Home Colors NCS
NCS S 3020-Y50R

NCS S 3020-Y50R

HEX Triplet:
187, 136, 107
0, 38, 45, 25
22°, 43%, 73%
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Light taupe
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RAL 3012
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RAL 050 60 30
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What color is NCS S 3020-Y50R? The Enigma of NCS S 3020-Y50R
2024-08-24 Snargl 02:08

What color is NCS S 3020-Y50R?

Lion standing in the snow with its head turned to the side and it's mane curled up. Example of NCS S 3020-Y50R color.
Bedroom with a bed, desk, chair. Example of #BB886B color.
The code consists of four parts: the letter S indicates that it is a standard color, the first number indicates the blackness of the color, the second number indicates the chromaticness of the color, and the last part indicates the hue of the color.

In this case, NCS S 3020-Y50R means that the color has 30% blackness, 20% chromaticness, and a hue that is 50% yellow and 50% red.

The color can be described as a medium light shade of orange.

It has an RGB code of R 187 G 136 B 107, a HEX code of #BB886B.
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 3020-Y50R'

The Enigma of NCS S 3020-Y50R

Long time ago, far away, in the bustling city of Amsterdam, where the canals wove through the heart of the metropolis like veins of history, there was a small, unassuming car service shop owned by Duncan Smith. Duncan was a meticulous worker, known for his precision and dedication to his craft. His shop was a haven for car enthusiasts who sought perfection in every detail.

One rainy evening, as Duncan was closing up, a tall, bespectacled man walked in. His name was Hubert Buffalo, an engineer with a reputation for innovation. Hubert was known for his work in polygraphy, the art and science of printing. He had a peculiar request that night, one that would set off a chain of events neither of them could have anticipated.
Close up of a bunch of small corals with small bubbles on them and a black background. Example of RGB 187,136,107 color.

"Mr. Smith," Hubert began, his voice steady but with a hint of urgency, "I need your help with something extraordinary. It's about a color, NCS S 3020-Y50R. It's not just any color; it has properties that could revolutionize printing."

Duncan raised an eyebrow, intrigued but skeptical. "A color? How can a color be so special?"

Hubert smiled, pulling out a small vial of paint. "This color, when used in polygraphy, can create prints that are not only vivid but also interactive. Imagine a poster that changes its design based on the viewer's perspective or a book cover that reveals hidden messages under different lighting conditions."

Duncan's curiosity was piqued. "And how do you plan to use it?"

"I need your expertise in applying this color to a prototype machine I've been working on. It's a hybrid of traditional printing and modern technology. But there's a catch – the color reacts to certain frequencies, and I believe your precision in handling delicate tasks can make this work."

The two men set to work, transforming Duncan's car service shop into a makeshift laboratory. They spent nights experimenting, testing the limits of NCS S 3020-Y50R. The color was indeed enigmatic; it seemed to have a life of its own, shifting hues and intensities in response to various stimuli.

One night, as they were on the brink of a breakthrough, they discovered something astonishing. The color began to emit a faint glow, pulsating rhythmically. Hubert's eyes widened in realization. "It's responding to sound waves! This could mean that we can create prints that interact with music or even spoken words."
Young girl with a brown shirt and a brown dress is standing in a street with buildings and a telephone pole. Color CMYK 0,38,45,25.

Their excitement was palpable. They decided to test their theory by printing a poster with the color and playing different types of music. To their amazement, the poster's design morphed and danced in sync with the melodies, creating a mesmerizing visual symphony.

Word of their discovery spread quickly, attracting the attention of artists, musicians, and technologists. Duncan and Hubert found themselves at the center of a creative revolution. Their invention opened up new possibilities in advertising, entertainment, and education.

However, with great innovation came unforeseen challenges. One evening, as they were preparing for a major demonstration, they noticed something unsettling. The color began to behave erratically, flickering and distorting the prints. Hubert's face grew pale. "It's as if the color is alive, reacting to something we can't control."

Determined to solve the mystery, they delved deeper into the science behind NCS S 3020-Y50R. They discovered that the color was sensitive to electromagnetic fields, which explained its unpredictable behavior. They needed to find a way to stabilize it.

After weeks of relentless experimentation, they developed a shielding mechanism that could contain the color's reactions. Their final demonstration was a resounding success, showcasing the full potential of their invention without any glitches.

Duncan and Hubert's collaboration became legendary, their names synonymous with innovation and creativity. The enigmatic NCS S 3020-Y50R color had not only transformed the world of polygraphy but also forged an unbreakable bond between a car service worker and an engineer.

As they stood together, watching their creation come to life, Duncan turned to Hubert with a smile. "Who would have thought a simple color could lead to all this?"

Hubert chuckled, "Sometimes, the most extraordinary things come from the most unexpected places."

And so, the enigma of NCS S 3020-Y50R continued to inspire and captivate, a testament to the power of curiosity and collaboration.

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