Home Colors NCS
NCS S 0520-B10G

NCS S 0520-B10G

HEX Triplet:
211, 242, 247
25, 0, 6, 0
188°, 15%, 97%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 9003
in RAL Design:
RAL 200 92 05
in RAL Effect:
RAL 180-6
What color is NCS S 0520-B10G? The Great NCS S 0520-B10G Incident: A Tale of Colorful Chaos
2024-08-30 Snargl 01:10

What color is NCS S 0520-B10G?

NCS S 0520-B10G color example: Snowman with a hat and scarf on in the snow in a city at night time with a street light in the background
Woman with a short haircut and a blue top is standing in a hallway. Example of RGB 211,242,247 color.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 0520-B10G color

Picture with primary colors of Almond, Field drab, Cadet blue, Medium jungle green and Cadet
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 1013
RAL 8008
RAL 5024
RAL 6009
RAL 7031
RAL Design
RAL 080 90 10
RAL 080 40 40
RAL 190 60 20
RAL 180 20 15
RAL 240 40 10
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 0520-B10G'

The Great NCS S 0520-B10G Incident: A Tale of Colorful Chaos

It was a quiet Wednesday afternoon in the quaint town of Hueville, where people lived simple lives, blissfully unaware of the color-coded chaos about to unfold. Dr. Karl Takemura, an eccentric interior designer with a passion for experimentation, was just about to embark on his most ambitious project yet - a revolutionary room design concept that would shake the very foundations of color theory. The star of his groundbreaking idea? The color NCS S 0520-B10G, a shade so obscure that even paint suppliers had trouble finding it on their charts.

Dr. Takemura had always been a man of peculiar tastes. Known in design circles as "The Mad Doctor of Décor," he had successfully convinced people to paint their ceilings plaid, their walls zebra-striped, and their floors polka-dotted. But this time, he was determined to create something so extraordinary that it would change the way people thought about color forever.
Room with a couch, table and potted plants on the floor and a blue wall with a sky background. Example of NCS S 0520-B10G color.

His vision? To make every object in a room the exact same color as the walls, creating a seamless blend between furniture and background that would make the room itself seem to disappear. It was to be an immersive experience where the room's boundaries dissolved, leaving one to question the very fabric of reality. And the color that would bring this grand illusion to life? None other than NCS S 0520-B10G, a delicate shade of bluish-green that, in the right light, appeared almost otherworldly.

Enter Maximilian Frost, a delivery worker known for his impeccable timing and almost supernatural ability to navigate the labyrinthine streets of Hueville. Maximilian had delivered everything from oversized sofas to tiny teacups, but nothing could have prepared him for the strange package awaiting him at the local depot that day.

The box was unremarkable, save for the cryptic label: "NCS S 0520-B10G - Handle with Extreme Caution." Maximilian shrugged, chalking it up to another one of those odd design requests he’d become accustomed to. However, as he loaded the package into his van, he couldn't shake the feeling that this was no ordinary paint.

Meanwhile, back at his studio, Dr. Takemura was meticulously preparing for the grand unveiling of his magnum opus. He had spent weeks planning every detail, from the precise placement of the furniture to the exact positioning of the light fixtures. The room had been stripped bare, awaiting the final touch - the application of the mysterious NCS S 0520-B10G.

As Maximilian pulled up to the studio, he noticed a strange, almost magnetic pull towards the package in the back of his van. He hesitated for a moment before shaking off the sensation, attributing it to a lack of sleep. He grabbed the box and made his way inside, where Dr. Takemura was waiting with bated breath.

"Maximilian, my good man! You have no idea how vital this delivery is to the future of design!" Dr. Takemura exclaimed, nearly leaping with excitement. "Inside this box lies the key to transcending the boundaries of color!"

Maximilian, who had heard more than his fair share of designer hyperbole, simply nodded and handed over the box. As soon as the doctor opened it, a faint glow emanated from within, casting a surreal light across the room. Both men stood in awe, captivated by the ethereal beauty of the NCS S 0520-B10G paint.

"Now, Maximilian, I need your assistance in applying this masterpiece. Together, we shall create a room so immersive that it will defy the very laws of perception!" Dr. Takemura declared, thrusting a paintbrush into Maximilian's hand.

With a sense of apprehension, Maximilian dipped the brush into the paint. As he began to apply the color to the wall, something extraordinary happened - the wall began to disappear. Or rather, it appeared to disappear, blending so perfectly with the surrounding objects that it became nearly impossible to distinguish where one ended and the other began.

As they continued to paint, the effect grew even more pronounced. The furniture, once separate and distinct, now seemed to melt into the walls. The room began to play tricks on their eyes, creating optical illusions that made it difficult to tell up from down, left from right. Maximilian’s head spun as he struggled to maintain his balance in the increasingly disorienting space.

Just as they finished painting the final corner, there was a loud crash. Maximilian turned to see that Dr. Takemura had tripped over a now-invisible chair and was sprawled out on the floor, which, to his horror, also seemed to be vanishing beneath him.

"Maximilian! Help me!" Dr. Takemura cried out, flailing his arms as if he were sinking into quicksand. But Maximilian, in his disoriented state, couldn't find his way to the doctor. The room had become a maze of indistinguishable shapes and colors, a veritable Bermuda Triangle of interior design.

Panicked, Maximilian reached for his phone to call for help, but when he looked down, he couldn't see his hand - only the faintest outline of it against the NCS S 0520-B10G background. The paint had started to blend with their very beings, making them a part of the room itself.

"Doc, this room is eating us alive!" Maximilian shouted, his voice echoing strangely in the featureless void.
Bedroom with a blue floor and a white bed and a mirror on the wall above it and a chair. Color #D3F2F7.

Dr. Takemura, ever the optimist, attempted to rationalize the situation. "Nonsense! This is merely the next phase of the experiment. We’ve simply...become one with the design!"

But even the doctor had to admit that things were getting out of hand. As the room continued to blur the lines between reality and illusion, the doorbell rang. The sound was so jarring in the otherwise surreal environment that both men froze.

Maximilian, now half-transparent, stumbled towards the door, which he could barely make out. He managed to open it, revealing a bewildered delivery worker holding yet another package.

"Uh, delivery for Dr. Takemura?" the worker stammered, eyes wide as he took in the bizarre scene.

Maximilian took the package with a shaky hand. "Doc, what is this?"

Dr. Takemura, who was now floating - yes, floating - mid-air, squinted at the label on the box. It read: "NCS S 0520-B10G - Corrected Formula."

There was a long, awkward silence as the implications of this new delivery sank in.

"Maximilian," Dr. Takemura said slowly, "I think we may have used the wrong batch."

The realization hit them both like a ton of bricks. The paint they had so eagerly applied was a botched formula, a freak accident of color chemistry that had turned their dream project into a living nightmare.

But there was no time to dwell on regrets. With their bodies and minds slowly dissolving into the room, they had only one option left - paint over the madness with the corrected formula and hope it would reverse the effects.

With trembling hands, Maximilian and Dr. Takemura grabbed new brushes and dipped them into the new paint. As they hurriedly applied it to the walls, the room began to regain its structure. Colors reasserted themselves, and the boundaries between objects became clear once more.

After what felt like an eternity, the room was finally back to normal. Dr. Takemura, lying on the floor in exhaustion, looked around at the now perfectly ordinary room and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Well," he said, "that was...a bit more immersive than I intended."

Maximilian, still shaking, could only nod. "Doc, next time you have a bright idea, maybe stick with something a little less...paranormal."

Dr. Takemura chuckled weakly. "Agreed, my friend. Perhaps we’ll stick to plain old NCS S 0500-N next time."

And so, the infamous NCS S 0520-B10G incident became a legend in Hueville, a cautionary tale of what can happen when you push the boundaries of design just a little too far. As for Dr. Takemura and Maximilian Frost, they both swore off experimental colors for a good long while, content to stick with hues that didn’t threaten to erase them from existence.

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