Home Colors NCS
NCS S 2060-Y

NCS S 2060-Y

HEX Triplet:
199, 163, 0
0, 18, 95, 20
49°, 100%, 78%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Harvest Gold
in RAL Classic:
RAL 1005
in RAL Design:
RAL 080 70 80
in RAL Effect:
RAL 290-4
in NCS:
NCS S 2070-Y
What color is NCS S 2060-Y? The Curious Case of NCS S 2060-Y
2024-08-24 Snargl 02:12

What color is NCS S 2060-Y?

Yellow and blue sports car parked on a wet street in front of a building with multicolored windows. Color NCS S 2060-Y.
Pile of dirt next to a pile of gold coins on a table with a pile of coins. Example of CMYK 0,18,95,20 color.
NCS S 2060-Y color. Yellow and blue robot standing on top of a boat in the ocean at sunset with a ship in the background
NCS S 2060-Y belongs to the yellow hue group.

The code S 2060-Y indicates that this color has a saturation of 60% and a blackness of 20%, meaning it is a fairly bright and vivid yellow.

For example, the RGB code of NCS S 2060-Y is R 199 G 163 B 0.

The HEX code of NCS S 2060-Y is #C7A300.

NCS S 2060-Y can be used for various purposes, such as painting, design, printing and more.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 2060-Y color

Picture with primary colors of Goldenrod, Cordovan, Smoky black, Caput mortuum and Dark tan
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 1012
RAL 4002
RAL 9005
RAL 3005
RAL 1036
RAL Design
RAL 075 70 70
RAL 010 30 30
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 020 20 29
RAL 075 50 30
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 2060-Y'

The Curious Case of NCS S 2060-Y

Far-far away, in the bustling city of Chromaville, where colors were more than just hues but a way of life, there lived two unlikely heroes: Dr. Virgil Gold, a renowned color theorist, and Hubert White, the janitor at the prestigious Chromaville Institute of Design.

Dr. Gold was a man of science, always clad in a pristine white lab coat, his spectacles perched precariously on his nose. He had dedicated his life to understanding the mysteries of color, and his latest obsession was the enigmatic NCS S 2060-Y, a vibrant yellow that seemed to defy all conventional understanding.
Man in a yellow suit is smiling for the camera while standing in a tunnel with a black background. Example of CMYK 0,18,95,20 color.

Hubert White, on the other hand, was a man of simplicity. He took pride in his work, ensuring that the institute sparkled from top to bottom. Despite his humble position, Hubert had a keen eye for detail and an uncanny knack for understanding the subtleties of color, a talent that often went unnoticed.

One fateful evening, as Dr. Gold was poring over his notes on NCS S 2060-Y, he noticed something peculiar. The color seemed to change its shade ever so slightly depending on the time of day and the angle of light. Intrigued, he decided to conduct a series of experiments to uncover the secret behind this chameleon-like behavior.

As Dr. Gold set up his equipment, Hubert entered the lab to begin his nightly cleaning routine. "Good evening, Doctor," he greeted cheerfully. "Working late again, I see."

"Ah, Hubert," Dr. Gold replied, barely looking up from his work. "I'm on the verge of a breakthrough with this color. It's unlike anything I've ever seen."

Hubert glanced at the swatch of NCS S 2060-Y on the table. "That yellow? It looks pretty normal to me."

Dr. Gold chuckled. "That's what makes it so fascinating. It appears normal, but there's something extraordinary about it. Watch this."

He shone a beam of light onto the swatch, and to Hubert's amazement, the color shifted from a bright lemon yellow to a warm golden hue. "See? It's as if the color has a mind of its own."

Hubert scratched his head. "Maybe it's just playing tricks on you, Doctor. Colors can be funny like that."
NCS S 2060-Y color. White kitten on top of a lemon on a table in a room with a window and a window

Dr. Gold sighed. "If only it were that simple. I need to understand why it behaves this way. Perhaps it's a matter of perception."

Hubert pondered for a moment. "You know, Doctor, my grandmother used to say that colors have personalities. Maybe this yellow is just a bit mischievous."

Dr. Gold raised an eyebrow. "Mischievous, you say? That's an interesting perspective, Hubert. Perhaps there's more to this than just science."

Over the next few weeks, Dr. Gold and Hubert worked together, conducting experiments and observing the color in various conditions. They discovered that NCS S 2060-Y responded not only to light but also to the emotions of those around it. When they were happy, the color seemed brighter and more cheerful. When they were sad, it took on a more subdued tone.

One day, as they were discussing their findings, Hubert had an idea. "Doctor, what if we used this color in a new trademark design? Something that could capture the essence of our institute and its vibrant spirit."

Dr. Gold's eyes lit up. "That's brilliant, Hubert! A color that reflects the dynamic nature of our work and the creativity of our students. But how do we convey that in a design?"

Hubert smiled. "Leave that to me, Doctor. I have a few ideas."

With Hubert's artistic flair and Dr. Gold's scientific expertise, they created a stunning new logo for the Chromaville Institute of Design. The design featured a dynamic swirl of NCS S 2060-Y, symbolizing the ever-changing nature of creativity and innovation. The logo was an instant hit, capturing the imagination of everyone who saw it.

As they stood back and admired their work, Dr. Gold turned to Hubert. "You know, Hubert, I never would have cracked this mystery without your help. You've taught me that sometimes, the answers lie not in the lab but in the heart."

Hubert grinned. "And you've shown me that even a humble cleaner can make a difference. Who knew that a little yellow could bring us together?"

And so, in the colorful city of Chromaville, the unlikely duo of Dr. Virgil Gold and Hubert White became legends, proving that wisdom and laughter often go hand in hand, and that the essence of a color can be as vibrant and dynamic as the people who discover it.

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