Home Colors NCS
NCS S 4040-B90G

NCS S 4040-B90G

HEX Triplet:
0, 118, 79
83, 0, 70, 38
160°, 100%, 46%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Bottle green
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6029
in RAL Design:
RAL 160 40 45
in RAL Effect:
RAL 220-3
What color is NCS S 4040-B90G? The Marvelous Ascension of NCS S 4040-B90G
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:10

What color is NCS S 4040-B90G?

Two men in winter clothes standing in front of a building with a snow covered roof and a sky background. Example of CMYK 83,0,70,38 color.
Young man in a green jacket and jeans posing for a picture with his hands in his pockets and his hands in his pockets
The code consists of four parts: S stands for the second edition of the NCS standard, 40 indicates the blackness of the color, 40 indicates the chromaticness of the color, and B90G indicates the hue of the color.
The hue B90G means that the color is a mixture of blue and green, with 90% blue and 10% green.
The color NCS S 4040-B90G is a dark teal or turquoise color, similar to the color of some tropical waters.
It can be used for architectural or design purposes, as it is available in different finishes and materials.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 4040-B90G color

Picture with primary colors of Cal Poly Pomona green, Dark spring green, UFO Green, Celadon and Pastel green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 6020-G
NCS S 4040-G
NCS S 1070-G10Y
NCS S 1030-G
NCS S 0565-G10Y
RAL Classic
RAL 6035
RAL 6029
RAL 6033
RAL 6019
RAL 6021
RAL Design
RAL 160 20 15
RAL 160 40 35
RAL 140 70 60
RAL 140 80 20
RAL 140 70 40
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 4040-B90G'

The Marvelous Ascension of NCS S 4040-B90G

Long time ago, in the whimsical town of Chromaville, colors weren’t just pigments; they were personalities. Each hue had its own quirk and charisma, living harmoniously - or not - in the grand palette of life. The most recent buzz in town was the dazzling NCS S 4040-B90G, a deep and dramatic shade of blue that had just been invented. Its arrival was as anticipated as a long-awaited comet, and its reputation was about to be shaped by two unlikely heroes: Christian Steel, an eccentric artist known for his avant-garde style, and Monica Clank, a meticulous factory worker with a penchant for precision.

Christian Steel was a painter with a flair for the dramatic. His studio was a chaotic symphony of colors, canvases, and half-finished masterpieces. He reveled in creating bold, unconventional art that was as likely to make you laugh as it was to make you ponder the meaning of life. When he first heard of NCS S 4040-B90G, he was intrigued. "A new blue! How thrilling!" he declared, twirling his paintbrush like a wand. "This shade will be the muse of my next masterpiece!"
NCS S 4040-B90G color. Green vase with flowers in it on a table in a room with green walls and a chandelier

Meanwhile, Monica Clank worked at the ColorFactory, the hub of color creation in Chromaville. She was the meticulous type, ensuring each hue was perfected to the finest detail. When the new NCS S 4040-B90G came off the assembly line, Monica was its guardian. "This blue," she said with a satisfied nod, "is the pinnacle of our pigment precision. It will revolutionize the art world!"

As fate would have it, Christian and Monica’s paths crossed when Christian decided to procure a special batch of NCS S 4040-B90G for his latest project. He barged into the ColorFactory with the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store. "Monica, my dear, I need this blue for my grand masterpiece!"

Monica, balancing a palette of colors with the precision of a surgeon, looked up and raised an eyebrow. "I see you’re quite passionate. But this color isn’t just any blue. It’s a complex mix of pigments with a very specific formula. We have to handle it with care."

Christian’s eyes twinkled with mischief. "Care, you say? Well, I’m all for a bit of chaos. Surely, a bit of disorder won’t hurt."
Young boy in a green costume is walking down the street with a car behind him and a city street with palm trees

Monica frowned. "It’s not disorder I’m worried about. It’s the balance. If this blue isn’t handled correctly, it could end up… well, let’s just say, it might not be quite as blue anymore."

Undeterred, Christian took his precious blue and went to work. He splashed it, swirled it, and even did a dramatic interpretive dance while applying it to his canvas. The result was an abstract creation that defied all conventional notions of art. When Monica saw it, she gasped.

"Christian, this isn’t quite what I had in mind!" she exclaimed. "You’ve turned NCS S 4040-B90G into a psychedelic swirl of chaos!"

Christian, with a mischievous grin, replied, "Ah, but that’s the beauty of it! Sometimes, the unexpected is where the magic happens."

Despite their differences, Monica couldn’t deny the energy Christian had infused into his work. In the end, NCS S 4040-B90G became a sensation, not just for its precise hue but for the way it inspired creativity. It was soon known not only for its perfection but for its capacity to break boundaries and stir imagination.

And so, the town of Chromaville celebrated the ascension of NCS S 4040-B90G, embracing both its precision and its playful spirit. Christian and Monica learned that while precision and chaos might seem at odds, together they created something truly remarkable. And as they raised a toast with a splash of NCS S 4040-B90G in their glasses, they knew that their unconventional collaboration had made history in the colorful world of art.

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