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NCS S 1070-Y40R

NCS S 1070-Y40R

HEX Triplet:
240, 120, 0
0, 61, 95, 0
30°, 100%, 94%
Closest colors:
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RAL 380-6
What color is NCS S 1070-Y40R? The Curious Case of the Colorful Trademark
2024-08-24 Snargl 02:26

What color is NCS S 1070-Y40R?

Woman in a yellow uniform holding a gun and a gun in her hand, with a circular background. Example of CMYK 0,61,95,0 color.
Large bowl filled with lots of orange beads and a giant orange ball in the middle of a room. Example of CMYK 0,61,95,0 color.
Yellow sports car with a blue light on it's headlight is shown in the dark background. Example of NCS S 1070-Y40R color.
NCS S 1070-Y40R color example: Woman in a suit standing in the snow in front of a cityscape with cars and buildings
Large orange truck driving through a desert filled with sand and rocks, with a sky background. Example of CMYK 0,61,95,0 color.
Woman with orange hair and a futuristic suit on, with a black background. Color RGB 240,120,0.
Robot is standing in front of a cityscape with a tree in the foreground and a building in the background. Color CMYK 0,61,95,0.
Mustang car
Painting of a fox wearing an orange jacket and looking at the camera with a bright light shining on its face. Color RGB 240,120,0.
Room with a bed and a tv in it with a city in the background. Color CMYK 0,61,95,0.
NCS S 1070-Y40R means that this color has 10% blackness, 70% chromaticness, and a hue has 40% redness and 60% yellowness.
This color is a bright and vivid orange with a slight reddish tint.
NCS S 1070-Y40R is a warm and cheerful orange that reminds you of ripe apricots or pumpkins.
Its HEX code is #F07800, and its RGB values are 240, 120, 0.
It is a lively and energetic orange color that stands out and attracts attention.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 1070-Y40R color

Picture with primary colors of Dark slate gray, Black, International orange (Safety orange), Steel blue and Pastel orange
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 1070-Y40R'

The Curious Case of the Colorful Trademark

Long time ago, far away, in the quaint village of Colorville, where every house was painted in vibrant hues, lived a farmer named Christian Arrow. Christian was known for his lush green fields and his peculiar love for colors. His barn was a rainbow of shades, each wall a different color, making it a local attraction.

One day, Christian received a letter from the Colorville Factory, the largest employer in the village. The letter was from Scarlett Chanel, a factory worker known for her creativity and flair for design. Scarlett had a problem and needed Christian's help.
Painting of a truck with a lot of pumpkins on the back of it's cab and a lot of smoke coming out of it. Color RGB 240,120,0.

"Dear Christian," the letter began, "We are designing a new trademark for our factory, and we want it to be unique and memorable. We've decided to use the color NCS S 1070-Y40R, but we can't figure out how to incorporate it effectively. Could you lend us your colorful expertise?"

Christian was intrigued. NCS S 1070-Y40R was a bold, bright yellow with a hint of red, a color that stood out like a sunflower in a field of daisies. He decided to visit the factory and see how he could help.

When Christian arrived at the factory, Scarlett greeted him with a warm smile. "Thank you for coming, Christian. We need a design that will make our trademark unforgettable, but we're stuck."

Christian looked around the factory, his eyes scanning the various machines and products. Then, he had an idea. "Why not use the color to create a symbol that represents both the factory and the village?"

Scarlett's eyes lit up. "What do you have in mind?"
Bright orange truck driving through a rocky area with flames coming out of it's tires and tires. Color NCS S 1070-Y40R.

Christian explained his vision. "We could design a logo that features a stylized sunflower, with the petals in NCS S 1070-Y40R. The sunflower represents growth and energy, just like your factory. And the color will make it stand out."

Scarlett loved the idea. They spent the next few days working together, combining Christian's knowledge of colors with Scarlett's design skills. They experimented with different shapes and patterns until they finally created the perfect logo: a radiant sunflower with bold yellow petals and a subtle red center.

When they unveiled the new trademark, the villagers were amazed. The logo was not only beautiful but also meaningful. It symbolized the harmony between the factory and the village, the blend of creativity and hard work.

The new trademark became a sensation. People from neighboring towns came to see the colorful sunflower, and the factory's products became more popular than ever. Christian and Scarlett's collaboration had created something truly special.

As they stood together, admiring their work, Scarlett turned to Christian and said, "Thank you for your help, Christian. You've shown us that sometimes, the most unusual ideas can lead to the most beautiful results."

Christian smiled. "And you've reminded me that creativity knows no bounds. It's amazing what we can achieve when we work together."

And so, the curious case of the colorful trademark became a beloved story in Colorville, a testament to the power of collaboration and the magic of colors.

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