Home Colors NCS
NCS S 4020-B50G

NCS S 4020-B50G

HEX Triplet:
84, 127, 118
50, 0, 30, 45
167°, 34%, 50%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Payne grey
in RAL Classic:
RAL 7031
in RAL Design:
RAL 170 50 15
in RAL Effect:
RAL 740-4
What color is NCS S 4020-B50G? The Green Revelation
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:08

What color is NCS S 4020-B50G?

Large body of water with waves coming in to shore and dark clouds overhead above it and a person standing on a surfboard
Man standing in front of a fountain in a park with trees and people in the background. Color RGB 84,127,118.
This specific color code, S 4020-B50G, provides a detailed description of the color's properties.

Let's break down the code:
  • S: This stands for "Standard" and indicates that the color is part of the standard NCS color range.

  • 4020: This part of the code describes the color's nuance. The first two digits (40) represent the percentage of blackness in the color, while the last two digits (20) represent the percentage of chromaticness (color intensity).

  • B50G: This part of the code describes the hue. "B" stands for blue, and "50G" indicates that the color is 50% green.

So, NCS S 4020-B50G is a color that is 40% black, 20% chromatic, and has a hue that is a balanced mix of blue and green, with an equal influence of both colors.

In terms of appearance, NCS S 4020-B50G can be described as a muted teal. It has a medium-dark tone, with a balanced blend of blue and green, giving it a cool and calming effect. The blackness in the color adds depth and sophistication, making it a versatile choice for various applications.

This color can be used in interior design to create a serene and tranquil atmosphere. It pairs well with neutral colors like white, gray, and beige, as well as with other cool tones like navy blue and mint green. In fashion, NCS S 4020-B50G can be used to create elegant and understated looks, especially when combined with metallic accents like silver or gold.

Overall, NCS S 4020-B50G is a sophisticated and versatile color that can add a touch of elegance and calmness to any space or design.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 4020-B50G color

Picture with primary colors of Pale spring bud, Dark brown, Camouflage green, Hunter green and Cadmium orange
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 1010-G80Y
NCS S 6020-Y50R
NCS S 4010-G50Y
NCS S 7010-G10Y
NCS S 1060-Y40R
RAL Classic
RAL 1013
RAL 8011
RAL 7003
RAL 6002
RAL 2003
RAL Design
RAL 090 90 20
RAL 060 30 27
RAL 090 50 10
RAL 140 30 20
RAL 050 60 70
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 4020-B50G'

The Green Revelation

Far away, in the vibrant city of Lumina, Ralph Yamamoto, a dedicated shop assistant at the upscale design studio "Palette Dreams," prided himself on his knowledge of colors. He spent his days advising clients on the perfect shades to bring their visions to life. His latest client, however, was an unusual one - a humble cleaner named Leonardo Rodriguez.

Leonardo was known for his meticulous work, but he had a quiet dream: to transform his small, drab apartment into a sanctuary. When he heard about Ralph’s expertise, he decided to seek help.
Owl is on a branch in the woods with bright lights shining on the trees behind it. Color RGB 84,127,118.

"Ralph," Leonardo began, "I want to refresh my apartment, but I need something special, something that will bring joy and calm. I’m thinking of something green, but I’m not sure what."

Ralph’s eyes lit up. "Ah, green! A fantastic choice. Have you heard of NCS S 4020-B50G?"

Leonardo shook his head.

"NCS S 4020-B50G," Ralph explained, "is a nuanced shade of green - think of the soft, soothing color of new leaves under dappled sunlight. It’s a balanced, calming hue that can transform any space into a serene retreat."

Intrigued, Leonardo agreed to let Ralph use this color to revamp his apartment. Ralph meticulously selected paints and textures, ensuring the green would create a harmonious atmosphere. Leonardo, while excited, had little idea of how transformative this color would be.

The day of the makeover arrived. Leonardo worked in the morning while Ralph’s team worked their magic. The apartment was soon awash in the subtle green, and the change was nothing short of spectacular.

When Leonardo returned home, he was stunned. The room exuded a peaceful aura. The green, with its perfect balance of blue and yellow, seemed to breathe life into the space. The walls, now a serene NCS S 4020-B50G, made the apartment feel larger and more inviting. The gentle hue complemented the wooden floors and brightened the natural light coming through the windows.

Leonardo was ecstatic. "Ralph, it’s incredible! It’s like stepping into a new world. I feel more relaxed and inspired."

Ralph smiled. "It’s amazing what the right color can do. NCS S 4020-B50G isn’t just a color; it’s an experience. It can turn a simple room into a personal haven."

Word spread quickly about the transformation, and soon, Ralph found himself giving advice to more clients eager to discover the magic of NCS S 4020-B50G. Leonardo’s apartment became a local sensation, proving that even the smallest changes could have the most profound effects.

Leonardo, grateful for Ralph’s wisdom, continued to spread the word about the extraordinary power of color. The city of Lumina, inspired by this green revelation, saw an artistic renaissance, with NCS S 4020-B50G becoming a symbol of tranquility and renewal.

In the end, Ralph and Leonardo’s story became a testament to the transformative power of thoughtful design. It wasn’t just about choosing a color; it was about creating an experience, a sanctuary, and a piece of personal paradise.

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