Home Colors NCS
NCS S 1060-R20B

NCS S 1060-R20B

HEX Triplet:
239, 83, 142
0, 80, 15, 0
337°, 65%, 94%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Violet Red
in RAL Classic:
RAL 4003
in RAL Design:
RAL 010 60 45
in RAL Effect:
RAL 480-6
What color is NCS S 1060-R20B? The Enigma of NCS S 1060-R20B: A Colorful Conundrum
2024-08-30 Snargl 02:24

What color is NCS S 1060-R20B?

NCS S 1060-R20B color. Doll with pink hair and a pink jacket on a pink background
Pink sports car with a surfboard on top of it's roof is shown in a dark room. Example of RGB 239,83,142 color.
NCS S 1060-R20B color. Woman in a pink dress and a pink jacket in front of the eiffel tower in paris
Pink car is shown in a futuristic photo with bright lights behind it and a black background. Example of NCS S 1060-R20B color.
Pink desert with a star filled sky and a bright sun in the background. Example of CMYK 0,80,15,0 color.
Woman with pink hair and goggles on her head and a steampunky outfit on her shoulders. Color NCS S 1060-R20B.
NCS S 1060-R20B color example: Pink landscape with a mountain in the background
Pink fountain in a pink room with arches and arches around it. Example of CMYK 0,80,15,0 color.
Digital painting of a woman with pink hair and a pink dress with a white collar and white collar. Example of RGB 239,83,142 color.
NCS S 1060-R20B has a hue of R (red), a nuance of 20B (blue), and a chromaticness of 60%.
This means that it is a reddish color with a slight blue tint and a high saturation.
It is similar to the color of some roses, strawberries, or flamingos.
NCS S 1060-R20B is a beautiful and eye-catching color that can be used for various purposes, such as painting, design, or fashion.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 1060-R20B color

Picture with primary colors of Bulgarian rose, Vivid cerise, Burgundy, Baby pink and Cafe au lait
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 3007
RAL 4010
RAL 3032
RAL 1015
RAL 1011
RAL Design
RAL 040 20 19
RAL 360 50 50
RAL 030 30 45
RAL 010 80 20
RAL 040 50 30
RAL Effect
RAL 790-5
RAL 510-5
RAL 460-6
RAL 480-2
RAL 330-1
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 1060-R20B'

The Enigma of NCS S 1060-R20B: A Colorful Conundrum

Long time ago, far away, in the bustling city of Chromatopolis, where every building was a testament to the vibrant spectrum of colors, there lived a peculiar doctor named Karl Sirius. Dr. Sirius was not your average physician; he was a color psychologist, dedicated to understanding the profound effects of colors on the human psyche. His latest obsession was a color known as NCS S 1060-R20B, a hue so enigmatic that it was rumored to hold the key to ultimate happiness in interior design.

One sunny morning, as Dr. Sirius was deep in thought, pondering the mysteries of NCS S 1060-R20B, a loud knock echoed through his office. Enter Scarlett Stewart, a delivery worker with a knack for finding herself in the most unusual situations. Scarlett was carrying a large, mysterious package addressed to Dr. Sirius.
NCS S 1060-R20B color example: Man in a pink suit and blue shirt is posing for a picture with his hands in his pockets

"Good day, Doctor! I've got a special delivery for you," Scarlett announced with a grin.

Dr. Sirius, intrigued by the package, quickly signed for it and invited Scarlett to stay for a cup of tea. As they sipped their tea, Dr. Sirius explained his fascination with NCS S 1060-R20B.

"You see, Scarlett, this color is said to be the perfect balance of red and blue, creating a shade that evokes both passion and tranquility. But no one has been able to truly capture its essence in interior design," he explained.

Scarlett, always up for an adventure, suggested they open the package together. Inside, they found a peculiar device labeled "Chromatic Cognition Enhancer." According to the instructions, this device could help them understand the true essence of any color.

With a mix of excitement and skepticism, Dr. Sirius and Scarlett activated the device. Suddenly, the room was bathed in a surreal glow of NCS S 1060-R20B. The walls seemed to pulse with energy, and the air was filled with a strange, harmonious hum.

As they stood in awe, the device began to speak. "Welcome, seekers of chromatic truth. To understand NCS S 1060-R20B, you must embark on a journey through the realms of color."

Before they could react, Dr. Sirius and Scarlett were transported to a fantastical world where colors were alive and had personalities. They found themselves in the Kingdom of Reds, where the fiery hues danced with passion and intensity. The King of Reds, a flamboyant character named Crimsonius, greeted them warmly.
Pink winter scene with snow covered trees and a pink sky in the background. Color NCS S 1060-R20B.

"Ah, visitors from the world of Chromatopolis! What brings you to my vibrant domain?" Crimsonius boomed.

Dr. Sirius explained their quest to understand NCS S 1060-R20B. Crimsonius nodded thoughtfully. "To grasp the essence of this color, you must visit the other kingdoms and gather their wisdom."

Their next stop was the Realm of Blues, a serene and tranquil place ruled by Queen Azurea. The blues here were calm and soothing, like a gentle ocean breeze. Queen Azurea welcomed them with a serene smile.

"To understand NCS S 1060-R20B, you must find the balance between passion and tranquility," she advised.

Armed with this knowledge, Dr. Sirius and Scarlett continued their journey, visiting the Kingdom of Greens, where they learned about harmony, and the Land of Yellows, where they discovered the importance of joy and energy.

Finally, they arrived at the mystical Valley of Purples, where the wise Sage Violet resided. Sage Violet revealed the final piece of the puzzle. "NCS S 1060-R20B is not just a color; it's a state of mind. It embodies the perfect balance of all the emotions and energies you've encountered on your journey."

With this newfound understanding, Dr. Sirius and Scarlett were transported back to Chromatopolis. The room still glowed with the enchanting hue of NCS S 1060-R20B, but now it felt different. They could feel the balance and harmony it brought to the space.

Dr. Sirius, inspired by their adventure, began incorporating NCS S 1060-R20B into his interior design projects. The results were astounding. People who entered these spaces felt an immediate sense of calm and happiness, as if the color itself was speaking to their souls.

As for Scarlett, she continued her delivery work, but with a new appreciation for the power of colors. She often found herself sharing the story of their adventure with her customers, spreading the magic of NCS S 1060-R20B throughout Chromatopolis.

And so, the enigma of NCS S 1060-R20B was unraveled, not just as a color, but as a journey of discovery and balance. Dr. Karl Sirius and Scarlett Stewart became legends in the world of interior design, proving that sometimes, the most ridiculous and silly adventures can lead to the most profound truths.

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