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NCS S 3040-B90G

NCS S 3040-B90G

HEX Triplet:
26, 159, 119
79, 0, 62, 15
162°, 84%, 62%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Jungle green
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5018
in RAL Design:
RAL 160 60 45
in RAL Effect:
RAL 220-2
in NCS:
NCS S 3040-G
What color is NCS S 3040-B90G? What are the examples of NCS S 3040-B90G color? What colors go well with the NCS S 3040-B90G color? The Great Polygraphy Palette Prank
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:02
# General # Fashion # Design

What color is NCS S 3040-B90G?

A warrior, clad in a helmet, stands knee-deep in tranquil water. Gripping a sword in his hand, he gazes ahead with determination, surrounded by the serene stillness of the water. The rich green color of the scene emphasizes the calm yet intense atmosphere
A smooth, solid green background in the color NCS S 3040-B90G creates a calming and minimalist environment. The subtle green tone brings tranquility and depth to the space.
A woman dressed in a green and pink costume stands in the woods, with sunlight filtering through the trees behind her. The colors of her outfit harmonize with the natural surroundings, creating a vibrant yet peaceful scene.
A fierce lion stands tall on a rocky ledge, its muscular frame adorned with a shining helmet. Behind it, a full moon illuminates a distant castle, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. The vivid green hue of the scene adds a sense of mystery and power
A futuristic robot stands tall in shallow water, surrounded by a group of other machines. The soft reflection of their metallic forms shimmers on the water's surface, while the vibrant green hue adds an otherworldly touch to the metallic scene.
A demonic figure stands imposing, with fierce horns and a grotesque demon face etched on its chest. Its glowing red eyes and dark energy exude an aura of menace. The dark green hues enhance the ominous feel, as if the creature has come alive from the dept

Example of the palette with the NCS S 3040-B90G color

Picture with primary colors of Silver, Outer Space, Platinum, Dark green and Jungle green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...

Example of the palette with the NCS S 3040-B90G color

Picture with primary colors of Light khaki, Myrtle, Gray-Tea Green, Jungle green and Shamrock
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...

What are the examples of NCS S 3040-B90G color?

Woman with a weird head and a strange green object in the background. Color RGB 26,159,119.
Fish swimming in a tank with water bubbles and sunlight shining through the water's bubbles and a door. Color RGB 26,159,119.
NCS S 3040-B90G color example: Green creature with a weird look on its face and eyes, with a green background
Blue kitten with big eyes on a blue surface with pink flowers around it's neck and ears. Example of RGB 26,159,119 color.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 3040-B90G color

Picture with primary colors of Dark jungle green, Viridian, Verdigris, June bud and Olivine
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...

What colors go well with the NCS S 3040-B90G color?

NCS S 3040-B90G color. Cartoon character with a weird looking face
Blue dragon on top of a rock under a night sky with stars and clouds behind it. Color NCS S 3040-B90G.
NCS S 3040-B90G color example: Toy lizard on top of a tree branch with yellow eyes and a green body with spikes on its head
Lizard on a rock in front of a green light. Color #1A9F77.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 3040-B90G color

Picture with primary colors of Tropical rain forest, Onyx, Jungle green, MSU Green and Hooker green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 3040-B90G'

The Great Polygraphy Palette Prank

In a far away place, in the bustling metropolis of Coloropolis, where hues and shades reigned supreme, there was one color that stood out among all: NCS S 3040-B90G. A mesmerizing teal with a hint of emerald, it was the crème de la crème of the color world. But little did anyone know, this color would soon be at the center of the most hilarious mix-up ever to befall the art world.

Karl Storm, the city's most flamboyant painter, was known for his bold, eccentric style. His studio, "Storm's Spectrum," was a riot of colors, but his newest masterpiece, a colossal mural on the side of the Coloropolis Museum, was missing something. It needed the perfect touch of NCS S 3040-B90G, which he believed would make the mural come alive.
A modern living room with a large flat-screen TV mounted on the wall above a stylish table surrounded by chairs. The warm tones of the space are complemented by a rug, creating an inviting and comfortable atmosphere.

Enter Mario Buffalo, the city’s most unassuming delivery worker. Mario was a creature of habit: punctual, diligent, and as boring as beige. His life revolved around delivering packages from the warehouse to various destinations. Today, he had a special delivery: a crate of NCS S 3040-B90G to Karl’s studio.

Unfortunately, as Mario was known for his penchant for getting things hilariously wrong, he accidentally swapped the crate with one that contained a very similar but far less glamorous color: NCS S 3040-B90G-Dull. The difference was so subtle that only the most discerning eye could tell.

As Mario wheeled the crate to Storm's Spectrum, he hummed a cheerful tune, unaware of the impending hilarity. Meanwhile, Karl, in the throes of artistic inspiration, was eagerly awaiting his delivery. When the crate arrived, Karl’s assistant, a feisty cat named Picasso, helped Karl unpack it. To Karl’s dismay, instead of the vibrant teal, the crate revealed a rather drab shade of green.

Karl’s eyes widened in disbelief. "What is this?" he shouted, his flamboyant demeanor turning to a comical panic. "This is not NCS S 3040-B90G! This is NCS S 3040-B90G-Dull! It’s like someone drained all the excitement out of it!"

Mario, still oblivious to the mix-up, was already on his way back to the warehouse. Karl tried to call him back, but Mario’s old-fashioned delivery truck, affectionately named "The Buffalo Express," was far too slow to catch. Karl, now in a frenzy, had to make do with what he had.
A robot stands in a room bathed in green light, creating an intense, futuristic ambiance. The robot's presence is amplified by the surrounding green environment, adding an otherworldly element to the scene.

Determined to salvage his mural, Karl decided to embrace the dullness. "Maybe a dull color will add a new dimension!" he declared. Picasso, looking unimpressed, gave a skeptical meow as Karl got to work.

As Karl painted with the NCS S 3040-B90G-Dull, something astonishing happened. The drab color seemed to have a magical effect. When viewed from a distance, the mural took on an unexpected, almost hypnotic quality. It became a sensation - people flocked to see the "Enigmatic Mural of Coloropolis," intrigued by its mysterious allure.

Mario, returning to the warehouse, finally learned of his mistake when his boss, an eccentric color aficionado named Ms. Hue, pointed out the mix-up. "Mario, dear, you delivered the wrong crate to Storm’s Spectrum. But it seems Karl’s mishap turned into a masterpiece!"

Mario’s face flushed with embarrassment. He hurried back to Storm’s Spectrum, ready to apologize. When he arrived, he found Karl basking in the glory of his accidental success.

"Mario!" Karl exclaimed, recognizing him. "You’re the hero of the day! Thanks to your blunder, my mural has become the talk of the town!"
A cheerful green toy with a big smile and wide eyes, its bright color making it a fun and playful centerpiece. The toy's lively expression invites joy and whimsy in any setting.

Mario, feeling sheepish, scratched his head. "I guess I’ve got a knack for turning mistakes into masterpieces."

Karl laughed heartily. "Indeed you do, Mario. And you’ve taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, the most unexpected colors can create the most unforgettable art."

From that day on, Mario was known as the "Master of the Mistake," and Karl’s mural continued to dazzle Coloropolis. As for the NCS S 3040-B90G-Dull, it became the star of a new trend - proving once and for all that even the most unexpected elements could create stunning and comical masterpieces.

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