Home Colors NCS
NCS S 3060-B40G

NCS S 3060-B40G

HEX Triplet:
0, 125, 119
98, 0, 48, 30
177°, 100%, 49%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5021
in RAL Design:
RAL 180 50 45
in RAL Effect:
RAL 710-M
What color is NCS S 3060-B40G? The Great NCS S 3060-B40G Fiasco
2024-08-30 Snargl 01:10

What color is NCS S 3060-B40G?

Woman in a blue suit and a colorful wall behind her is a laptop computer. Example of #007D77 color.
Woman with a wreath around her head and a green dress on her shoulders. Color RGB 0,125,119.
Woman in a futuristic suit with headphones on her head and a mountain in the background. Color CMYK 98,0,48,30.
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 3060-B40G'

The Great NCS S 3060-B40G Fiasco

Once upon a time in a bustling little town called Chromaville, where colors were the lifeblood of everything, from the buildings to the residents’ clothes, lived a shop assistant named Virgil Arrow. Virgil wasn’t your average shop assistant. He was the go-to guy at ColorCrafters, the town’s most prestigious paint shop. With a nose for hues and an eye for shades, Virgil prided himself on being able to tell the difference between "Sunset Orange" and "Burnt Sienna" just by a whiff.

One fateful morning, Virgil was arranging the newly arrived batch of color swatches when he stumbled upon a shade he’d never seen before: "NCS S 3060-B40G." He frowned at the small, mysterious rectangle of color. It was a peculiar blue-green shade that seemed to shift depending on the light. Some called it blue, others swore it was green. But one thing was clear - this color had an identity crisis.
Brick wall with a hole in it that has been torn apart and is being used as a background. Example of CMYK 98,0,48,30 color.

As Virgil pondered over the enigma of NCS S 3060-B40G, in the nearby factory, Mustafa Stewart was having a day of his own. Mustafa was a factory worker at Chromaluxe Studios, the town’s premier motion design company. With burly arms and a kind heart, Mustafa was the guy who turned colorful ideas into reality. But Mustafa had one problem: he was colorblind. However, Mustafa had a sixth sense for colors, and he could make anything look good even if he couldn’t see it himself.

The trouble began when Chromaluxe’s eccentric CEO, known for his avant-garde tastes, decided that NCS S 3060-B40G would be the star of their next big project - a motion design ad for the town's annual "Festival of Colors." The CEO envisioned the color as a metaphor for innovation and freshness. He sent Mustafa to ColorCrafters with a cryptic note: "Get us that shade, or we’re doomed."

Mustafa marched into ColorCrafters, the note clutched in his hand, and approached Virgil with a determined look.

"Virgil, I need NCS S 3060-B40G," Mustafa said, holding out the note as if it were a treasure map.

Virgil’s eyes lit up. "Ah, the chameleon of colors! I’ve got just the thing."

Mustafa squinted at the tiny swatch Virgil handed him. To Mustafa, it looked like a blob of greyish something. "Uh, this is it?"

"Yes!" Virgil said with the enthusiasm of a child showing off his favorite toy. "It’s the color of the future!"

Mustafa wasn’t convinced but trusted Virgil’s expertise. He bought a gallon of the mysterious paint and headed back to the factory.
Living room with a camel painting on the wall and a couch and chair in the middle of the room. Example of CMYK 98,0,48,30 color.

At Chromaluxe, Mustafa and his team got to work. They painted sets, animated sequences, and crafted the most stunning visuals the town had ever seen - all drenched in NCS S 3060-B40G. As they worked, whispers about the color began to circulate. Some workers claimed it changed shades when you weren’t looking; others said it made them feel dizzy. But Mustafa pushed forward, convinced they were on the brink of a masterpiece.

The day of the Festival of Colors arrived, and Chromaluxe was set to unveil their motion design masterpiece to the town. The whole town gathered in the square, the excitement palpable. The lights dimmed, the giant screen flickered to life, and then - silence.

As the animation began, the audience gasped. NCS S 3060-B40G was doing something no one had expected. The color was indeed shifting, but not subtly - it was oscillating between a nauseating turquoise and a blinding neon green. The characters in the animation looked like they were trapped in a psychedelic nightmare, their faces contorting as if they were seasick.

Virgil, who was in the audience, turned pale. "That’s not how it looked in the shop!" he whispered to himself, horrified.

Mustafa, standing next to the CEO, scratched his head. "Is it supposed to do that?" he asked, confused.

The CEO, his face a mix of horror and fascination, muttered, "I wanted innovation, but this…this is an abomination."

The crowd, however, found it hilarious. They began to laugh, pointing at the screen as the colors danced around like a fever dream. The more the colors warped, the harder they laughed. What was supposed to be a symbol of cutting-edge design had turned into the biggest joke of the festival.

Mustafa, realizing what had happened, chuckled to himself. "Well, it might not be what we planned, but it’s definitely memorable."

Virgil, too, couldn’t help but laugh. The town might have laughed at NCS S 3060-B40G, but in a way, the color had done its job. It had brought joy, even if it was through tears of laughter.

From that day on, Chromaville had a new saying: "When in doubt, go with NCS S 3060-B40G!" It became a town legend, and the color that was supposed to be the next big thing became the punchline of countless jokes.

And so, Virgil and Mustafa, two unlikely heroes, became the talk of the town, not for their mastery of color, but for turning a disaster into something unforgettable.

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