Home Colors NCS
NCS S 0907-R10B

NCS S 0907-R10B

HEX Triplet:
244, 228, 224
0, 10, 7, 5
12°, 8%, 96%
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What color is NCS S 0907-R10B? The Curious Case of NCS S 0907-R10B
2024-08-30 Snargl 02:10

What color is NCS S 0907-R10B?

Living room with a couch and a table in it with a painting on the wall behind it and a large window. Example of CMYK 0,10,7,5 color.
Snow covered road with a snow covered forest in the background. Example of CMYK 0,10,7,5 color.
Beautiful view of a building with a lot of flowers in the foreground. Color NCS S 0907-R10B.
NCS is widely used in design, architecture, and industry, as it allows for precise communication and matching of colors.

The NCS color code consists of two parts: a hue and a nuance.

The hue indicates the position of the color on the NCS color circle, which is divided into four basic colors: yellow (Y), red (R), blue (B), and green (G).

The hue is denoted by a letter and a number, where the letter indicates the closest basic color and the number indicates the percentage of the adjacent basic color.

For example, R10B means 10% blue and 90% red.

The nuance indicates the proportion of blackness (s), chromaticness (c), and whiteness (w) of the color.

The nuance is denoted by an S followed by two numbers, where the first number indicates the percentage of blackness and the second number indicates the percentage of chromaticness.

The percentage of whiteness is calculated by subtracting the sum of blackness and chromaticness from 100.

For example, S 0907 means 9% blackness, 7% chromaticness, and 84% whiteness.

Therefore, NCS S 0907-R10B is a color with a hue of 10% blue and 90% red, and a nuance of 9% blackness, 7% chromaticness, and 84% whiteness.

This color can be described as a very light and soft pink, with a slight bluish tint.
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 0907-R10B'

The Curious Case of NCS S 0907-R10B

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Amsterdam, there lived a design student named Iona Sirius. Iona was known for her quirky ideas and her love for experimenting with colors. One day, while browsing through a color catalog, she stumbled upon a shade that caught her eye: NCS S 0907-R10B. It was a peculiar shade of blue with a hint of red, almost like a blueberry trying to be a raspberry. Intrigued, Iona decided to make this color the centerpiece of her next project.

Meanwhile, in the glamorous world of fashion, top model Hubert McLeod was preparing for the biggest runway show of the year. Hubert was famous not just for his striking looks but also for his willingness to take risks with his outfits. His motto was, "If it's not bold, it's not worth wearing."
Robot standing in the middle of a storm with lightning in the background. Example of CMYK 0,10,7,5 color.

As fate would have it, Iona's design project and Hubert's runway show were about to collide in the most unexpected way.

Iona's project was to redesign the interior of a local café. She envisioned a space that was both cozy and vibrant, a place where people could relax and feel energized at the same time. And so, she decided to paint the entire café in NCS S 0907-R10B. Walls, furniture, even the ceiling – everything was bathed in this unusual color.

The café owner, Mr. Van der Meer, was skeptical at first. "Are you sure about this color, Iona? It looks... unusual."

"Trust me, Mr. Van der Meer," Iona replied confidently. "This color will make your café the talk of the town."

And indeed, it did. The café became an instant sensation. People flocked to see the bizarre yet strangely appealing color scheme. It was as if they had stepped into a surreal painting. The café's popularity soared, and Iona's reputation as a bold designer was cemented.
Robot standing in a field of flowers with a castle in the background. Color RGB 244,228,224.

Word of the café's unique design reached the ears of Hubert McLeod. Always on the lookout for something new and exciting, he decided to visit the café. The moment he stepped inside, he was mesmerized by the color. It was unlike anything he had ever seen.

"This color is fantastic!" Hubert exclaimed. "I must have an outfit in this shade for my next runway show."

Iona, who happened to be at the café, overheard Hubert's excitement. She introduced herself and offered to design an outfit for him using NCS S 0907-R10B. Hubert agreed, and the two began working together on the project.

The day of the runway show arrived, and Hubert stepped onto the stage wearing a stunning suit in NCS S 0907-R10B. The audience gasped in awe. The color seemed to change with the light, creating a mesmerizing effect. Hubert strutted down the runway with confidence, knowing he was wearing something truly unique.

Backstage, Iona watched with bated breath. She had taken a huge risk with this color, and it had paid off spectacularly. The audience erupted in applause, and Hubert's outfit became the highlight of the show.

After the show, Hubert and Iona were inundated with requests from designers and fashion houses wanting to use NCS S 0907-R10B in their collections. The color became a sensation, and Iona's career skyrocketed.

From that day on, NCS S 0907-R10B was known as the "Magic Blue," a color that could transform any space or outfit into something extraordinary. And it all started with a quirky design student and a daring top model who weren't afraid to take a chance on something unusual.

And so, the curious case of NCS S 0907-R10B became a legend in the world of design and fashion, proving that sometimes, the most unexpected choices can lead to the most spectacular results.

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