing while Alexander hovered like an overenthusiastic chef, eager to offer unsolicited advice.

The process was chaotic. Alexander, in his excitement, kept suggesting that Stella add "a splash of excitement" or "a dash of enthusiasm" - which Stella firmly believed were not actual ingredients. Their conversations often turned into comedic duels.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Stella asked, eyeing a peculiar shade of greenish-yellow that looked like something out of a science fiction novel.

"Absolutely," Alexander replied with the confidence of a man who had just invented the wheel. "Think of it as the color equivalent of a rock concert. People will love it!"

After numerous trials and errors, including one minor explosion involving a blender and a miscalculation of enthusiasm, they finally perfected the color. It was indeed a shade of green with a touch of sunshine - a color that seemed to shimmer with potential.

The big reveal came when they painted the walls of a local office with the new color. Employees walked in, blinked in astonishment, and then... erupted into laughter. The color, it seemed, had an uncanny ability to make people smile. It was as if the walls themselves were cheering up everyone in the room.

Soon, Chromaville’s offices, schools, and even the local gym were splashed with NCS S 5005-G20Y. Productivity soared, and so did the mood of the city. Alexander was hailed as a visionary, while Stella became a local hero.

At a celebratory gathering, Alexander raised his glass. "To Stella, for making the impossible possible, and to NCS S 5005-G20Y, for turning our city into a brighter place!"

Stella, with a rare smile, replied, "And to Mr. Ford, for making me think a splash of enthusiasm could actually work."

As the city of Chromaville basked in the glow of its new color, Alexander and Stella knew that their unlikely partnership had not only changed the way the world saw color but had also added a bit of humor and heart to their professional lives.

And so, the great NCS S 5005-G20Y escapade became a tale told with laughter and pride - a testament to the power of a brilliant idea and the unlikely heroes who brought it to life.

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