NCS S 1515-Y20R
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RAL 070 80 30 2024-08-30 Snargl 01:10
What color is NCS S 1515-Y20R?
NCS S 1515-Y20R color can be described as a light beige with a hint of yellow, creating a warm and inviting hue that is versatile and easy to incorporate into various design schemes.
In terms of its composition, it has an undertone of red, which contributes to its warmth.
The HEX code for this color is #E1C89F, which translates to an RGB Decimal code of 231, 207, 156.
This means that the color is composed of 231 parts red, 207 parts green, and 156 parts blue in the RGB color space.
In percentage terms, this equates to 90.59% red, 81.18% green, and 61.18% blue.
The hue of NCS S 1515-Y20R is at 41° on the color wheel, which places it within the warm color spectrum.
The saturation level is at 32%, and the lightness is at 91%.
These attributes combine to give NCS S 1515-Y20R its characteristic warm beige appearance, which can make even large rooms feel cozy and intimate.
Warm colors like NCS S 1515-Y20R are often recommended for spaces where a sense of comfort and energy is desired.
They are ideal for living rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms, where they can create an atmosphere that is both welcoming and vibrant.
When using NCS S 1515-Y20R in interior design, it's a good practice to mix warm and cool shades to achieve a harmonious balance.
Example of the palette with the NCS S 1515-Y20R color
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
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