Home Colors NCS
NCS S 1080-Y20R

NCS S 1080-Y20R

HEX Triplet:
244, 153, 0
0, 45, 100, 0
38°, 100%, 96%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Orange peel
in RAL Classic:
RAL 1007
in RAL Design:
RAL 070 70 80
in RAL Effect:
RAL 380-2
What color is NCS S 1080-Y20R? The Color of Cognition
2024-08-30 Snargl 02:14

What color is NCS S 1080-Y20R?

Two glasses of drinks on a table with a bottle of wine in the background. Color RGB 244,153,0.
Bowl of orange juice with slices of oranges around it on a table top with a spoon and a cup of tea. Color CMYK 0,45,100,0.
Plate of food with meat and vegetables on it on a table with other plates of food on it. Example of CMYK 0,45,100,0 color.
Close up of a flower with a blurry background. Example of CMYK 0,45,100,0 color.
NCS S 1080-Y20R means that the color has a hue of yellow with 20% redness, a blackness of 10%, and a chromaticness of 80%.
It is a bright and vivid orange-yellow color.

The RGB code for NCS S 1080-Y20R is 244, 153, 0, which means that it is composed of 95.69% red, 60% green, and 0% blue.
The HEX code for this color is #F49900, which is a six-digit hexadecimal representation of the RGB values.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 1080-Y20R color

Picture with primary colors of Caput mortuum, Pumpkin, Copper rose, Cream and Sinopia
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 3005
RAL 2011
RAL 1020
RAL 9010
RAL 2002
RAL Design
RAL 020 20 29
RAL 060 60 80
RAL 030 50 20
RAL 075 90 10
RAL 050 50 70
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 1080-Y20R'

The Color of Cognition

Long time ago, in the heart of a bustling city, where creativity and innovation intertwined, lived two extraordinary individuals: Connor Krang, an ingenious inventor, and Vivienne Honey, a gifted writer. Their paths crossed in the most unexpected way, leading to a collaboration that would change the world of room design forever.

Connor Krang was known for his eccentric inventions that often bordered on the fantastical. His workshop was a labyrinth of gadgets, blueprints, and half-finished projects. Among his many creations, one stood out - a device that could analyze and enhance the cognitive impact of colors in a room. He called it the "Cognition Enhancer."
Bird painted on a white background. Color NCS S 1080-Y20R.

Vivienne Honey, on the other hand, had a way with words that could paint pictures more vivid than any artist's brush. Her stories were known to transport readers to different realms, making them feel emotions they never knew existed. She was always on the lookout for new inspirations, and one day, she stumbled upon Connor's workshop.

Curiosity piqued, Vivienne knocked on the door. Connor, with his wild hair and bright eyes, welcomed her in. As they talked, Vivienne's fascination with Connor's inventions grew, especially the Cognition Enhancer. She proposed an idea: to write a story that would explore the essence of a particular color in room design, using Connor's device to bring the narrative to life.

Connor was intrigued. He suggested they start with a color that had always fascinated him - NCS S 1080-Y20R, a vibrant, warm hue that seemed to pulse with energy. They decided to call their project "The Color of Cognition."

Together, they set up the Cognition Enhancer in a room painted entirely in NCS S 1080-Y20R. As the device hummed to life, it began to analyze the color's impact on the room's atmosphere. The walls seemed to glow, and the air felt charged with creativity and warmth.
NCS S 1080-Y20R color example: Robot with a skull on its face and a sword in his hand, in front of a city

Vivienne sat in the center of the room, her notebook in hand, ready to capture the essence of the color. As she wrote, she felt the color's influence seep into her thoughts. The words flowed effortlessly, each sentence imbued with the vibrancy and warmth of NCS S 1080-Y20R.

Her story unfolded, telling the tale of a young artist who discovered a hidden world within the color. In this world, emotions were colors, and each hue had its own unique essence. The artist learned to harness these colors, using them to create masterpieces that could evoke powerful emotions in anyone who viewed them.

As Vivienne wrote, Connor observed the changes in the room's atmosphere. The Cognition Enhancer revealed that NCS S 1080-Y20R had a profound impact on cognitive function, enhancing creativity, focus, and emotional well-being. It was as if the color itself was alive, breathing life into the room and its occupants.

Days turned into weeks as Vivienne and Connor continued their collaboration. The story grew richer, and the room became a sanctuary of creativity. They invited friends and colleagues to experience the room, and each person left feeling inspired and rejuvenated.

Word of their project spread, and soon, designers and architects from around the world sought their expertise. Connor's Cognition Enhancer and Vivienne's storytelling became the foundation of a new approach to room design, one that prioritized the cognitive and emotional impact of colors.

"The Color of Cognition" became more than just a story; it was a testament to the power of collaboration and the magic that happens when creativity and innovation come together. Connor and Vivienne's work transformed spaces into havens of inspiration, proving that the right color could indeed change the way we think, feel, and live.

And so, in a world where colors spoke to the soul and rooms became canvases of cognition, Connor Krang and Vivienne Honey continued to explore the endless possibilities of their unique partnership, forever changing the landscape of room design.

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