Home Colors NCS
NCS S 2002-B50G

NCS S 2002-B50G

HEX Triplet:
182, 191, 189
8, 0, 5, 28
167°, 5%, 75%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Ash grey
in RAL Classic:
RAL 7044
in RAL Design:
RAL 000 75 00
in RAL Effect:
RAL 830-1
in NCS:
NCS S 3000-N
What color is NCS S 2002-B50G? The Enigmatic Shade: NCS S 2002-B50G
2024-08-24 Snargl 02:10

What color is NCS S 2002-B50G?

Room with a lot of desks and chairs in it with a big window overlooking the mountains outside. Color NCS S 2002-B50G.
Woman in a futuristic suit with a futuristic helmet on her head and a futuristic body armor on her arm. Example of #B6BFBD color.
NCS S 2002-B50G means that this color has 20% blackness, 2% chromaticness, and a hue that is a 50/50 mixture of blue and green.

It is a very light and pale blue-green, or a grayish turquoise.

To visualize this color, you can use the RGB, Hex, or CMYK values that correspond to NCS S 2002-B50G.

These values are:
  • RGB: 182, 191, 189

  • HEX: #B6BFBD

  • CMYK: 8%, 0%, 5%, 28%

Example of the palette with the NCS S 2002-B50G color

Picture with primary colors of Light slate gray, UCLA Blue, Light gray, Dark slate gray and Cambridge Blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 7000
RAL 5023
RAL 7047
RAL 6028
RAL 7038
RAL Design
RAL 270 50 15
RAL 270 40 30
RAL 000 85 00
RAL 180 30 15
RAL 160 70 05
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 2002-B50G'

The Enigmatic Shade: NCS S 2002-B50G

Long time ago, in the bustling city of Chromapolis, where colors were more than just hues but a way of life, two unlikely heroes were about to embark on a journey that would change the world of design forever. Dr. Anna Westwood, a renowned color theorist, and Phoebe Chanel, a meticulous cleaner with an eye for detail, were about to discover the hidden potential of a seemingly ordinary color: NCS S 2002-B50G.

Anna Westwood was known for her groundbreaking research in color psychology. Her office was a kaleidoscope of swatches, charts, and samples, each meticulously organized. One evening, as she was sifting through a new batch of color samples, she stumbled upon NCS S 2002-B50G. It was a muted blue-green, almost unremarkable at first glance. But something about it intrigued her.
Man with a mohawk and a white shirt in a forest with trees and bushes behind him. Example of CMYK 8,0,5,28 color.

Phoebe Chanel, on the other hand, was the unsung hero of the Chromapolis Design Institute. Her job was to keep the labs and offices spotless, but her true passion lay in observing the subtle interplay of colors as she cleaned. She had an uncanny ability to notice the smallest details, a skill that often went unnoticed by the busy researchers.

One night, as Phoebe was cleaning Anna's office, she noticed the sample of NCS S 2002-B50G on the desk. She paused, captivated by its subtle charm. "This color," she thought, "has a story to tell."

The next morning, Anna found a note on her desk: "This color speaks to me. Let's explore its potential. - Phoebe." Intrigued by Phoebe's insight, Anna decided to take a closer look at the color. She invited Phoebe to join her in the lab, and together, they began to experiment.

They discovered that NCS S 2002-B50G had a unique property: it could change its shade slightly depending on the surrounding colors. In a room with warm tones, it appeared cooler and more refreshing. In a space with cool tones, it took on a warmer, more inviting hue. This chameleon-like quality made it perfect for creating dynamic, adaptable designs.

Anna and Phoebe decided to test the color's potential in a new trademark design for a local tech company, Innovatech. The company was known for its cutting-edge products but struggled with a brand identity that felt too rigid and unapproachable. Anna and Phoebe believed that NCS S 2002-B50G could bring the flexibility and warmth the brand needed.
Man standing in front of a giant alien like structure with a skull on it's head. Color RGB 182,191,189.

They designed a logo that incorporated NCS S 2002-B50G as the primary color, with accents of vibrant orange and deep navy. The result was stunning. The logo seemed to come alive, adapting to different backgrounds and lighting conditions. It was as if the color itself was communicating with the viewer, creating a sense of connection and engagement.

The new design was an instant hit. Innovatech's brand identity transformed overnight, becoming more approachable and dynamic. Customers and clients were drawn to the logo, often commenting on how it seemed to change and adapt, much like the innovative products the company offered.

Word of Anna and Phoebe's discovery spread quickly through Chromapolis. Designers and artists from all over the city flocked to the Chromapolis Design Institute to learn more about the enigmatic shade of NCS S 2002-B50G. Anna and Phoebe became local celebrities, celebrated for their unique collaboration and groundbreaking work.

But for Anna and Phoebe, the true reward was the journey they had taken together. They had discovered that sometimes, the most extraordinary things could be found in the most ordinary places. And in the process, they had forged an unlikely friendship that would last a lifetime.

As they stood in front of the Chromapolis Design Institute, watching the sunset cast a warm glow over the city, Anna turned to Phoebe and said, "Who would have thought that a simple color could change so much?"

Phoebe smiled, her eyes reflecting the hues of the setting sun. "Sometimes, it's the little things that make the biggest difference."

And so, the story of NCS S 2002-B50G became a legend in Chromapolis, a testament to the power of color, creativity, and the unexpected partnerships that can change the world.

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