Home Colors NCS
NCS S 3005-Y20R

NCS S 3005-Y20R

HEX Triplet:
164, 155, 129
0, 7, 30, 40
45°, 21%, 64%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 1035
in RAL Design:
RAL 060 60 10
in RAL Effect:
RAL 780-5
What color is NCS S 3005-Y20R? The Curious Case of NCS S 3005-Y20R
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:10

What color is NCS S 3005-Y20R?

Woman with a braid standing in front of a building with a clock on it's side and a clock on the wall. Example of CMYK 0,7,30,40 color.
Woman with a choker and a bra top on is posing for a picture in a dimly lit room. Example of CMYK 0,7,30,40 color.
NCS S 3005-Y20R can be described as follows:
  • The letter S stands for the standardized color, meaning that it is one of the 1950 fixed colors in the NCS color atlas.

  • The first four digits 3005 indicate the chromaticness and nuance of the color.
    The first two digits (30) represent the percentage of blackness, which is the degree of similarity to the darkest color in the NCS color space.

  • The last four characters Y20R indicate the hue of the color.
    The letter (Y) represents the elementary color yellow, which is one of the six colors that humans can perceive without any admixture of other colors.

The number (20) represents the percentage of the intermediate color red, which is a mixture of yellow and red.

In summary, NCS S 3005-Y20R is a standardized color with 30% blackness, 5% chromaticness, and a hue of yellow with 20% redness.

It is a light beige color with a slight orange tint.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 3005-Y20R color

Picture with primary colors of Wenge, Camouflage green, Pale gold, Dark lava and Grullo
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 6010-R10B
NCS S 4010-G50Y
NCS S 0530-Y40R
NCS S 7005-Y80R
NCS S 3005-Y20R
RAL Classic
RAL 7013
RAL 7003
RAL 1000
RAL 8014
RAL 1035
RAL Design
RAL 070 40 10
RAL 090 50 10
RAL 075 80 40
RAL 050 20 10
RAL 040 60 10
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 3005-Y20R'

The Curious Case of NCS S 3005-Y20R

In a far away place, in the quaint village of Tiddlywink, where gossip spread faster than the local jam, there lived a farmer named Karl Powell. Karl was a man of simple tastes: he liked his cows, his crops, and his good old-fashioned plaid shirts. But everything changed one fateful day when he met Professor Hubert Black.

Professor Black was not your average academic. His specialty was color theory, a field he pursued with a fervor usually reserved for conspiracy theorists or karaoke enthusiasts. His claim to fame was the mysterious NCS S 3005-Y20R, a color so rare and exquisite that it had eluded all attempts to classify it properly.
Kitchen with a stove and a sink and a window with a view of the outside of the room. Color CMYK 0,7,30,40.

Karl first encountered the professor when Hubert trundled into town, brandishing a color swatch that looked like it had been pulled from a very confused rainbow. "Ah, Karl!" Hubert exclaimed, "Have you ever seen a color so spectacular?"

Karl squinted at the swatch. "It looks like a particularly enthusiastic sunset had a meltdown."

"That’s NCS S 3005-Y20R!" Hubert declared. "It’s the ultimate shade of yellow-red! I’ve come to make it famous. What better place than your farm, with its wide open spaces?"

Karl, who had never cared much for colors beyond "cow brown" and "sky blue," found himself bemused but intrigued. "Well, if it’ll help my crops grow better or make my cows look more dapper, I’m in."
Character from the video game warcraft standing in front of a castle with a glowing eyeball in his hair. Example of NCS S 3005-Y20R color.

And so began the strange saga of the color NCS S 3005-Y20R. The professor set up his equipment on Karl’s farm, turning the place into a cacophony of swatches, charts, and very serious-looking charts. His goal was to paint every conceivable surface with NCS S 3005-Y20R: the barn, the fence, even the chickens.

The results were, in a word, bewildering. The barn looked like it had been hit by a radioactive sunrise. The fence, now a vivid, alarming hue, startled passersby into believing the farm was hosting a very intense rave. And the chickens? They strutted around like flamboyant peacocks, convinced they were now royalty.

Word of this colorful spectacle spread like wildfire. Tourists began flocking to Tiddlywink, intrigued by the world’s first NCS S 3005-Y20R farm. Soon, Karl’s humble farm was a sensation, with people snapping photos and giving the local economy a much-needed boost. Even the cows seemed to enjoy the attention, though they found the color a tad perplexing.

Professor Black, in the meantime, reveled in his newfound fame. He gave lectures on the philosophical implications of color, which, judging by the blank stares of his audience, were as perplexing as his color choices. Despite this, he insisted that NCS S 3005-Y20R was destined to become the next big thing in the art world.

Eventually, the professor’s obsession with NCS S 3005-Y20R waned, as new shades of color and theories came along. But Karl’s farm, now a permanent monument to this peculiar experiment, remained a local landmark. Tourists continued to visit, marveling at the color that once turned a quiet farm into a spectacle.

As for Karl Powell, he returned to his cows and crops with a new appreciation for the oddities of life. He often chuckled to himself, remembering the days when a simple color turned his farm into the epicenter of eccentricity. And whenever anyone asked him about NCS S 3005-Y20R, he’d smile and say, "Ah, it was a color like no other - just like life itself."

And so, the curious case of NCS S 3005-Y20R became a legend in Tiddlywink, proving that sometimes, the most extraordinary things come from the most ordinary places.

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