Home Colors NCS
NCS S 3560-Y20R

NCS S 3560-Y20R

HEX Triplet:
164, 93, 0
0, 52, 100, 37
34°, 100%, 64%
Closest colors:
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Raw umber
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RAL 8023
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What color is NCS S 3560-Y20R?
2023-06-09 Snargl 1 minute 28 seconds

What color is NCS S 3560-Y20R?

NCS S 3560-Y20R color example: Close up of a yellow spider on a rock with a blurry background
Bottle of perfume on a table next to a rock and a diamond on the table top of the table. Example of NCS S 3560-Y20R color.
Large machine with lots of lights on it's side and a lot of smoke coming out of it. Example of NCS S 3560-Y20R color.
Woman with a helmet and wings on her head and chest. Color CMYK 0,52,100,37.
NCS S 3560-Y20R color example: Plate with a jelly dessert on it and a yellow lamp in the background
NCS S 3560-Y20R color example: Statue of a woman in a gold outfit with a candle in the background
Painting of a forest with a mushroom like structure in the middle of it and a lake in the middle. Color CMYK 0,52,100,37.
Street with a fountain with a lit up fountain in the middle of it and people walking around it. Color #A45D00.
NCS S 3560-Y20R color. Shiny yellow object on a white surface next to a window with a bright light coming through it
Purple plate with a hamburger on it on a red table top with a cup of coffee and a cookie. Color NCS S 3560-Y20R.
Man with a beard and no shirt on posing for a picture with his hands on his hips and a weight plate. Color RGB 164,93,0.
Golden camel with a flower crown on its back walking through a field of grass and trees in the background. Example of NCS S 3560-Y20R color.
Sunset view of a mountain range with a path leading to the sun in the distance with a bright yellow light. Example of #A45D00 color.
NCS S 3560-Y20R means that the color has 35% blackness, 60% chromaticness, and a hue that is 80% yellow and 20% red.

The color NCS S 3560-Y20R can be described as a dark orange-brown shade, similar to the color of some spices, clay, or autumn leaves.
It has a warm and earthy tone, and can create a cozy and natural atmosphere.
The color can be used for interior design, textiles, paints, or other products that need a rich and organic color.
The color NCS S 3560-Y20R has different codes in other color systems, such as CMYK, RGB, HSL, HEX.

Here are some of the codes for this color:
  • CMYK: 0, 52, 100, 37
  • RGB: 164, 93, 0
  • HSL: 34, 100, 64
  • HEX: #A45D00

Example of the palette with the NCS S 3560-Y20R color

Picture with primary colors of Beaver, Smoky black, Bistre, Golden brown and Wenge
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 7034
RAL 9005
RAL 3007
RAL 8001
RAL 7013
RAL Design
RAL 030 50 20
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 080 20 10
RAL 075 50 58
RAL 070 40 10

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