Home Colors NCS
NCS S 3020-Y60R

NCS S 3020-Y60R

HEX Triplet:
183, 138, 110
0, 34, 43, 28
23°, 40%, 72%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Light taupe
in RAL Classic:
RAL 3012
in RAL Design:
RAL 050 60 30
in RAL Effect:
RAL 310-M
What color is NCS S 3020-Y60R?
2023-06-09 Snargl 1 minute 8 seconds

What color is NCS S 3020-Y60R?

NCS S 3020-Y60R color example: Cat laying on a leather chair with its paws on the armrests of the chair
Digital painting of a woman with long hair and a green jacket on her shoulders. Color #B78A6E.
NCS S 3020-Y60R color. Close up of a fabric with a flower design on it and a leaf pattern on it, with a white background
Futuristic city on a desert with a river running through it and a moon in the sky above it. Color RGB 183,138,110.
NCS S 3020-Y60R is a shade of red-orange that has a hue of 23°, a saturation of 40% and a lightness of 72% in the HSL color space.

The code consists of four parts: S, 3020, Y and 60R.

S means that the color is from the standard collection of NCS colors.

3020 means that the color has a blackness of 30% and a chromaticness of 20%.

Y means that the color belongs to the yellow hue circle.

60R means that the color is located at 60% of the distance from yellow to red on the hue circle.

NCS S 3020-Y60R can be seen as a warm, earthy and cozy color.

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