Home Colors NCS
NCS S 1050-B90G

NCS S 1050-B90G

HEX Triplet:
144, 224, 184
55, 0, 44, 0
150°, 36%, 88%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Pearl Aqua
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6027
in RAL Design:
RAL 160 80 30
in RAL Effect:
RAL 740-3
What color is NCS S 1050-B90G? The Color Conundrum
2024-09-04 Snargl 02:12

What color is NCS S 1050-B90G?

Green vase with a flower in it on a table next to a lamp. Color CMYK 55,0,44,0.
NCS S 1050-B90G color. Girl with green hair and a pink dress with flowers in her hair and a pink dress
Green and white horse is in the water near a mountain range and trees and a river. Example of NCS S 1050-B90G color.
The color code consists of four parts: the letter S, the blackness value, the chromaticness value and the hue value.
The letter S stands for standardized color, meaning it is one of the 1950 predefined colors in the NCS system.
The blackness value indicates how dark the color is, ranging from 0% (white) to 100% (black).
The chromaticness value indicates how saturated the color is, ranging from 0% (gray) to 100% (pure color).
The hue value indicates the dominant wavelength of the color, using two letters and a number.
The letters can be Y (yellow), R (red), B (blue) or G (green), and the number indicates the percentage of the second letter in relation to the first letter.

NCS S 1050-B90G means that the color is a standardized color with 10% blackness, 50% chromaticness and a hue that is 90% blue and 10% green.
In other words, it is a light turquoise color with medium saturation.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 1050-B90G color

Picture with primary colors of Coffee, Pale robin egg blue, Light taupe, Jungle green and Pale chestnut
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 1050-B90G'

The Color Conundrum

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Coloropolis, there was an unusual problem that required an extraordinary solution. The prestigious Trademark Institute was on a quest to find the perfect shade for their newest logo. This wasn’t just any color - this was the enigmatic "NCS S 1050-B90G," a hue so rare it had become legendary among designers and color theorists.

The task was so complex that the Institute called upon two unlikely heroes: Iona Arrow, a car service worker with an uncanny knack for color, and Professor Jessica Chanel, a brilliant yet eccentric color theorist known for her whimsical experiments.
Close up of a green and white sea urchin on a coral reef with other corals in the background. Example of RGB 144,224,184 color.

Iona Arrow was a car service worker by day, but her true passion was mixing paint for her beloved custom car designs. She had a gift for understanding colors that seemed almost magical. Her garage was a canvas of swirling shades and bizarre combinations, from "Sunset Squirrel Orange" to "Midnight Marshmallow Blue."

Professor Jessica Chanel, on the other hand, was famous for her scholarly achievements and peculiar habits. Known to test color theories by painting her pets or even herself, Jessica had once spent an entire week only wearing outfits in various shades of green to understand its psychological effects. Her dedication to color was unmatched, but she often bordered on the absurd.

When the Trademark Institute approached them, it was clear that the challenge was more than just choosing a color; it was about understanding the essence of "NCS S 1050-B90G." This color was a greenish-blue with such specific proportions that it was said to hold magical properties. Rumors circulated that this color could influence people's emotions and even their decisions.

Iona and Jessica met in the Institute’s lab, a room filled with color swatches, scientific instruments, and an air of serious excitement. Iona was slightly out of place, her overalls stained with paint, while Jessica floated around in a gown made entirely of shimmering color charts.

"Welcome, Iona! I hope you’re ready for a colorful adventure!" Jessica chirped with a dramatic twirl.
Green seaweed on a sandy bottom with seaweed in the background. Color NCS S 1050-B90G.

Iona smiled, adjusting her paint-splattered cap. "I’m ready. But this whole ‘magical color’ thing sounds a bit far-fetched."

Jessica’s eyes sparkled. "Ah, but that’s where the fun begins! We need to understand not just the hue, but its impact on the human psyche and how it can be used effectively in a trademark."

The duo embarked on a series of zany experiments. They painted everything from inflatable dinosaurs to Jessica’s pet parrot, Sir Featherington, in varying shades of the elusive color. Iona meticulously analyzed how the color appeared under different lighting conditions, while Jessica conducted eccentric psychological tests - like asking people to solve riddles while surrounded by the color.

One particularly absurd experiment involved painting an entire room in "NCS S 1050-B90G" and observing how it affected the room’s echo. To their surprise, the room emitted a peculiar, melodious hum whenever someone spoke.

Through their unorthodox methods, they discovered something extraordinary. The color "NCS S 1050-B90G" had a calming effect on people, fostering creativity and cooperation. It turned out that its unique shade could harmonize conflicting ideas and promote innovative thinking - a perfect choice for a trademark aiming to inspire collaboration.

The Trademark Institute was astounded. They were so impressed by Iona and Jessica’s findings that they decided to incorporate the color into their logo, creating a trademark that not only represented innovation but also embodied harmony.

Iona and Jessica celebrated their success by painting the Institute’s lobby with a whimsical mural of their adventures, complete with dancing dinosaurs and a serenading parrot. They became local legends in Coloropolis, known for their imaginative approach to solving complex problems.

And so, the mysterious "NCS S 1050-B90G" became more than just a color; it was a symbol of creativity and teamwork, thanks to the colorful collaboration of Iona Arrow and Professor Jessica Chanel.

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