Home Colors NCS
NCS S 3560-Y60R

NCS S 3560-Y60R

HEX Triplet:
150, 35, 0
0, 85, 100, 40
14°, 100%, 59%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 3001
in RAL Design:
RAL 020 30 48
in RAL Effect:
RAL 460-6
What color is NCS S 3560-Y60R? The Curious Case of NCS S 3560-Y60R
2024-08-30 Snargl 02:18

What color is NCS S 3560-Y60R?

NCS S 3560-Y60R color. Rooster with a red and white comb stands on a sidewalk in the sun
Red landscape with a dirt road and trees on the side of it and a cloudy sky above it. Color CMYK 0,85,100,40.
Puppy in front of a christmas tree with presents around it and a christmas tree in the background. Example of NCS S 3560-Y60R color.
Church with a large light shining in the middle of it's aisle and pews on either side. Example of RGB 150,35,0 color.
Two women in brown shirts with gold wonder woman shirts on them. Example of NCS S 3560-Y60R color.
Woman wearing a red dress and a red scarf on her head with a red scarf over her head. Color NCS S 3560-Y60R.
NCS S 3560-Y60R means that this color has 35% blackness, 60% chromaticness, and a hue that is a mixture of yellow and red, with 40% yellowness and 60% redness.
In other words, this color is a dark, saturated and warm shade of orange.
Some other ways to describe this color are:
  • CMYK code: 0, 85, 100, 40

  • RGB code: 150, 35, 0

  • HEX code: #962300

  • HSL code: 14, 100, 59

Example of the palette with the NCS S 3560-Y60R color

Picture with primary colors of Onyx, Medium carmine, Myrtle, Ginger and Medium taupe
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 3560-Y60R'

The Curious Case of NCS S 3560-Y60R

Long time ago, in the bustling city of Technopolis, where innovation was the heartbeat of society, lived an eccentric inventor named Adam Ford. Adam was known for his wild hair, mismatched socks, and a mind that never stopped whirring with ideas. His latest obsession was a peculiar color in the NCS color system: NCS S 3560-Y60R. To most, it was just a code, but to Adam, it was the key to revolutionizing industrial design.

Adam's workshop was a chaotic symphony of gadgets, blueprints, and half-finished prototypes. Amidst this chaos, there was one person who brought a semblance of order: Donatella Black, the cleaner. Donatella was a no-nonsense woman with a sharp wit and an eye for detail. She had a knack for finding things Adam had lost in his creative frenzy, and over time, they had formed an unlikely friendship.
Long hallway with a light on the ceiling and a checkered floor and a lantern hanging from the ceiling. Example of RGB 150,35,0 color.

One sunny morning, Adam burst into the workshop, eyes gleaming with excitement. "Donatella! I've done it! I've finally understood the essence of NCS S 3560-Y60R!"

Donatella looked up from her cleaning, eyebrow raised. "Is that the color that looks like a cross between a ripe mango and a traffic cone?"

Adam nodded vigorously. "Exactly! But it's more than just a color. It's a feeling, a vibration, a... a revolution!"

Donatella chuckled. "Alright, Einstein. Explain it to me in simple terms."

Adam took a deep breath. "NCS S 3560-Y60R is a vibrant yellow-red that stimulates creativity and energy. It's perfect for industrial design because it grabs attention and inspires action. Imagine factories painted in this color, workers motivated and full of energy, productivity soaring!"

Donatella smirked. "So, you're saying this color can turn a lazy worker into a dynamo?"

"Precisely!" Adam exclaimed. "But there's more. This color has a psychological impact. It can make people feel happier, more optimistic. It's like a visual caffeine shot!"

Donatella shook her head, amused. "You really believe in this, don't you?"

Adam nodded. "I do. And I need your help to prove it."

"Me? What can I do?" Donatella asked, surprised.
Christmas house with a wreath and lights on it in the snow with a pine tree in the background. Example of CMYK 0,85,100,40 color.

"I need you to help me test it. We'll paint a section of the workshop in NCS S 3560-Y60R and see if it changes how we work," Adam explained.

Donatella sighed but couldn't resist Adam's infectious enthusiasm. "Alright, let's do it. But if this color doesn't work, you're cleaning the workshop for a month."

Adam grinned. "Deal!"

They spent the next few days painting a section of the workshop in the vibrant yellow-red hue. As the color dried, the workshop seemed to come alive with a new energy. Adam and Donatella stood back, admiring their work.

"It's... bright," Donatella said, squinting.

"It's perfect," Adam replied, beaming.

Over the next few weeks, something remarkable happened. The workshop buzzed with activity. Adam's inventions seemed to come together more smoothly, and even Donatella found herself whistling while she worked. The color had indeed brought a new energy to their space.

One day, a group of investors visited the workshop. They were intrigued by the vibrant color and the palpable energy in the room. Adam explained his theory about NCS S 3560-Y60R, and to his delight, the investors were impressed.

"This color could revolutionize industrial design," one of them said. "We want to fund your research and see how it can be applied on a larger scale."

Adam was overjoyed. He turned to Donatella, who was smiling proudly. "We did it, Donatella! We proved that NCS S 3560-Y60R is more than just a color."

Donatella nodded. "You did it, Adam. I just helped keep the place clean."

Adam shook his head. "No, you did more than that. You believed in me, and that made all the difference."

And so, the curious case of NCS S 3560-Y60R became a legend in Technopolis. Adam and Donatella's unlikely partnership showed that sometimes, the most extraordinary ideas come from the most unexpected places. And as for the color, it went on to brighten factories and workplaces across the city, proving that a little splash of yellow-red could indeed change the world.

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