Home Colors NCS
NCS S 4030-Y50R

NCS S 4030-Y50R

HEX Triplet:
158, 86, 56
0, 58, 65, 35
18°, 65%, 62%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Pale carmine
in RAL Classic:
RAL 8023
in RAL Design:
RAL 040 40 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 360-5
What color is NCS S 4030-Y50R? The Enigmatic Rise of NCS S 4030-Y50R
2024-08-24 Snargl 02:18

What color is NCS S 4030-Y50R?

Woman with a braid and a scarf on her head is looking at the camera with a serious look on her face. Color #9E5638.
Man with a beard and a smile on his face is shown in a digital painting style. Color CMYK 0,58,65,35.
Woman with long hair wearing a brown sweater and a scarf around her neck and a brown hat on her head. Example of NCS S 4030-Y50R color.
Man with curly hair is wearing a black jacket and a black shirt and a black jacket is standing in front of a window
NCS S 4030-Y50R color. Three layer cake with a white frosting and yellow decoration on top of it on a plate on a table
Boy in a green jacket standing in front of a forest with mushrooms and mushrooms on it's sides. Example of CMYK 0,58,65,35 color.
NCS S 4030-Y50R means that this color has the following properties:
  • S stands for standardized, meaning that it is one of the 1950 fixed colors in the NCS atlas.

  • 4030 indicates the chromaticness and nuance of the color.
    The first two digits (40) represent the percentage of blackness, which is the degree of similarity to the darkest color in the NCS color circle.
    The higher the number, the darker the color.
    The last two digits (30) represent the percentage of chromaticness, which is the degree of similarity to the pure hue.

  • Y50R indicates the hue of the color.
    It is composed of two parts: the main hue (Y) and the percentage of the secondary hue (R).
    The main hue is one of the six elementary colors in the NCS color circle: yellow (Y), red (R), blue (B), green (G), white (W), and black (S).
    The secondary hue is the adjacent hue to the main hue in the color circle.

The percentage of the secondary hue shows how much it is mixed with the main hue.

For example, Y50R means that the color is a mixture of 50% yellow and 50% red.

To summarize, NCS S 4030-Y50R is a dark and moderately saturated orange color, with equal parts of yellow and red hues.

It is similar to the color of terracotta or burnt sienna.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 4030-Y50R color

Picture with primary colors of Sienna, Fern green, Dark salmon, Onyx and Eggshell
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 4030-Y50R'

The Enigmatic Rise of NCS S 4030-Y50R

Long time ago, in the bustling town of Chromaville, where colors were more than just hues but a way of life, lived two unlikely heroes: Amir Jet, a quirky inventor with a penchant for the peculiar, and Raphael White, a factory worker with a heart of gold and a knack for getting into comical situations.

Amir Jet was known for his eccentric inventions, from self-painting brushes to color-changing wallpaper. His latest obsession was a color he had stumbled upon in an old, dusty book of forgotten hues: NCS S 4030-Y50R. It was a deep, mysterious shade of red with a hint of yellow, and Amir was convinced it was the key to revolutionizing room design.
Woman in a white dress standing in front of a fire filled city with buildings and smokestacks. Example of NCS S 4030-Y50R color.

One sunny morning, Amir burst into the factory where Raphael worked, waving a swatch of NCS S 4030-Y50R. "Raphael, my friend! I've discovered the color that will change the world!" he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Raphael, who was in the middle of fixing a jammed conveyor belt, looked up and chuckled. "Amir, you say that about every color you find. Remember the time you thought neon green would make kitchens more appetizing?"

Amir waved his hand dismissively. "This is different, Raphael. This color has a story, a mystery! It was used by ancient designers to create rooms that inspired creativity and joy. We must bring it back!"

Intrigued by Amir's enthusiasm, Raphael agreed to help. They decided to test the color in Raphael's own home, starting with the living room. As they painted, strange things began to happen. The room seemed to come alive, the walls whispering secrets and the furniture rearranging itself to create the perfect ambiance.

Raphael's cat, Whiskers, who usually avoided Amir's experiments, was suddenly fascinated by the new color. She would sit and stare at the walls for hours, occasionally pawing at them as if trying to uncover hidden treasures.
NCS S 4030-Y50R color example: Woman in a uniform with headphones on her ears and a black background

Word of the magical color spread quickly through Chromaville. People flocked to Raphael's house to see the wonder for themselves. Some claimed the color made them feel more creative, while others said it brought them a sense of peace and happiness.

Amir and Raphael decided to take their discovery to the next level. They set up a small workshop in the factory, mixing batches of NCS S 4030-Y50R and selling them to eager customers. The demand was overwhelming, and soon they were struggling to keep up.

One day, as they were working late into the night, a mysterious figure appeared at the door. Dressed in a cloak that shimmered with every color of the rainbow, the stranger introduced himself as Professor Hue, a renowned color theorist.

"I've been studying colors for decades, but I've never seen anything like this," Professor Hue said, examining a swatch of NCS S 4030-Y50R. "This color has a unique vibrational frequency that resonates with the human psyche. It's no wonder people are drawn to it."

Amir and Raphael were thrilled to have the professor's endorsement. With his help, they began to understand the true potential of NCS S 4030-Y50R. They experimented with different applications, from office spaces to schools, and even hospitals. Everywhere the color was used, it brought positive changes.

As their fame grew, so did the comical mishaps. There was the time Raphael accidentally spilled a bucket of paint on the mayor's prized poodle, turning it into a walking advertisement for their color. Or the day Amir's self-painting brushes went haywire, covering the entire factory in a chaotic rainbow.

Despite the occasional chaos, Amir and Raphael's invention became a sensation. NCS S 4030-Y50R was hailed as the color of the future, and Chromaville became known as the town where colors came to life.

And so, the enigmatic rise of NCS S 4030-Y50R brought joy, laughter, and a touch of mystery to the world, all thanks to the unlikely partnership of an eccentric inventor and a lovable factory worker.

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