Home Colors NCS
NCS S 1030-G30Y

NCS S 1030-G30Y

HEX Triplet:
201, 238, 159
35, 0, 50, 0
88°, 33%, 93%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Tea Green
in RAL Classic:
RAL 1014
in RAL Design:
RAL 110 90 35
in RAL Effect:
RAL 230-1
What color is NCS S 1030-G30Y? The Shocking Brilliance of NCS S 1030-G30Y The Shocking Brilliance of NCS S 1030-G30Y The Shocking Brilliance of NCS S 1030-G30Y
2024-09-12 Snargl 03:10

What color is NCS S 1030-G30Y?

Green tin foil tray on a brown table top with a shadow of a person's hand on the bottom. Example of RGB 201,238,159 color.
NCS S 1030-G30Y color. Painting of a woman in a green jacket on a city street at night with street lights

Example of the palette with the NCS S 1030-G30Y color

Picture with primary colors of Rifle green, Shadow, Olive Green, Pastel gray and Dark jungle green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 7005-G50Y
NCS S 4010-Y30R
NCS S 2030-G70Y
NCS S 2500-N
NCS S 8005-B80G
RAL Classic
RAL 6014
RAL 6013
RAL 1002
RAL 9018
RAL 8022
RAL Design
RAL 120 30 20
RAL 080 50 20
RAL 100 70 40
RAL 080 80 05
RAL 160 20 20
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 1030-G30Y'

The Shocking Brilliance of NCS S 1030-G30Y

Marc Nova, a motion design artist known for his eccentric style, had a reputation for pushing boundaries. His latest project was no exception. He had just received an impossible challenge from a high-profile client: create a motion design that would blow their minds using a color they had never seen used effectively - NCS S 1030-G30Y. A murky, muddled green with a splash of yellow, the color seemed as though it couldn’t decide if it wanted to be fresh grass or a lemon that had given up on life.

Marc stared at the color swatch on his computer screen, his eyes squinting as if it might morph into something more useful if he just looked long enough. "How am I supposed to make this look good?" he muttered to himself, rubbing his temples.
Green room with two chairs and a table with a plant on it and a lamp on the side. Color NCS S 1030-G30Y.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Igor Korr, a delivery worker, was preparing for another day of dropping off packages and dodging stray dogs. Igor had a peculiar fondness for colors, though it was more out of habit than art. After all, he saw countless shades daily while delivering everything from neon signs to pastel furniture. Today, however, would be different.

Marc, in a moment of desperation, had placed a frantic order for a custom-made, large-scale print of NCS S 1030-G30Y, hoping that maybe seeing the color in real life would spark some inspiration. Igor was tasked with delivering this print.

When Igor arrived at Marc’s studio, he could sense something unusual in the air. The studio was plastered with wild designs and vibrant hues, but the atmosphere was thick with tension.

"Got a delivery for Mr. Marc Nova," Igor called out as he entered the studio.

Marc, who was pacing back and forth, froze mid-step. "You… you have it?"

Igor nodded and unrolled the print. The moment it was fully unwrapped, the room was flooded with the unmistakable, almost offensive presence of NCS S 1030-G30Y. Marc’s jaw dropped - not in awe, but in sheer shock. The color was even more grotesque in person.

Igor tilted his head, examining the print. "You know, it kind of looks like baby puke."

Marc snapped out of his daze. "That’s exactly the problem! I have no idea how to make this color work in a design. The client wants it to be the star of the show!"

Igor, who had a knack for thinking on his feet, shrugged. "Why not lean into it?"

Marc raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Make it so outrageous that it works. If this color’s going to be in the spotlight, make it dance - literally. Turn it into a character. Animate it as if it’s the life of the party. Embrace the chaos."

Marc blinked, considering Igor’s suggestion. "You mean… make the color itself the protagonist?"

Igor nodded. "Exactly. It’s so bizarre, it might just work."

Inspired by Igor’s unconventional idea, Marc dove back into his work with newfound energy. He animated NCS S 1030-G30Y as a zany, unpredictable character - bouncing around the screen, transforming into various shapes, and even doing a little jig. The color was no longer an eyesore; it was the highlight of the design, embodying everything weird, wild, and wonderful.

Days later, Marc sent the final design to the client. He braced himself for their reaction, fully expecting a scathing review. Instead, he received an ecstatic email praising his genius. They were thrilled with how he had taken an unattractive color and made it the star, turning something ugly into something unforgettable.

Marc couldn’t believe it. He owed it all to Igor, who had seen what he couldn’t - that sometimes, the best way to deal with a problem is to embrace it head-on and turn it into something comically shocking.

As for Igor, he went on with his deliveries, unaware that his offhand remark had just saved Marc’s career. But from that day forward, every time he saw NCS S 1030-G30Y, he couldn’t help but smile, knowing that somewhere, in some flashy design studio, it was probably dancing its heart out.

The Shocking Brilliance of NCS S 1030-G30Y

Marc Nova, a motion design artist known for his eccentric style, had a reputation for pushing boundaries. His latest project was no exception. He had just received an impossible challenge from a high-profile client: create a motion design that would blow their minds using a color they had never seen used effectively - NCS S 1030-G30Y. A murky, muddled green with a splash of yellow, the color seemed as though it couldn’t decide if it wanted to be fresh grass or a lemon that had given up on life.

Marc stared at the color swatch on his computer screen, his eyes squinting as if it might morph into something more useful if he just looked long enough. "How am I supposed to make this look good?" he muttered to himself, rubbing his temples.
Green cup with a white lid on a table with a green wall in the background. Example of RGB 201,238,159 color.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Igor Korr, a delivery worker, was preparing for another day of dropping off packages and dodging stray dogs. Igor had a peculiar fondness for colors, though it was more out of habit than art. After all, he saw countless shades daily while delivering everything from neon signs to pastel furniture. Today, however, would be different.

Marc, in a moment of desperation, had placed a frantic order for a custom-made, large-scale print of NCS S 1030-G30Y, hoping that maybe seeing the color in real life would spark some inspiration. Igor was tasked with delivering this print.

When Igor arrived at Marc’s studio, he could sense something unusual in the air. The studio was plastered with wild designs and vibrant hues, but the atmosphere was thick with tension.

"Got a delivery for Mr. Marc Nova," Igor called out as he entered the studio.

Marc, who was pacing back and forth, froze mid-step. "You… you have it?"

Igor nodded and unrolled the print. The moment it was fully unwrapped, the room was flooded with the unmistakable, almost offensive presence of NCS S 1030-G30Y. Marc’s jaw dropped - not in awe, but in sheer shock. The color was even more grotesque in person.

Igor tilted his head, examining the print. "You know, it kind of looks like baby puke."

Marc snapped out of his daze. "That’s exactly the problem! I have no idea how to make this color work in a design. The client wants it to be the star of the show!"

Igor, who had a knack for thinking on his feet, shrugged. "Why not lean into it?"

Marc raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Make it so outrageous that it works. If this color’s going to be in the spotlight, make it dance - literally. Turn it into a character. Animate it as if it’s the life of the party. Embrace the chaos."

Marc blinked, considering Igor’s suggestion. "You mean… make the color itself the protagonist?"

Igor nodded. "Exactly. It’s so bizarre, it might just work."

Inspired by Igor’s unconventional idea, Marc dove back into his work with newfound energy. He animated NCS S 1030-G30Y as a zany, unpredictable character - bouncing around the screen, transforming into various shapes, and even doing a little jig. The color was no longer an eyesore; it was the highlight of the design, embodying everything weird, wild, and wonderful.

Days later, Marc sent the final design to the client. He braced himself for their reaction, fully expecting a scathing review. Instead, he received an ecstatic email praising his genius. They were thrilled with how he had taken an unattractive color and made it the star, turning something ugly into something unforgettable.

Marc couldn’t believe it. He owed it all to Igor, who had seen what he couldn’t - that sometimes, the best way to deal with a problem is to embrace it head-on and turn it into something comically shocking.

As for Igor, he went on with his deliveries, unaware that his offhand remark had just saved Marc’s career. But from that day forward, every time he saw NCS S 1030-G30Y, he couldn’t help but smile, knowing that somewhere, in some flashy design studio, it was probably dancing its heart out.

The Shocking Brilliance of NCS S 1030-G30Y

Marc Nova, a motion design artist known for his eccentric style, had a reputation for pushing boundaries. His latest project was no exception. He had just received an impossible challenge from a high-profile client: create a motion design that would blow their minds using a color they had never seen used effectively - NCS S 1030-G30Y. A murky, muddled green with a splash of yellow, the color seemed as though it couldn’t decide if it wanted to be fresh grass or a lemon that had given up on life.

Marc stared at the color swatch on his computer screen, his eyes squinting as if it might morph into something more useful if he just looked long enough. "How am I supposed to make this look good?" he muttered to himself, rubbing his temples.
Green cup with a white lid on a table with a green wall in the background. Example of RGB 201,238,159 color.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Igor Korr, a delivery worker, was preparing for another day of dropping off packages and dodging stray dogs. Igor had a peculiar fondness for colors, though it was more out of habit than art. After all, he saw countless shades daily while delivering everything from neon signs to pastel furniture. Today, however, would be different.

Marc, in a moment of desperation, had placed a frantic order for a custom-made, large-scale print of NCS S 1030-G30Y, hoping that maybe seeing the color in real life would spark some inspiration. Igor was tasked with delivering this print.

When Igor arrived at Marc’s studio, he could sense something unusual in the air. The studio was plastered with wild designs and vibrant hues, but the atmosphere was thick with tension.

"Got a delivery for Mr. Marc Nova," Igor called out as he entered the studio.

Marc, who was pacing back and forth, froze mid-step. "You… you have it?"

Igor nodded and unrolled the print. The moment it was fully unwrapped, the room was flooded with the unmistakable, almost offensive presence of NCS S 1030-G30Y. Marc’s jaw dropped - not in awe, but in sheer shock. The color was even more grotesque in person.

Igor tilted his head, examining the print. "You know, it kind of looks like baby puke."

Marc snapped out of his daze. "That’s exactly the problem! I have no idea how to make this color work in a design. The client wants it to be the star of the show!"

Igor, who had a knack for thinking on his feet, shrugged. "Why not lean into it?"

Marc raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Make it so outrageous that it works. If this color’s going to be in the spotlight, make it dance - literally. Turn it into a character. Animate it as if it’s the life of the party. Embrace the chaos."

Marc blinked, considering Igor’s suggestion. "You mean… make the color itself the protagonist?"

Igor nodded. "Exactly. It’s so bizarre, it might just work."

Inspired by Igor’s unconventional idea, Marc dove back into his work with newfound energy. He animated NCS S 1030-G30Y as a zany, unpredictable character - bouncing around the screen, transforming into various shapes, and even doing a little jig. The color was no longer an eyesore; it was the highlight of the design, embodying everything weird, wild, and wonderful.

Days later, Marc sent the final design to the client. He braced himself for their reaction, fully expecting a scathing review. Instead, he received an ecstatic email praising his genius. They were thrilled with how he had taken an unattractive color and made it the star, turning something ugly into something unforgettable.

Marc couldn’t believe it. He owed it all to Igor, who had seen what he couldn’t - that sometimes, the best way to deal with a problem is to embrace it head-on and turn it into something comically shocking.

As for Igor, he went on with his deliveries, unaware that his offhand remark had just saved Marc’s career. But from that day forward, every time he saw NCS S 1030-G30Y, he couldn’t help but smile, knowing that somewhere, in some flashy design studio, it was probably dancing its heart out.

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