Home Colors NCS
NCS S 2050-Y20R

NCS S 2050-Y20R

HEX Triplet:
219, 153, 61
0, 38, 80, 10
35°, 72%, 86%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Tiger eye
in RAL Classic:
RAL 1024
in RAL Design:
RAL 075 70 60
in RAL Effect:
RAL 360-1
What color is NCS S 2050-Y20R? The Enigma of NCS S 2050-Y20R
2024-10-01 Snargl 02:10

What color is NCS S 2050-Y20R?

NCS S 2050-Y20R color example: Man and a woman standing next to each other in front of a cityscape with a yellow sun
View of a desert with a lot of clouds in the sky and a mountain in the distance with a blue sky. Color #DB993D.
NCS S 2050-Y20R means that this color has the following properties:
  • S stands for standardized, meaning that it is a fixed color that can be reproduced exactly.

  • 2050 indicates the blackness and chromaticness of the color, which are two dimensions of colorfulness.
    The first two digits (20) represent the percentage of blackness, which is the absence of color.
    The higher the blackness, the darker the color.
    The last two digits (50) represent the percentage of chromaticness, which is the intensity of color.
    The higher the chromaticness, the more saturated the color.

  • Y20R indicates the hue of the color, which is the third dimension of colorfulness.
    It describes the dominant wavelength of the color, or the impression of color that the human eye receives.
    The hue is composed of two letters and two digits.
    The first letter (Y) represents the main hue, which can be one of the four elementary colors: yellow (Y), red (R), blue (B), or green (G).
    The second letter (R) represents the nuance hue, which is the secondary color that is mixed with the main hue.

The nuance hue can be one of the six intermediate colors: yellow (Y), red (R), purple (P), blue (B), green (G), or orange (O).

The two digits (20) represent the percentage of the nuance hue in the hue.

The higher the percentage, the more the color leans towards the nuance hue.

To summarize, NCS S 2050-Y20R is a standardized color with 20% blackness, 50% chromaticness, and a yellow hue with 20% red nuance.

This means that it is a medium-dark, moderately saturated, orange-yellow color.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 2050-Y20R color

Picture with primary colors of Ruddy brown, Cafe noir, Dark gray, Bone and Smoky black
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 2001
RAL 8016
RAL 9006
RAL 9002
RAL 9005
RAL Design
RAL 060 50 60
RAL 050 20 16
RAL 140 70 05
RAL 010 80 10
RAL 170 20 20
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 2050-Y20R'

The Enigma of NCS S 2050-Y20R

Long time ago, far away, in the heart of a city that thrived on innovation and art, two minds from different worlds crossed paths. Manolo Ervin, a painter of unparalleled talent, known for his bold strokes and unique color combinations, and Donatella White, an engineer celebrated for her ability to blend technology with aesthetics, were both intrigued by a color unlike any other: NCS S 2050-Y20R. This color, with its subtle yet vibrant hue, had an almost mystical quality, straddling the line between the ordinary and the extraordinary. It was as if it had a life of its own, whispering secrets of an unseen dimension.

Manolo first encountered the color while visiting an old, forgotten paint shop on the outskirts of town. The shop was dimly lit, filled with dust-covered cans of paint, but one small, unassuming can caught his eye. The label was faded, but the code "NCS S 2050-Y20R" was still legible. Something about the color drew him in; it was warm yet mysterious, like a sunset reflected on a distant planet. Without hesitation, he purchased the can and brought it back to his studio.
Yellow sports car driving down a road in the woods with trees in the background. Example of CMYK 0,38,80,10 color.

As soon as he opened the can, a sense of anticipation filled the room. Manolo dipped his brush into the paint and began to work on a new canvas. The paint glided effortlessly, leaving trails of brilliance in its wake. Each stroke seemed to bring the canvas to life, as if the color had a soul. The painting that emerged was unlike anything Manolo had ever created - a landscape of swirling mists, ancient trees, and an ethereal light that seemed to beckon from another world. But as much as he tried to understand the essence of NCS S 2050-Y20R, it remained elusive, a puzzle just out of reach.

Meanwhile, Donatella White was working on a revolutionary project at her design firm. She had been tasked with developing a new line of advanced materials that could redefine modern architecture. Her focus was on creating a material that could change color based on the environment, but every attempt so far had resulted in failure. The colors were too static, too predictable. Frustrated, she decided to take a break and clear her mind by visiting a local art gallery.

The gallery was hosting an exhibition of emerging artists, and it was there that Donatella first saw Manolo's painting. The moment she laid eyes on the piece, she was captivated. The color - it was alive. She could almost feel it shifting, reacting to her presence. Donatella knew she had to meet the artist who had unlocked such a mystery.
Robot with a skull on his chest standing in front of a door in a underwater scene with corals and a fish. Example of RGB 219,153,61 color.

Their meeting was electric. Manolo, initially hesitant to reveal the source of his newfound color, quickly realized that Donatella was the key to unlocking its full potential. He showed her the can of paint and shared his experiences. Donatella, in turn, explained her project and how she believed this color could be the answer she had been searching for.

Together, they began to experiment. Donatella analyzed the paint's composition, discovering that it contained an unusual compound, one that seemed to interact with light in ways that defied conventional science. This compound, when combined with certain materials, could create a surface that not only changed color but also texture, as if responding to the emotions of those who beheld it.

Their collaboration gave birth to a new design, a material that was as much art as it was science. Buildings constructed with it would appear different depending on the time of day, the angle of the sun, or even the mood of those inside. It was as if the structures were alive, breathing and evolving with the world around them.

The unveiling of their creation was met with awe. The city's skyline began to transform, with new buildings shimmering in the enigmatic hue of NCS S 2050-Y20R. But there was more to this color than anyone could have anticipated. Some claimed that the color had the power to reveal hidden truths, that it could unlock memories long forgotten, or even show glimpses of possible futures.

As Manolo and Donatella watched their creation reshape the city, they realized that they had tapped into something far beyond their understanding. The color had a life of its own, a consciousness that had chosen them to bring it into the world. And as they stood together, watching the sun set over their creation, they knew that their journey with NCS S 2050-Y20R was only just beginning.

The mystery of the color remained unsolved, but perhaps that was its true power - to inspire wonder and creativity, to challenge the boundaries of what was possible, and to remind the world that some mysteries are meant to be embraced, not explained.

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