Home Colors NCS
NCS S 1080-G30Y

NCS S 1080-G30Y

HEX Triplet:
79, 184, 0
70, 0, 100, 0
94°, 100%, 72%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Kelly green
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6018
in RAL Design:
RAL 110 70 77
in RAL Effect:
RAL 230-4
What color is NCS S 1080-G30Y? The Curious Birth of Sunshine Green
2024-09-03 Snargl 01:08

What color is NCS S 1080-G30Y?

Bedroom with a green wall and a green carpet and a bed with a green headboard. Color NCS S 1080-G30Y.
Green square frame hanging on a wall with a light on it's side. Color #4FB800.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 1080-G30Y color

Picture with primary colors of Pale silver, Teal blue, Dark brown, Onyx and Islamic green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 1080-G30Y'

The Curious Birth of Sunshine Green

In a bustling little factory nestled on the outskirts of the city, where colors were more than just pigments, there lived an eccentric inventor named Shivansh Storm. His passion for creating new shades was unmatched, and he spent countless hours in his lab, mixing, stirring, and blending until the perfect hue revealed itself. But there was one color that had always eluded him - a vibrant, cheerful green that shimmered like a ray of sunlight.

One day, as Shivansh was deep in thought, he accidentally knocked over a bottle of yellow paint. It splashed across his notes, causing him to leap back in surprise. Just as he was about to curse his luck, he noticed something curious. The yellow had mixed with a bit of blue that was still on the palette, creating a shade that was... almost right. But not quite. It was close to the green he had been dreaming of, but it needed something extra, something magical.
NCS S 1080-G30Y color example: Roll of green tape on a white surface with a shadow on the floor behind it

Meanwhile, down on the factory floor, Raphael Stewart, the ever-cheerful worker who everyone relied on, was busy packing up boxes of paint. Raphael wasn’t just any factory worker - he had a knack for making things work, often fixing machinery with nothing but a paperclip and a smile. He had also developed a fondness for the strange and colorful concoctions that Shivansh sent down from his lab.

One evening, after a long day of work, Raphael noticed a small, forgotten jar on a shelf. The label read, "Experimental - Do Not Use." Naturally, Raphael’s curiosity got the better of him. He opened the jar and found a strange, glittering powder inside. Without a second thought, he sprinkled it into a nearby vat of paint that was waiting to be mixed, giving it a good stir. The paint swirled and shimmered, taking on a life of its own, and to Raphael’s amazement, it turned a brilliant shade of green with a golden glow.

Raphael was so excited that he immediately filled a small can with the new color and rushed to Shivansh's lab. He burst through the door, nearly tripping over a stack of paint swatches. "Shivansh, you’ve got to see this!" he exclaimed, holding up the can.

Shivansh, startled out of his deep concentration, looked at the can skeptically. But when he saw the color, his eyes widened in awe. It was perfect - no, it was beyond perfect. The green shimmered with a golden warmth, just like the sun kissing the morning dew. It was exactly what he had been searching for!

"But how...?" Shivansh began, looking at Raphael in bewilderment.

Raphael sheepishly explained how he had found the jar and added the powder to the paint. Shivansh’s face lit up with a grin. "You’ve done it, Raphael! This is the color I’ve been dreaming of! We shall name it... Sunshine Green!"

But Shivansh’s excitement was short-lived. He suddenly realized that he had no idea what the mysterious powder was, nor did he know how to replicate it. The color might be lost forever after this one batch. They both stared at the can of Sunshine Green, now more precious than gold.

Raphael, however, wasn’t one to give up easily. "What if we retrace our steps? Maybe we can figure out what that powder was," he suggested.

Together, they scoured the factory for clues, and after several hours of searching, they found an old notebook buried under a pile of empty paint cans. Inside was a faded recipe written in Shivansh’s own handwriting from years ago - a recipe he had long forgotten about. It detailed a special mix of crushed gemstones and a dash of... glitter?

Shivansh slapped his forehead. "Of course! I created that powder ages ago as an experiment, but I never thought it would be useful!"

With the recipe in hand, Shivansh and Raphael recreated the powder and mixed up a fresh batch of Sunshine Green. It was even more radiant than before. Shivansh immediately filed for a trademark, officially naming it "NCS S 1080-G30Y." But to them, it would always be Sunshine Green, the color that only came to life thanks to a curious factory worker and a long-forgotten jar of glitter.

The color became an instant hit, brightening up walls, furniture, and even clothes around the world. And every time Raphael passed by a splash of Sunshine Green, he couldn’t help but smile, knowing that he had played a part in bringing a little more joy and color into the world.

And so, the legend of Sunshine Green was born - a color created by accident, perfected by chance, and loved by all.

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