Home Colors NCS
NCS S 4040-Y40R

NCS S 4040-Y40R

HEX Triplet:
148, 75, 31
0, 60, 80, 40
23°, 79%, 58%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Saddle brown
in RAL Classic:
RAL 2013
in RAL Design:
RAL 050 40 50
in RAL Effect:
RAL 330-2
What color is NCS S 4040-Y40R? The Enigma of NCS S 4040-Y40R: A Chromatic Odyssey
2024-08-30 Snargl 02:12

What color is NCS S 4040-Y40R?

Path leading through a forest with sun shining through the trees and bushes on either side of the path. Example of NCS S 4040-Y40R color.
Man with a smile on his face and a chain around his neck and a yellow jacket on his shoulders. Color RGB 148,75,31.
Star shaped object with many spikes on it's side in a gold frame with a black background. Color RGB 148,75,31.
NCS S 4040-Y40R belongs to the red hue category, which means it has some degree of redness in it.

The code consists of four parts: S, 40, 40, and Y40R.
  • The first part, S, stands for standardized color, which means it is one of the 1950 fixed colors in the NCS color atlas.

  • The second part, 40, indicates the blackness of the color, which is how much black is mixed with the hue.
    The blackness ranges from 0 to 100, where 0 is the purest hue and 100 is black.
    NCS S 4040-Y40R has a blackness of 40, which means it is a fairly dark color.

  • The third part, 40, represents the chromaticness of the color, which is how intense or saturated the hue is.
    The chromaticness ranges from 0 to 100, where 0 is gray and 100 is the most vivid hue.
    NCS S 4040-Y40R has a chromaticness of 40, which means it is a moderately saturated color.

  • The fourth part, Y40R, specifies the nuance of the color, which is the proportion of two adjacent hues in the color circle.
    The nuance is expressed as a percentage of the second hue after the letter.

For example, Y40R stands for 40% red and 60% yellow.

NCS S 4040-Y40R has a nuance of Y40R, which means it is a warm reddish-brown color.

To summarize, NCS S 4040-Y40R is a standardized, dark, moderately saturated, warm reddish-brown color in the NCS color system.

It can be visualized as a HEX code of #944B1F or an RGB code of 148, 75, 31.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 4040-Y40R color

Picture with primary colors of Dark brown, Cadet blue, Lemon Cream, Blizzard Blue and Dark slate gray
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 4040-Y40R'

The Enigma of NCS S 4040-Y40R: A Chromatic Odyssey

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Chromatopolis, there lived a curious student named Duncan Nova. Duncan was not your average student; he had an insatiable thirst for knowledge, especially when it came to colors. His room was filled with color swatches, paint samples, and books on color theory. But there was one color that eluded him: NCS S 4040-Y40R.

One day, while browsing through the local library, Duncan stumbled upon an old, dusty book titled "The Essence of Colors." Intrigued, he opened it and found a chapter dedicated to the mysterious NCS S 4040-Y40R. The chapter was written by a renowned writer named Igor Goowanni, who was known for his eccentric and imaginative tales.
Painting of a bridge over a river at night with a moon in the sky above it. Example of RGB 148,75,31 color.

Determined to uncover the secrets of this enigmatic color, Duncan decided to seek out Igor Goowanni. After some research, he discovered that Igor lived in a quaint cottage on the outskirts of Chromatopolis. With a backpack full of notebooks and a heart full of questions, Duncan set off on his journey.

Upon reaching Igor's cottage, Duncan was greeted by a peculiar sight. The cottage was painted in a myriad of colors, each more vibrant than the last. Igor himself was a tall, lanky man with a wild mane of hair and a twinkle in his eye. He welcomed Duncan with open arms and invited him inside.

"Ah, Duncan Nova! I've been expecting you," Igor said with a grin. "You've come to learn about NCS S 4040-Y40R, haven't you?"

Duncan nodded eagerly. "Yes, Mr. Goowanni. I've read your chapter on the color, but I still don't understand its essence. Can you help me?"

Igor chuckled and motioned for Duncan to sit down. "My dear boy, NCS S 4040-Y40R is not just a color; it's an experience. To truly understand it, you must embark on a journey of cognition."

With that, Igor handed Duncan a pair of peculiar glasses. "These are Chromatic Cognition Glasses. They will help you see the world in a new light. Put them on, and let's begin our adventure."

As soon as Duncan put on the glasses, the world around him transformed. Colors became more vivid, and he could see hues and shades he had never noticed before. Igor led him to a room filled with canvases, each painted with different colors.
NCS S 4040-Y40R color example: Stylized image of a cat in a futuristic setting with a sunset in the background

"To understand NCS S 4040-Y40R, you must first understand its components," Igor explained. "It is a blend of yellow and red, with a touch of gray. But it's more than just a mix of pigments. It's a balance of emotions, a harmony of sensations."

Igor handed Duncan a brush and a palette. "Paint what you feel when you think of warmth and passion."

Duncan hesitated at first, but then he began to paint. He mixed yellow and red, creating a vibrant orange. As he painted, he felt a surge of warmth and energy. Igor watched with a knowing smile.

"Now, add a touch of gray," Igor instructed.

Duncan dipped his brush into the gray and added it to the orange. The color transformed into a muted, yet rich hue. It was NCS S 4040-Y40R.

"Do you see?" Igor asked. "NCS S 4040-Y40R is not just a color; it's a feeling. It's the warmth of a sunset, the passion of a flame, and the calm of twilight. It's a balance of emotions, a harmony of sensations."

Duncan stared at the canvas, mesmerized. He finally understood. NCS S 4040-Y40R was more than just a color; it was an experience, a journey of cognition.

Igor patted Duncan on the back. "You've done well, my boy. Now, go forth and use your newfound knowledge to create something beautiful."

With a heart full of inspiration, Duncan returned to Chromatopolis. He used NCS S 4040-Y40R in his designs, creating a new trademark that captured the essence of warmth, passion, and calm. His designs became renowned, and he credited his success to the lessons he learned from Igor Goowanni.

And so, the enigma of NCS S 4040-Y40R was unraveled, not through scientific analysis, but through a journey of cognition and creativity. Duncan Nova and Igor Goowanni became legends in Chromatopolis, their story a testament to the power of colors and the magic of imagination.

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