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NCS S 3060-B30G

NCS S 3060-B30G

HEX Triplet:
0, 120, 123
100, 0, 40, 35
181°, 100%, 48%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5021
in RAL Design:
RAL 200 40 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 710-M
What color is NCS S 3060-B30G? The Enchanted Hue of Harmony
2024-08-30 Snargl 01:16

What color is NCS S 3060-B30G?

Green shield with rivets on a gray background. Color #00787B.
Blue sports car parked in a garage next to a wall with a clock on it's side. Color #00787B.
NCS S 3060-B30G color example: Blue creature with red eyes on a rock in the water with mountains in the background
Woman in a blue outfit standing in front of a building with lanterns on it. Example of RGB 0,120,123 color.
City street with palm trees and buildings in the background. Example of NCS S 3060-B30G color.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 3060-B30G color

Picture with primary colors of Wenge, Antique brass, Verdigris, Champagne and Light cyan
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 7013
RAL 3012
RAL 6034
RAL 1014
RAL 9016
RAL Design
RAL 070 40 10
RAL 040 60 30
RAL 210 60 30
RAL 085 90 30
RAL 250 92 05
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 3060-B30G'

The Enchanted Hue of Harmony

Far away, in the vibrant town of Chromaville, where every color told a story, there was a legendary hue known as NCS S 3060-B30G. It was a shade so unique, it was said to bring balance and joy to all it touched. The tale of this remarkable color was deeply entwined with the lives of two extraordinary individuals: Ravindra Sirius, a painter with an eye for magic, and Donatella Black, a cleaner with a heart full of grace.

Ravindra was known for his mesmerizing murals that transformed dull walls into enchanted landscapes. His studio, nestled in a corner of Chromaville’s bustling market, was a canvas of chaos and beauty. Paint splatters of every shade danced across the floor, and brushes of every size were scattered about. Yet, Ravindra’s work was renowned for its exceptional ability to capture the soul of the town, thanks to his unique understanding of color.
Green jeep driving down a dirt road in the desert with a rock formation in the background. Color #00787B.

One day, as Ravindra was mixing a new batch of paints, he stumbled upon a can of NCS S 3060-B30G. It was a deep, tranquil shade of blue-green, reminiscent of the calm sea under a twilight sky. Curious and inspired, Ravindra decided to incorporate this hue into his latest mural - an expansive piece that would depict Chromaville’s journey through the ages.

As he began to paint, something magical happened. The NCS S 3060-B30G seemed to breathe life into his artwork. It wove a narrative of harmony and serenity through the mural, its soothing tones blending seamlessly with the vibrant colors around it. The townspeople were entranced. They felt a sense of calm and unity every time they gazed upon the mural.

But even the most enchanting colors have their challenges. The town's markets became busier, and the mural, though magical, soon showed signs of wear and dirt. Donatella Black, the town’s dedicated cleaner, took it upon herself to preserve Ravindra’s masterpiece. Donatella, with her deep, nurturing spirit, had an uncanny knack for making even the most chaotic spaces sparkle.
Dining room with a table and chairs and a curtained window with a green drape on it. Color NCS S 3060-B30G.

One crisp morning, as she approached the mural, she noticed that the NCS S 3060-B30G hue had dulled a bit. Determined to restore its brilliance, Donatella set to work with gentle precision. She meticulously cleaned the area, taking care to protect the delicate shades. As she worked, she noticed that the hue had a special way of reacting to light. It seemed to shimmer and shift, revealing different shades and depths as the sun moved across the sky.

Ravindra watched Donatella’s meticulous cleaning with great admiration. He saw how her care and attention restored not just the color, but the very essence of the mural. Inspired, he decided to dedicate a special section of his mural to Donatella, depicting her as a guardian of the town’s beauty.

When the mural was finally unveiled in its restored glory, it told a new story. The NCS S 3060-B30G now had a prominent place, surrounded by intricate patterns that symbolized the harmony between art and care. The mural depicted Donatella in a swirling dance, holding a broom that transformed into a brush, merging the realms of cleaning and creativity.

The townspeople gathered to celebrate the unveiling. As they admired the mural, they were reminded of the delicate balance between creation and preservation. The NCS S 3060-B30G, with its serene yet dynamic presence, became a symbol of harmony in Chromaville.

Ravindra and Donatella’s collaboration had not only beautified the town but also woven a tale of unity and respect. The story of the NCS S 3060-B30G and its transformative power continued to inspire the townspeople, teaching them that every color, like every individual, had a role in creating something truly magical.

And so, the mural stood as a timeless reminder of the harmonious blend of artistry and care, celebrating the special hue that had brought so many together.

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