NCS S 2040-Y20R
What color is NCS S 2040-Y20R?
The NCS color code consists of four parts: hue, blackness, chromaticness, and nuance.
The hue of NCS S 2040-Y20R is Y20R, which means it is a yellow color with 20% of red mixed in.
The hue is determined by the position of the color on the NCS color circle, which has four elementary colors: yellow (Y), red (R), blue (B), and green (G).The blackness of NCS S 2040-Y20R is 20, which means it has 20% of black in it.
It is determined by the position of the color on the NCS color triangle, which has white (W) at the top, black (S) at the bottom, and the hue at the base.The chromaticness of NCS S 2040-Y20R is 40, which means it has 40% of chroma or colorfulness.
It is determined by the distance of the color from the center of the NCS color triangle, which represents the achromatic colors (gray).The nuance of NCS S 2040-Y20R is S, which means it is a saturated color that does not contain any white.
The nuance is determined by the position of the color on the NCS nuance scale, which has saturated (S) at the left, white (W) at the right, and the hue in the middle.
It is a warm, bright, and vivid color that can be used for various purposes, such as painting, design, or decoration.
NCS S 2040-Y20R can be described as a caramel, butterscotch, or honey color.
Example of the palette with the NCS S 2040-Y20R color
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