Home Colors NCS
NCS S 0550-Y30R

NCS S 0550-Y30R

HEX Triplet:
247, 153, 59
0, 48, 80, 0
30°, 76%, 97%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Deep saffron
in RAL Classic:
RAL 2003
in RAL Design:
RAL 060 70 70
in RAL Effect:
RAL 380-5
What color is NCS S 0550-Y30R? The Curious Case of NCS S 0550-Y30R
2024-09-03 Snargl 02:12

What color is NCS S 0550-Y30R?

NCS S 0550-Y30R color example: Painting of a sandwich and oranges on a plate with a pitcher of water and a vase of oranges
Desert landscape with sand dunes and a sun setting in the distance. Color #F7993B.
Toy dinosaur is standing in a gym area with a barbell rack in the background. Example of NCS S 0550-Y30R color.
NCS S 0550-Y30R
Is a color that I adore
It reminds me of a peach
Or a sunset at the beach

It is not too bright or dull
It has a warm and cozy feel
It is perfect for a wall
Or a cushion or a shawl

But don’t ask me to pronounce it
It’s a code that makes no sense
It sounds like a robot’s name
Or a secret agent’s game

Example of the palette with the NCS S 0550-Y30R color

Picture with primary colors of Caput mortuum, Antique brass, Titian, Cool grey and AuroMetalSaurus
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 3005
RAL 3012
RAL 2001
RAL 7001
RAL 9023
RAL Design
RAL 020 20 29
RAL 040 60 30
RAL 060 50 60
RAL 260 60 15
RAL 180 50 05
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 0550-Y30R'

The Curious Case of NCS S 0550-Y30R

Long time ago, in the bustling city of Chromaville, where colors ruled supreme, Sonja Nova, an ambitious entrepreneur with a penchant for the unusual, and Jessica McLeod, a brilliant but quirky engineer, were about to embark on a peculiar adventure.

Sonja had a grand idea to revolutionize the world of interior design. She envisioned a new paint line that would dazzle the city. But there was one catch: she wanted to base her entire line on a color so enigmatic it was almost mythical. That color was NCS S 0550-Y30R.
Girl with long red hair and a castle in the background. Example of NCS S 0550-Y30R color.

Jessica, known for her eccentric experiments and unparalleled engineering skills, was Sonja’s go-to problem solver. She loved challenges, but this one was a doozy. NCS S 0550-Y30R was reputed to be the most elusive hue, a baffling blend of yellow and red that shifted with the light.

"Why this color, Sonja?" Jessica asked, peering at the tiny swatch that seemed to oscillate between being bright yellow and a deep orange. "It’s like trying to catch a rainbow in a jar."

Sonja grinned. "Because, Jessica, I believe it holds the key to capturing the essence of emotional transformation! Imagine a room painted in this color - one moment it’s invigorating, the next it’s soothing. It’s perfect for our revolutionary line!"

Determined to understand this mystifying color, Jessica concocted a plan. She created a "Color Cognition Machine," a contraption that looked like a cross between a disco ball and a coffee maker. The machine had a series of dials and levers, each labeled with terms like "Mood" and "Emotion."

On the day of the grand test, Sonja and Jessica stood in front of the machine, excitement crackling in the air. Jessica flipped the switch, and the machine whirred to life, projecting NCS S 0550-Y30R onto the walls of their lab.

"Now, let’s see how it behaves!" Jessica announced, twirling a dial labeled "Intensity."

At first, the color was a bright, cheerful yellow. Jessica adjusted the dial, and suddenly the color shifted to a warm, comforting orange. Sonja beamed.

"This is incredible! It’s like the color itself is alive."
NCS S 0550-Y30R color. Woman with orange hair and a smile on her face

But as Jessica continued fiddling with the dials, the color began to behave strangely. It morphed into various shades and patterns, and soon, the lab looked like a kaleidoscope on roller skates.

"Whoa!" Sonja exclaimed, trying to steady herself. "I didn’t expect it to be quite so… energetic."

The machine buzzed and beeped, and just as Jessica was about to panic, the color abruptly turned into a swirling mix of neon green and polka dots.

"Uh, Jessica? Is that supposed to happen?" Sonja asked, eyeing the psychedelic spectacle.

Jessica looked at the machine with wide eyes. "I might have overclocked it. Just a smidge."

The machine sputtered and with a final flash of color, everything went silent. The room was bathed in a calm, soothing shade of NCS S 0550-Y30R. The colors of chaos had resolved into a serene blend, exactly as Sonja had envisioned.

Sonja and Jessica looked at each other, both breathless and laughing.

"We did it!" Sonja said, embracing Jessica. "This color really does embody transformation. It can go from energetic to serene with just a flick of the dial."

Jessica grinned, still recovering from the color-induced whirlwind. "I suppose it’s safe to say we’ve mastered the art of emotional color."

And so, Sonja’s new paint line launched with great success, and the Color Cognition Machine became a beloved piece of their quirky lab. The citizens of Chromaville marveled at how their rooms could shift moods with the touch of a switch, all thanks to the curious case of NCS S 0550-Y30R and the inventive genius of Sonja Nova and Jessica McLeod.

As for the two friends, they continued to explore the world of colors, always ready for the next brilliant - and possibly bizarre - adventure.

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