NCS S 1010-Y50R
What color is NCS S 1010-Y50R?
S stands for standardized, which means that this color is part of the NCS standard collection of 1950 colors.
1010 indicates the blackness and chromaticness of the color.
The first two digits (10) represent the percentage of blackness, which is the degree of darkness of the color.
The second two digits (10) represent the percentage of chromaticness, which is the degree of saturation or purity of the color.
A higher value means a darker or more saturated color.
In this case, 1010 means that this color has 10% blackness and 10% chromaticness, which is a light and muted color.Y50R indicates the hue of the color.
The letter (Y) represents the main hue, which is one of the four elementary colors in the NCS system: yellow (Y), red (R), blue (B), and green (G).
The number (50) represents the percentage of the secondary hue, which is the adjacent elementary color on the color circle.
The letter (R) represents the secondary hue, which is also an elementary color.
In this case, Y50R means that this color is a yellow hue with 50% of red, which is a warm and orange color.
Additional values for NCS S 1010-Y50R :
The CMYK code of this color is 0, 15, 25, 0, which means that it is composed of 0% cyan, 15% magenta, 25% yellow, and 0% black.
It is used for printing purposes.The RGB code of this color is 255, 228, 199, which means that it is composed of 255 red, 228 green, and 199 blue.
This code is used for digital display purposes.The HSL code of this color is 31, 22, 100, which means that it has a hue of 31 degrees, a saturation of 22%, and a lightness of 100%.
It is used for color manipulation purposes.The HEX code of this color is #FFE4C7, which is a shorthand notation for the RGB code.
This code is used for web design purposes.
Example of the palette with the NCS S 1010-Y50R color
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
The Marvelous Misadventures of Shivansh and Raj: The NCS S 1010-Y50R Revolution
Shivansh was known for his impeccable taste and flair for the dramatic. He could sell a bucket of paint to a rainbow. Raj, on the other hand, was a humble factory worker with a knack for mixing colors. His hands were always stained with the hues of the day, and his heart was full of dreams of creating the perfect color.
One sunny morning, Shivansh was arranging the latest paint samples when he stumbled upon a peculiar shade labeled "NCS S 1010-Y50R." It was a vibrant, almost mischievous yellow with a hint of red, like a sunbeam with a secret. Intrigued, Shivansh decided to showcase this new color in the store's display.
Meanwhile, at Pigment Paradise, Raj was busy mixing a batch of the same color. He had spent weeks perfecting the formula, ensuring it had the right balance of brightness and warmth. Little did he know, his creation was about to become the talk of the town.
As Shivansh set up the display, he couldn't help but notice the reactions of the customers. Some were puzzled, others intrigued, but one thing was certain: NCS S 1010-Y50R was causing quite a stir. Determined to make it a hit, Shivansh decided to host a grand unveiling event, complete with refreshments and a live demonstration.
The day of the event arrived, and the store was packed with curious onlookers. Shivansh, dressed in his finest attire, took the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "prepare to be dazzled by the latest innovation in interior design: NCS S 1010-Y50R!"
With a flourish, he unveiled a room painted entirely in the new color. The crowd gasped in awe. The walls seemed to glow with a warm, inviting light, transforming the space into a cozy haven. Shivansh beamed with pride, but little did he know, the real magic was yet to come.
Just as the applause died down, Raj burst into the store, covered in paint and out of breath. "Shivansh!" he called out, "I need your help!"
The crowd turned to see the disheveled factory worker, and Shivansh's eyes widened in surprise. "Raj? What are you doing here?"
Raj explained that there had been a mix-up at the factory, and they had accidentally produced an entire batch of NCS S 1010-Y50R with a slight variation. Instead of the usual yellow-red hue, it had a hint of blue, creating a unique, chameleon-like effect.
Shivansh's eyes lit up with excitement. "This is perfect!" he exclaimed. "We'll call it 'Chameleon Sunshine' and make it the highlight of the event!"
With Raj's help, Shivansh quickly set up a new display, showcasing the chameleon-like properties of the modified color. As the light in the room changed, so did the color of the walls, shifting from a warm yellow to a cool blue and back again. The crowd was mesmerized.
Word of the new color spread like wildfire, and soon, everyone in Colorville wanted a piece of the Chameleon Sunshine. Shivansh and Raj became local celebrities, hailed as the dynamic duo who revolutionized interior design.
As the weeks went by, the two friends continued to collaborate, creating new and exciting colors that captivated the hearts of Colorville's residents. And so, the marvelous misadventures of Shivansh and Raj continued, proving that sometimes, the most unexpected partnerships can lead to the most extraordinary results.