NCS S 3030-Y70R
What color is NCS S 3030-Y70R?
This color can be described as a warm, earthy, or clay-like color.
It is similar to some shades of terracotta, brick, or coral.
NCS S 3030-Y70R is composed of four elements: hue, blackness, chromaticness, and whiteness.
Hue: The hue of NCS S 3030-Y70R is Y70R, which means it is a yellowish-red color.
Y70R means 70% red and 30% yellow.Blackness: The blackness of NCS S 3030-Y70R is 30%, which means it is a medium-dark color.
The letter S stands for "shade", which is the degree of blackness in the color.
The number indicates the percentage of blackness in the color.
For example, S 30% means 30% black and 70% color.Chromaticness: The chromaticness of NCS S 3030-Y70R is 30%, which means it is a moderately saturated color.
The letter C stands for "chroma", which is the degree of colorfulness or purity of the color.
The number indicates the percentage of chromaticness in the color.
For example, C 30% means 30% chroma and 70% white.Whiteness: The whiteness of NCS S 3030-Y70R is not explicitly given in the notation, but it can be calculated by subtracting the blackness and chromaticness from 100%.
The whiteness of NCS S 3030-Y70R is 40%, which means it is a medium-light color.
The number indicates the percentage of whiteness in the color.
W 40% means 40% white and 60% color.
Example of the palette with the NCS S 3030-Y70R color

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Example of the palette with the NCS S 3030-Y70R color

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What are the examples of NCS S 3030-Y70R color?
Example of the palette with the NCS S 3030-Y70R color

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Example of the palette with the NCS S 3030-Y70R color

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What colors go well with the NCS S 3030-Y70R color?
Example of the palette with the NCS S 3030-Y70R color

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The Marvelous Misadventures of NCS S 3030-Y70R
Enter Dr. Sonja Jet, a brilliant but eccentric scientist with a passion for colors. She had spent years studying the properties of NCS S 3030-Y70R, convinced that it held the key to creating the most innovative designs the world had ever seen. Her laboratory was a kaleidoscope of colors, with vials and beakers filled with every shade imaginable. But her prized possession was a small vial of NCS S 3030-Y70R, which she guarded with her life.
One day, while experimenting with the color, Dr. Jet received an urgent message from the Chromatopolis Factory. The factory, known for producing the most cutting-edge industrial designs, was facing a crisis. Their latest project, a series of futuristic vehicles, was missing that special something to make them truly stand out. The factory's owner, Mr. Hue, had heard of Dr. Jet's expertise and begged her to come to their aid.
Dr. Jet, always eager for a challenge, packed her vial of NCS S 3030-Y70R and headed to the factory. There, she met Kate Goowanni, a talented and resourceful factory worker with a knack for solving problems. Kate had been working at the factory for years and had seen her fair share of design dilemmas, but nothing quite like this.
"Dr. Jet, it's an honor to meet you," Kate said, shaking her hand. "We've heard so much about your work with colors. We need your help to make our vehicles truly extraordinary."
Dr. Jet smiled, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "I believe NCS S 3030-Y70R is the answer to your problem. This color has unique properties that can transform ordinary designs into something spectacular."
Kate raised an eyebrow. "NCS S 3030-Y70R? I've heard rumors about that color. Some say it's almost magical."
Dr. Jet nodded. "Indeed, it is. But we must be careful. This color has a mind of its own and can be quite unpredictable."
With that, the two women set to work. They decided to start with the factory's latest prototype, a sleek, aerodynamic vehicle that was missing that wow factor. Dr. Jet carefully mixed a small amount of NCS S 3030-Y70R into the paint, and Kate applied it to the vehicle's exterior.
As the paint dried, something incredible happened. The vehicle began to shimmer and glow, as if it were alive. The color seemed to dance and shift, creating a mesmerizing effect that was unlike anything they had ever seen.
"Wow," Kate whispered, her eyes wide with amazement. "This is incredible."
Dr. Jet grinned. "I told you, NCS S 3030-Y70R is no ordinary color. But we're just getting started."
Over the next few days, Dr. Jet and Kate continued to experiment with the color, applying it to various parts of the vehicle. They discovered that NCS S 3030-Y70R had the ability to change its hue depending on the angle of the light, creating a dynamic and ever-changing appearance. The color also seemed to enhance the vehicle's performance, making it faster and more efficient.
Word of their success quickly spread, and soon the factory was inundated with orders for their new, revolutionary vehicles. Mr. Hue was thrilled and couldn't thank Dr. Jet and Kate enough for their hard work.
But the story doesn't end there. One day, while working late at the factory, Kate accidentally spilled a small amount of NCS S 3030-Y70R on her hand. To her surprise, the color began to glow and pulse, as if it were alive. She watched in awe as the color spread, covering her entire hand in a shimmering, iridescent hue.
"Dr. Jet, you need to see this," Kate called out, her voice filled with excitement.
Dr. Jet rushed over and gasped when she saw Kate's hand. "Incredible! It seems that NCS S 3030-Y70R has bonded with your skin. This could open up a whole new world of possibilities."
And so, the adventures of Dr. Sonja Jet and Kate Goowanni continued, as they explored the limitless potential of NCS S 3030-Y70R. From transforming industrial designs to creating wearable technology, the color proved to be a game-changer in every sense of the word.
In the end, Chromatopolis became known as the city of innovation, thanks to the brilliant minds of Dr. Jet and Kate, and the magical properties of NCS S 3030-Y70R. And as for the color itself, it remained a mystery, always ready to surprise and delight those who dared to harness its power.